Session 1 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 1

General Summary

The next morning, Cardinal O'Connor turned up at the party's rooms in the palace. He told the party that they had indeed just banished Arrtenach, The Demon Prince's lieutenant, and that the true king, Richard II was in fact killed back in November, nearly a year ago. This meant that Prince Jarrad was now the kingdom's ruler, but he was under siege in Thistledelve. The group were also told that Sir Mangarak had disappeared, which meant that Sir Alfred would have become head of the church, but he is dead, so the next in line was Sir Harken - knight commander of Eastward Abbey. Cardinal O'Connor said that he would be informed of his promotion.   The party were released from house arrest and spent the next few days in Littlebrook. The citizens of Littlebrook were told of the death of their king and all flags in the city flew at half mast. With the death of Arrtenach, Cardinal O'Connor placed Littlebrook under martial law. He took over the running of the Knights, as he is in fact the Head of the Order, and recalled the armies of the south from the Barren Wastes. he asked the party if they would ride with him and the army, north to Thistledelve to save the town from siege and rescue the king apparent? They of course agreed. A few days later the army of Littlebrook, resplendent in royal blue uniforms, headed by 50 knights of the sun and lead by Cardinal O'Connor, set out from Littlebrook to break the siege of Thistledelve. They travelled north through the countryside, gaining men and strength as they went. When they arrived at Thistledelve the humanoid army, bereft of the control of Arrtenach, was swiftly routed and fled back north into the mountains.   Thistledelve was liberated and Prince Jarrad was told of the death of his brother and of the heroics of the party. The prince ordered an immediate period of mourning for the king. All flags were to fly at half mast for 101 days. The prince then moved to Littlebrook and took up residence in the palace.   A few days later the party received a summons from Prince Jarrad in Littlebrook. They hurried to attend. He told them that the coronation was to take place immediately after the period of mourning has finished. As the Saviours of Albion he wanted them all to be present as guests of honour. They were also told that they may each invite one guest. He asked that they made every effort to ensure they were in Littlebrook on time. They were delighted with the invitation and promised to be there.   The party spread off through Albion, visiting friends and inviting them along to the coronation. Flek invited Shilana of course, Kai his father and Fortuna her mother. Tor took an unusual tack and invited Tallisan, the landlord of the Waymeet Inn, who was overjoyed to be going and Arundel invited his old friend Marik, the druid.   As they were wandering the roads of Albion, Myrddin appeared to the group. He told them that the day of banishment was to be Pelor's Day (Snake 21st), next year, 651 AR. That would be the anniversary of the banishing of The Demon Prince by Titus and they must be ready for that day. He told them he would see them soon.   New Year came and went. The group got together to celebrate the anniversary of them meeting at the inn of Castle de Belame. they celebrated at the inn in Thistledelve.   The King's coronation arrived in February. There was a big ceremony in The Cathedral. All the knights attended, the Queen of the Elves, the Dain of the Dwarves and Prince Nolo Ironbrand was there too. Cardinal O'Connor, looking divine in his full church regalia, performed the ceremony and crowned King Jarrad I.   At the after coronation dinner, which the party and their guests were invited to, King Jarrad made a long speech about how Albion would have fallen to The Demon Prince had it not been for 7 people...   He named Cardinal O'Connor, head of the church calling him the wisest person he has ever known. He said there was nothing he could give to the Cardinal save his undying gratitude and the thanks of the nation.   He named Flek, the only elf of Albion. To him he granted the title Sir, and gave him land equal to 30 acres in the estate of Hollytree, Flek's homeland area, and the king commissioned a keep to be built there for Flek's personal use.   Next he named Tor of The Jagged Peaks. To him he granted the title Sir, and gave him land equal to 30 acres in the Furrow Hills, north of Castle de Belame. He commissioned a small keep to be built there for Tor's personal use.   Then he named Arundel, elf of Eldaran. To him he granted the title Master and gave him land equal to 30 acres, just south of Hollytree and a keep to be built there.   Fifth he named Kai of Thistledelve. To him he granted the title Sir, and gave him land equal to 30 acres around the site of the old Monastery of the North Winds. He granted that the monastery be rebuilt in stone and given to Kai for his personal use. He said that the monks of Albion had also decided that Kai was to be named the new Master of the North Winds.   Next he named Lady Fortuna Llud, Knight of the Sun. To her he grants the title Duchess, granted her land equal to 60 acres and the estate of the late Baron de Belame. He commissioned the castle to be rebuilt to it's former glory and renamed Castle de Fortuna!   Finally he mentioned Myrddin, who arrived as he was called. The King told the assembled people that the great wizard Titus banished The Demon Prince and then made a map which led to the items required to repeat the banishment again. The group just mentioned will be repeating that ceremony in few weeks time so that The Demon Prince is once again banished for 1000 years. He told everyone that Titus had an apprentice, an elf called Galadhrethin. He in turn took a human apprentice. His name was Myrddin. To Myrddin he granted the title of Court Wizard and a place in the city. Myrddin accepted and asked if he may say a word. The king agreed. Myrddin said it is time he took on an apprentice himself and that he would like to continue the tradition of a human taking an elven apprentice, and so he would like to ask Arundel if he would desire to become his apprentice? Arundel agreed. He also respectfully asked that the Book of Vitiris and the Key of Seven Stars be kept split up until they are required to be used, for extra security.   