Fumayan Keepers

Khemra doesn't have many Keepers in Fumaya, but one of them, Jaromir, is an advisor to the King.    Most Keepers are in the capital.  They only have one small temple outside of the capital and it's still under construction in the Duchy of Zimoz.   While still based on the capital, Jaromir has instructed his subordinates to reach out to their parishioners directly and a number of Fumayan Keepers run circuits visiting Khemra shrines all over Fumaya presiding over religious services as they do so.  

Members by rank

  58 full members and 27 acolytes   Apogee First Class   Jaromir of the Zenith, ranking Fumayan kinger and liason to the royal throne of Fumaya.   Apogee Second Class  
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Udom of the Zenith, political liason to the northern regions of Fumayan and advisor to the ducal throne of Zimoz.   Nour of the Day, administrative head of the Fumayan Keepers.
  Aurum First Class  
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Havro of the Dusk, master at arms for all Fumayan Keepers.   Demid of the Day, head of rituals and worship for the Fumayan Keepers   Zara of the Dawn, head of education and training for the Fumayan Keepers.
  Aurum Second Class  
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Kormatin of the Dusk, elite warrior of the Fumayan Keepers, representative of Order of the Lantern, and the King's Investigator.   Otylia of the Day, quarter master and mistress of Coin for the Fumayan Keepers   Aurum Nylian of the Day, chief ritual coordinator for Fumaya's southern three duchies.   Aurum Ewilina of the Day, chief ritual coordinator for Fumaya's northern two duchies and Polnoc   Aurum Kamilia of the Dawn, chief archivist of the Fumayan Keepers.
  Ahenius, seasoned  
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8 Dusk, competant warriors, two with modest theurgy   Aheneus Manuel of the Dusk, the best equestrian among the Fumayan Keepers.   2 Zenith, flunkies assistants to Apogee Jaromir   3 Dawn, basically, two teacher's assistants Zara and Kamalia and one pro-Khemra kindergarten/grade school teacher.   20 Day, localized clerics, errand runners, transcribers, tutors to lay people, messengers, etc. Five are theurgists, mostly Purifiers,
    Aheneus, newly minted  
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10 Dusk, 1 Dawn, 7 Day including the names below   Aheneus Estalar of the Dawn has got a lot of eyes on him as a half-satyr bardic theurgist.   Aheneus Donal of the Dusk, the rookie warrior to watch.   Aheneus Dosia of the Day, the youngest non-warrior theurgist in the Fumayan Keepers.
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15 Day, 12 Dusk, mostly under the age of majority. There has been a recruitment surge because Jaromir has made that a priority and Kormatin and Neshik have given the Fumayan Keepers a lot of good press.   The Dusk acolytes, especially, hang on every word of Kormatin's great deeds.

Organization by Order

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Jaromir coordinates all formal exchanges between the Keepers and the landed nobles of Fumaya, and he is a personal advisor to the king. His position as advisor to the king is technically separate from the Keepers because the king can let him go at any time.   Udom is a personal advisor to Duke Zimoz. Informally, he is also the main Keeper liaison to the County of Polnoc and the Duchy of Frymar. Udom is the Marshal of Zimoz. This is technically separate.   There are two other Zenith members at the Ahenius that are basically assistants/flunkies/messengers for Jaromir.
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Aurum Havro was promoted after Udom was promoted, so that Havro could fill Udom’s spot.   Havro coordinates deployment of the Dusk members but his main task is training, now more than ever.   Jaromir wants every Keeper to know the basics of weapons regardless of their Order, so Havro is quite busy.   Also, given the state of things in Fumaya, Jaromir wants to avoid any Keeper traveling cross country without a Dusk escort.   Kormatin is by far the most powerful Dusk warrior in Fumaya, but he is usually running quests independently on behalf of the king (which technically is independent of the Keepers). He rarely takes orders from within the Keeper hierarchy and even more rarely issues orders to subordinates.   There are eight Aheneus Dusk warriors and 10 warriors newly minted as Aheneus. There are 12 younger acolytes looking the join the Dusk eventually.   Most of the older acolytes are recent recruits from the militia soldiery who are now training to be Keepers. Most of the younger acolytes are basically Keepers training to be warriors.
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Apogee Nour controls the duty roster for all of the Fumayan Keepers and coordinates rituals in the Duchy of Linijka.   Aurum Demid is the chief ritual coordinator for all of Fumaya and the primary liason to the rest of Fumaya's Nonagon and the Cult of the Compact. Demid refused an opportunity to be transferred to Zenith (while keeping his job description more or less intact).   Aurum Otylia is essentially the Fumayan Keeper’s quartermaster and Mistress of Coin.   Aurum Ewilina is an assistant to both Nour and Udom by handling religious ceremony set up and basic administration in Frymar, Zimoz, and Polnoc.   Aurum Nylian basically does the same thing helping with logistics and religious ceremonies in Palbuc, Wiern, and Palbuc.   There are 20 seasoned Aheneus Day members, primarily helping with basic worship ceremonies as well as temple upkeep and especially library upkeep. There are seven newly minted members of the Day and roughly 15 younger acolytes looking to the join the Day order eventually.
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Aurum Zara is basically the headmistress for all classroom aspects of the Fumayan Keepers and is the resident chief scholar for the Fumayan Keepers.   She is personally tutoring Krogresli the visiting Eclipsed Caste dwarf and is also working with three acolyte kalazotz Khemra clerics to develop bat-friendly Khemra ceremonies.   Aurum Kamilia is the chief archivist/librarian.   At the Aheneas, they have two assistant teachers for the older members and one kindergarten style teacher to spread Khemra values among the kiddies. And they also Aheneus Estalar as a goodwill ambassador but it is likely he won't stay in the Dawn Order very long. Zara is pushing Jaromir to give her more teaching assistants.

