Raja Naga and the Scaled Nations

Unknown to any of the civilisations of the Protectorates, Novalucca or the Shimmerlands and even the mighty Lords of Fire in The Gleaming City, their lies a mysterious continent on the opposite side of Shadowfire. It is a land of steaming jungles and swamps, crossed by chains of volcanic mountain ranges and is ruled by the dragon kin, descendants of the Bloodforged created during the Bloodstone Wars that were believed to have been wiped out during The Destruction.  
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Much was lost, but the Dragons used their magic to survive, and protect and guide their reptilian, avian and draconic kin through the chaos.   They were the first to re-establish order after the Destruction and have actively saught to hide their presence from those on the other side of the world.     The dragons sought atonement for the tragedy of The Godling Wars and subsequent Destruction, and saw the use of divine power as the source of all ills.  The Republic they founded after the Destruction sought to oppose these forces of subjugation and control to any power, and encourage self-rule, collaboration and the advancement of knowledge free from the divine.  They embraced learning and innovation, science, magic, arts and expression and founded their cities in the Jungles of Raja Naga as seats of learning.   The Republic is divided into numerous states, divided roughly by the primary geographic regions of the Raj. These are:
  • Raja Naga - the vast mainland, which spreads from the sunside mountains to the expanses of jungle in the west.
  • Raja Kirali - the great peninsula to the south where the vast aviaries of the avian kin fly in the twilight skies.
  • Raja K-Toi and Raja Salita - the two island continents shadow side are ruled by cold-adapted avians, and other dragonkin adapted to the cold
  The Government is a highly democratic and distributed series of city states.  Representations from local towns are elected or chosen by the people of those areas, and act as delegates to the seats of learning.
Shadowfire Global Map
by Ononomad


Raja Naga is vast, dominated by jungle, swamps and volcanic ranges, with a huge mountain range in the east protecting from the deserts and fires of the sun-side wastes.  To the west the junlges make way to temperate rain forests and plains of grass on the shores of the tropical seas.   Raja Kirali is largely mountainous, cooling at the higher altitudes, but protected from the worst of the prevailing winds from shadowside.     The northern-most island continent is know as Raja Salita. It consists of wide valleys of rich volcanic earth, and is warmed by ocean currents that bring a moastly temperate clime.   The southern most island continent, Raja K'Toi, is much colder. It is a windswept land of barren rocky steppes covered with snowdrifts, and is sparsely populated.

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