Region - Heimerland Geographic Location in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil

Region - Heimerland

Heimerland, situated in the northern expanse of Arboria, serves as a cultural gateway into Humanity's ancient past. Home to the Heimer people, this region is emblematic of a time when Humanity lived in closely knit clans, vying with each other over resources and territories.   The Cataclysm, however, forced significant changes, driving the Heimer along with other human groups southward. Though retaining a deep attachment to their ancestral beliefs and customs, the Heimer adapted to embrace modern practices. They mastered mining and metallurgy, adopted animal husbandry and fishing techniques, and most importantly, honed their shipbuilding skills.   Historically, internal strife characterized Heimerland until the ascension of a potent leader who unified the disparate clans. This consolidation shifted their focus outward, sparking an era of incursions across the Nord Sea into the southern realms. These raids, while bolstering the Heimer's resources, brought turmoil to their more prosperous neighbors.   Heimerland's diverse geography comprises several distinct biomes. In the east lies Drakenheim, a land of rolling evergreen forests nestled at the foot of the Iglophian Mountains. This verdant region is home to the formidable northern Drakes, who vie with the Heimer for the title of apex predator. Skalland's jagged coastlines feature towering cliffs and stone pillars jutting out of the sea. As the name implies, Fjordland is famed for its stunning fjords, tucked away within the natural fortress of towering cliffs, an intricate network of narrow sea inlets weaves through the rugged landscape. Off these shores, you find the shadowy and fog-laden islands of Niflheim, a place steeped in legends of sea monsters and phantom ships. To the furthest north, Normanland's icy, snow-covered terrain is home to hardy Heimer known for their particularly fierce temperament.   None but the Heimer inhabit this region, and all though most fear them due to their raids, they are not naturally inhospitable or hostile. What the south sees as malevolent aggression is simply a way of life for the Heimer.
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