Area - Elderwood Geographic Location in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil

Area - Elderwood

The Elderwood, a forest steeped in antiquity, stands as one of the largest and most ancient of the Feywoods, a testament to the Feynarin Elves' enduring guardianship through the ages. This mystical woodland is not merely a repository of magical wonders, it is the historic refuge of the Jermane, a Human culture that, under the auspices of the Feynarin, found solace from an advancing Ice Age in the aftermath of The Cataclysm. Led by the illustrious Elven archmage Arish - The Lightbearer, whose legendary power split the Nord Sea, the Jermane were shepherded to safety, their passage secured to the shores of present-day Becken.   Thick with ancient trees and inhabited by a myriad of magical beings, the Elderwood thrives in a symphony of harmony, its denizens shielded by the Feynarin's sacred pact with nature. The Jermane, in gratitude, have pledged to honor the forest's sanctity, harvesting sparingly from its edges, leaving the heart untouched by outsider hands.   Deep within, where the flora ascend skyward like verdant towers, their canopies entwined in an arboreal embrace, light filters through in a ballet of sunbeams, bestowing the forest with a perpetual twilight. Amidst the underbrush, luminescent flora cast a spectral glow, their light waxing with the moon, transforming the woods into a landscape from a dreamer's imagination.   At the forest's core lies a serene lake, its surface punctuated by the stoic presence of trees and the gentle sprawl of lily pads. This aquatic heart, cherished and protected by the Elves, sustains all life in the Elderwood. Above it, the Feynarin have woven their homes upon the boughs, crafting treehouse settlements that coexist with the whispers of the wind and leaves.   Yet, the Elderwood's beauty is pockmarked with the scars of history - ruined palaces and arcane edifices, the crumbling legacy of the Kleriel Imperium. These ruins, warded by still-potent spells and protected by ancient guardians, stand as a poignant reminder of the Elderwood's resilience, a forest where the past and present are inextricably rooted in the deep magic of the earth.  
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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