Arboria Geographic Location in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil


Written by Aragottix



Notable Forests:


The Elderwood

  Arboria, also known as the ''Northern Realms'' in today's time, derives it's name from it's lush temperate flora. It is home to the venerable Feywood forests, many of which stretch all along it's southern half, between the Valpine and Messial mountains in the south, and the Nord Sea in the middle. The flora and fauna within these forests are categorised as ''Fey'', and are a rare branch of life who tap in to sources of magic to spur their own growth and evolution, resulting in many beings displaying profound magical traits and abilities. Where this forest is thickest is where the oldest of them stand, counting thousands of years in age. The Elves call this part of the forest the ''Elderwood'', and they consider it a sacred space. It is located in the heart of Sturmgard.  

The Grimwood

  A dark shadow is cast over a section of the Feywood however, on a peninsula and lone island just between the kingdoms of Sturmgard and Ardechia, where none dare venture. There lies a corrupted version of the mystical woods, a dark mire, a twisted forest who draws it's strength not from the Arcane currents, but from the Dark Magic that floods the woods from within. The trees grow unnaturally large, much like in other Feywood forests, yet these are abominable, they grow in unnatural shapes and have dark splintering bark which is hard as stone and sharp as glass. The trees themselves have very little leaves, addicted to and relying on their source of Dark Magic for survival, rather than only using it as a boon. This corrupted forest is known as ''the Grimwood '', and the source of darkness within it resides in an ancient citadel at it's heart, Drakmire Keep.  



Valpine Mountains

  Nestled between the northern realm of Sturmgard and southern Valleria lies the Valpine Mountains, a domain presided over by the industrious Ezrenhelm Dwarves. Characterized by towering snow-draped summits and expansive valleys carved by the relentless work of rivers and streams, the Valpines stand as a testament to the enduring forces of nature. Each summer, the meltwater from the receding ice caps breathes life into the rivers, etching deeper into the mountain's heart, while winter reclaims the heights with a blanket of ice and snow. The valleys, mainly covered with evergreen trees, provide a verdant canopy that stretches across the landscape. Along the lakeshores, the soil is rich and fertile, offering generous yields to those who till the land during the temperate climate's milder months.  

Messial Mountains

  In the east, Arboria borders the venerable Messial Mountains, an imposing chain that cleaves the continent from the arid expanses of the south to the icy expanses of the north. These towering peaks, crowned by the formidable Mount Everreach, stand as silent sentinels over the land, their slopes etched with the deep scars of ancient geological turmoil. The range is a natural marvel, replete with sprawling valleys and secluded plateaus that offer refuge to a myriad of creatures and the echoes of a bygone Dwarven legacy. The few passable routes through the Messial Mountains, once bustling with trade and travelers, now whisper tales of forgotten tunnels and the indomitable spirit of the peoples of Arboria, for whom these mountains are both a protective fortress and a challenging threshold to the wider world.  

Iglophian Mountains

  Lying along the northern most edge of Arboria, past The Heimer Clans and acting as a barrier between the settled south and the uninhabitable north, are the Iglophian mountains. Claimed by the isolationist Dwarves of Kanarrak, these mountains are high, with inlaid plateaus and valleys sitting at immense elevations, they are snowy year-round. These mountains are host to several active volcanoes however, and hot water boils up to the surface from the deep in geothermal fissures around several locations. Flora and fauna thrive around these hot springs, providing a pleasant break in atmosphere in this otherwise bleak cold realm.  




  Heimerland the northern half of Arboria, is the bastion of The Heimer Clans, a warrior culture known for their fierce raids and Incursions across the Nord Sea. This realm echoes the ancient ways of Humanity, its name a nod to the Heimer people, who hardened by their environment, embody a resilience and unyielding spirit reflective of their homeland.   The landscape of Heimerland is dominated by dense evergreen forests, vast swatsh of which are known as Drakenheim, named after the venerable Drakes that prawl the area. The region endures a harsh northern climate where winters reign for six months. The western coastline is a rugged tapestry of jagged cliffs and tumultuous seas, dotted with islands and peninsulas riddled with natural harbors and striking rock formations. In contrast, the eastern shores gradually transition from rocky beaches to swampy flats, rising towards the Iglophian mountains.   One of Heimerland's most remarkable features is the Hvergelmir valley, situated at the Iglophian mountains' western edges. Renowned for its shallow lakes, cascading waterfalls, and abundant geothermal activity, Hvergelmir is a fertile haven. Here, warm mists from steaming fissures and hot springs envelop the valley, creating a unique microclimate where flora and fauna flourish amidst the natural thermal beauty.  