After the coronation the party went on their own way. They were told they would have to oversee the rebuilding of their lands, although the kingdom would pay for it. The group split up to return to their new homes and oversee the start of the building of their new lives. Myrddin told them that he would call on them at the beginning of the month of the Snake.   The next few months passed peacefully.   The northern reaches settled down once again. Tor and Fortuna's lands were troubled by the occasional Orc raid but it was typically unorganized and they only seemed to be after sheep and the like. The Easterners shored up their defences and troubled Albion no more. Rumour has it that Lord Taranaka has been replaced and that some internal politics have meant that they will not be troubling Albion's eastern borders for a while.   The month of the Snake came and sure enough Myrddin arrived and collected our heroes together. He told them he was going to take them to the site where Titus banished The Demon Prince 1000 years ago. He then took them via teleportation, right into the heart of the Bloodwood.   They found themselves in a dense overgrown forest, surrounded by fallen and overgrown buildings of beautiful, strange and ancient design. Myrddin told them this was the ruins of Sylvandale, ancestral home of the elves. Suddenly the party noticed they were surrounded by the ancient spirits of the Sylvarran! They were menacing the group and beginning to close in from all sides. Myrddin told Flek it was time to put their souls to rest once and for all.   Flek approached them and explained that he was the first of the Sylvarran born again and that his line has already started to be rebuilt. He told them that he was here in Sylvandale to put the wrong done to these elves to right. He was here as representative of the Sylvarran. Duchess Fortuna was there as representative of the humans of Albion who let the elves down all that time ago. He was there as a representative of the arcane and Fortuna was there as a representative of the divine. They had solved their differences and together they are going to rebanish The Demon Prince for 1000 years.   With that Fortuna and Flek read from the Book of Vitiris. The book was opened by the Key of Seven Stars and the banishment spell was completed.
The Demon Prince was banished for a further 1000 years!
  Flek was told that the elves of Eldaran had decided to move back to the Bloodwood and rebuild Sylvandale, now that the spirits of the Sylvarran had been laid to rest.   The group returned home for the summer but soon met and decided they would set out and attempt to recover the Globe of Pelor and The Sword of Karith. They decided to head out to the tropical island on the map that Myrddin had given them and try to recover the Globe of Pelor first. They met in July and followed Myrddin's earlier advice about following the Bloodwood to the sea. Along The Way they encountered a few nasty creatures coming out of the fringes of the wood and out of the Barren Wastes. Nothing that these adventurers couldn't deal with though.   About a week later they reached what they could only assume was the sea. A huge expanse of water, so big they could not see the far side. Turning left, they headed south, following the coastline. It was approaching August now and this southerly location, added to the near proximity of The Great Desert on their eastern side meant the temperatures were rising steadily as they moved further south.   A few days later they came across the first signs of inhabitants in the new lands that Myrddin said were called Hishan. This was the town that Myrddin had told them was called Shelech. They approached the big walled settlement and the gates that were open. There they were stopped by strange looking human guards in dresses. They were challenged in a language they could not comprehend. Moments later a clerical type looking chap came out, cast a few spells and started to speak in Albion to them. He wanted to know the purpose of their visit to Shelech. They explained they wanted to hire a boat to take them to an island and ended up hiring the cleric to act as guide and interpreter for them.   They booked into an inn called the Sphinx, which was shaped like a great cat with a human head. Here they took a week's lodgings as the cleric, called Hapchet, needed a week to organize things. He hired them a ship, crew and captain for the journey to the Island of the Globe.   A few days later Hapchet came to them and told them that another "northerner" from Albion had arrived in the town. He was wearing the same armour as Duchess Fortuna. Was it Sir Mangarak?! The party asked Hapchet, who was a priest of the sun god Ra, if there were any evil temples in the town. He replied that temples of the evil snake god Set were abundant everywhere in Hishan. The group set out to find one, hoping that Sir Mangarak might be staying there.   They wandered the dock area, being told by Hapchet that this is where most of the rough and low life people hung out. Duchess Fortuna constantly checked for any lingering aura of evil as they went. Soon enough they came across some toughs guarding a warehouse door. The toughs were immediately alerted by the presence of the outsiders and one of them slipped inside, presumably to warn the others. The group asked Hapchet how the authorities would take it if they attacked a Temple of Set. Hapchet said it would be fine as long as they were all followers. He said followers could be determined by their little snake tattoo on their left shoulder blade. As long as only they were harmed no one would mind.   Within moments the group were inside the warehouse, led by the virtually undetectable Kai. the two guards were disabled and unconscious outside. The warehouse held a few more guards who were taken out before they could raise the alarm. The party found their way to a staircase leading down and prepared to enter the depths of the temple...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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