Honored Guests

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Krogresli of the Eclipse and her body guard Kolgulf are honored guests of the Fumayan Keepers and they are integrated into the duty roster.   Krogresli is tutored by Zara and contributes to daily chores just like the younger human Day members. Kolgulf assists Aurum Havro with his duties as a combat instructor.   Both dwarves are still The Sóleið and they are not planning to change their affiliation though they do expect to stay in Fumaya at least a year or two.   Three kalazotz are also honored guests (two female, one male). They are training to be priests/priestesses of Khemra. They stated that they want to be friendly with the global priesthood of Khemra but they don't want to join it. They want to develop their own worship rituals and traditions. Aurum Zara is eager to assist them with this.   This breach of orthodoxy would ordinarily require the stamp of approval from an Eclipse-Touched to fly with the Tower of the Sun, but fortunately there is Eclipse-Touched on hand that is happy to endorse this outreach endeavor.   Theoretically, there could be pushback because Krogresli is not of age yet, but in the unlikely event there is pushback she is going to ask the Pentarchy's representative, "Are there are any Eclipse-Touched in Scarterra with more exposure to kalazotz than me whom I should defer to?"

Articles under Fumayan Keepers

Aheneus Donal of the Dusk
Character | Aug 8, 2024

The Fumayan Keeper's most promising rookie warrior

Aheneus Dosia of the Day
Character | Aug 8, 2024

brainy newly anointed Keeper theurgist

Aheneus Estalar of the Dawn
Character | Aug 21, 2024

a rare musical Keeper

Aheneus Manuel of the Dusk
Character | Aug 21, 2024

The Fumayan Keeper's best equestrian

Aheneus Zelislaw of the Dusk
Character | Aug 8, 2024

late blooming Khemra theurgist

Apogee Jaromir of the Zenith
Character | Apr 11, 2023

Leader of Fumaya's Keepers and the official chaplain to the king

Apogee Nour of the Day
Character | Aug 8, 2024

The Fumayan Keeper's Administrative Head

Apogee Udom of the Zenith
Character | Aug 8, 2024

The Keeper's liason to the House Zimoz and the House Zimoz Master at Arms

Aurum Demid of the Day
Character | Aug 6, 2024

The Fumayan Keeper's master of ceremonies

Aurum Ewilina of the Day
Character | Aug 8, 2024

semi-retired Dusk warrior now coordinating rituals

Aurum Havro of the Dusk
Character | Aug 8, 2024

the Fumayan Keeper's Master at Arms

Aurum Kamilia of the Dawn
Character | Aug 8, 2024

The Fumayan Keeper's chief archivist

Aurum Nylian of the Day
Character | Aug 8, 2024

The ritual coordinator for the Keeper's in Fumaya's foot

Aurum Otylia of the Day
Character | Aug 6, 2024

The Fumayan Keepers main quartermaster and Mistress of Coin

Aurum Zara of the Dawn
Character | Aug 8, 2024

the Fumayan Keepers headmistress of education

Grand Khemra Temple of Fumaya
Building / Landmark | Jan 27, 2024

the Keeper's main and only real temple in Fumaya

Cover image: by Me using Nightcafe


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