  Under the dominion of the Tsardom of Kyrus, Vostoswat, also known to the broader Northern Realms as Eastmarsh, is a vast expanse of harsh and unyielding terrain. This extensive area is characterized by its cold and bleak marshlands, interspersed with numerous shallow lakes of varying sizes and an intricate network of slow-moving rivers. The climate predominantly features a cold, boggy tundra with sparse vegetation, presenting a stark landscape that challenges both flora and fauna.   In the northern region known as Syiv, the flatlands are particularly desolate, marked by a perpetual everfrost that renders the soil barren and inhospitable. This part of Vostoswat stands in stark contrast to the southern region, Krestok, where the harsh tundra gradually transitions into steppe and then to more temperate grasslands.  


  The Heartlands, a jewel in the crown of Arboria, are a region of unparalleled fertility and strategic significance. Cradled by towering mountain ranges on all sides, this verdant expanse is the lifeblood of the surrounding realms, a crossroads of culture, commerce, and power. Here, bountiful rivers snake through the lush, green meadows, nourishing the land and bestowing it with a bounty that is the envy of neighboring territories. The landscape is a patchwork of flourishing farmlands where golden fields sway in the breeze, ripe for harvest, interspersed with dense, leafy woodlands that echo with the songs of birds.   The Heartlands are not just a bastion of natural abundance, they are also a stronghold of safety and stability. The encircling mountains serve as natural fortifications, making the region easily defensible and highly coveted. Small hamlets and robust stone keeps dot the landscape, each a testament to the region's blend of pastoral tranquility and vigilant strength. The Heartlands, in essence, are the pulsating core of Arboria, a place where the trials of history and the fruits of the earth intermingle, shaping the destiny of all who call it home.  

Li-Ve-Ly Kingdoms

  The so called Lively Kingdoms are indeed, very lively. The name comes from the first two characters from each of the three respective realms in the region. Which are, from south to north, Lithayne, Veyrun, and Lynora . Or alternatively, though less charming, from north to south, Lyveli. These three realms, all though rather small, differ drastically in such a small space as the rest of the world does across multiple regions.   The Princedom of Lynora is the self-styled cultural capital of the modern world, much like Sturmgard, is is a tolerant realm where all races are welcomed to co-exist in peace. It is famed for it's wealth, cultural institutions, bazars, seasonal festivals, and high living standards. It is a lowland country, most notable for it's extensive use of polders, vibrant flower fields, and it's iconic windmills. The nation also has an extensive use of canals, using waterways for quick transport both in rural as well as in urban areas.   The Kingdom of Veyrun is the exact opposite. It is a poorer isolationist kingdom with an old warrior culture who is wary of outsiders. The highlands of Veyrun were initially claimed by Lynoran settlers at the dawn of the 3rd world, but it was taken from them during a Heimer incursion, when they invaded and successfully conquered the Lynoran frontier for themselves. Yet they only held it for a few decades before Lynora re-took it, and began systematically oppressing the Heimer settlers which were now in the majority there, only to loose Veyrun a second time when both the Heimer and Lynorans revolted against the lowlanders who only wished to exploit them, two generations down the line. No further attempts were made to reclaim it.   The Dutchy of Lithayne, the southern most of the three, openly bordering the Vallerian Empire, is known to be the only Elven realm which has converted to follow a Human religion, the Church of Light. It is a devout realm, much of everything the state does has the backing of it's church, and it is noted to be the host of a wide range of knightly orders, paladin orders, and schools of priesthoods. Some call it the capital of chivalry, and indeed, it often hosts knightly tournaments. The lands are a temperate central grassland surrounded by rolling hills with lush forests. Lithayne sits at the western most end of the Valpines, and on the sunny side of the mountains.  



Nord Sea

  The Nord Sea, the body of deep water between the civilised southern half of Arboria, and the less-so northern half, owes it's name to it's geographic location. ''Nord'' translating to ''North'' from old speech. Commerce along the Nord Sea is common enough, more towards it's western edges, though risky otherwise. Traders usually prefer to take land routes to avoid Heimer raiders. It can be considered an inland sea, with a wide birth that spills in to the Jagged Sea.  

Jagged Sea

  Exit the Nord Sea to the west, past Lynora and one has entered the Jagged Sea. It is a vast body of water, part of the Whispering Ocean. The Jagged Sea is named as such due to the many sharp rocky protruding from the waters around the isles of Drakenheim, as well as the occasional iceberg that wanders down from the north.


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