Empyrion Geographic Location in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil



  Empyrion, a verdant jewel in the west of the continent Kleriel, is divided into three regions, each with its own unique charm.   The Vallerian Plains, home of the Sun Elves, stretch out as the heartland of Empyrion. It is a vast expanse of sun-kissed grasslands interspersed with dense woodlands. Crisscrossed by rivers and dotted with lakes, the plains are a testament to nature's bounty. Despite the seeming flatness, undulating hills, mostly cloaked in trees, punctuate the landscape. Ensconced to the north and northeast by the Valpine and Messial mountain ranges, the plains gracefully transition to the arid deserts of Kemehara in the remote south.  
  Nestled between the waves of the surounding seas lies the Illyan Peninsula, jutting westward in a shape reminiscent of a spear's point. With the impressive Rygean Mountains stretching along it's heart, this region is the sanctuary of the Sea Elves.   And then, floating amidst the seas are the enigmatic Isles of Shal'riel, blanketed with lush forests, where the druidic Moon Elves tend their revered Silver Grove, a sanctuary of mysticism and wonder.   The Vallerian Elves, who have left indelible marks on the tapestry of time, also left their linguistic imprints on the lands. Though areas like Illyos, Thalesse, and Shal'riel have their distinct names, the Vallerians call them differently. In their lexicon, Illyos becomes Illyria, reminiscent of its days as a province of their bygone empire. Thalesse transforms into Thalleria, and Shal'riel to Shalleria. Even the southern Kemehara isn't spared, being christened Nylleria by the Vallerei, named after the mighty Nyle river that breathes life in to their otherwise hot sandy desert. To the north, it was the Vallerians who unified the Wood Elves, naming their collective domain Arboria.  


  Empyrion, aptly named the land of empires, stands as a testament to millennia of Elven evolution. When the Elves first touched the shores of this bountiful land after their monumental journey across the Whispering Ocean, known as "The Crossing", they could not have foreseen the rich tapestry of history they were about to weave. The Vallerian Empire, now reigning supreme with its phoenix-banner flapping defiantly, is but a chapter in this epic.   Though the Elves held dominion over the surface of Empyrion, echoing their movements and machinations, the Dwarves established intricate realms in the underworld. These subterranean lands, with their own sagas and heroes, exist in stark contrast to the sunlit world of the Elves.  

The Wizard Kings

  From the earliest Elven settlers, it became apparent that magic was not just a tool but a way of life. Those who possessed an innate prowess with the arcane quickly rose to prominence. Leadership naturally gravitated towards them, resulting in the formation of Wizard Kingdoms and Wizard Circles. Governed by their profound understanding of magic, with the ability to wield it being a genetic trait, these realms mainly took the form of monarchies and oligarchies. As decades turned to centuries, these magic-dominant polities grew in ambition and scale. Alliances forged in both trust and necessity, sealed by blood ties and magical pacts, spanned the land. From this era of arcane diplomacy, an Elf of unparalleled power emerged, his bloodline refined and magically unmatched, he set about uniting the fragmented kingdoms and proclaiming himself as the Emperor of the first Elven empire, Empyrion.  

Dawn of Empyrion

  The newly christened Empire of Empyrion, two millennia post the Elves' arrival, was a symphony of challenges and triumphs. The Herculean task of weaving together diverse cultures under one banner and fostering a shared faith was formidable. Yet, the Empire did more than just survive, it thrived. The heart of Empyrion pulsed with innovation, giving birth to advanced infrastructures like paved roads, theatres, aqueducts, the market square, canals, the crane, and the predecessor to modern cement. The Elves' inventive spirit even toyed with the idea of harnessing steam power, but in a world where magic was at one's fingertips, it never evolved in to anything more than a thought experiment.  

To Ashes, from Ashes

  Spanning over a millennium, the Empyrion era was marked by unparalleled growth, but with growth came its own set of challenges. Their prosperity became the envy of many, and as their borders continued to expand, they found themselves facing formidable adversaries. To fortify against these looming threats, the Emperor transformed Empyrion into a rigorous military autocracy. But this shift gave birth to internal strife, such as labor shortages, war exhaustion, over-taxation, and eventually, a full-blown insurrection. The empire, in its prime, became its own undoing, as it overextended, and crumbled under its own ambitions. However, from these ashes, a mere century later, the Holy Solari Empire emerged, promising a new dawn.  

The Light that Burns

  Fueled by their profound religious zeal, the Holy Solari perceived themselves as the divine guardians of Empyrion's legacy. To them, their right to rule was not just a claim but a destiny ordained by the Sun - a divine beacon casting its light on their just cause. Their belief system, rooted in nature's wonders and intertwined with magical energies, resonated across the region. The Emperor, bearing the title's legacy and gifted with unparalleled magical prowess, was hailed as the chosen one, a messenger of the light. But with fervor came fanaticism. Determined to unite their scattered kin, the Solari launched crusades to both consolidate their power and obliterate dissent. For centuries, their dominion flourished, echoing the grandeur of old Empyrion. Yet, like every flame, this one too would be extinguished.  

Shadows of the South

  The Holy Solari Empire met its most formidable adversary in the southern Necran Imperium, forebears to today's Kemehara. These Sand Elves, having ascended to significant power in Serenjara, fell under the seductive lure of forbidden magic. The elite of Necran society delved deep into blood magic and necromancy, seeking an insatiable power that came at a grievous cost, to both themselves and the lands they occupied. As their undead legions surged forward, swallowing territories whole, numerous dominions succumbed before the Necrans reached the Solari borders, igniting a protracted and devestating conflict.  
  This drawn-out war saw the Solari launch multiple crusades into Necran's sandy heartlands. While some endeavours bore fruit, many floundered. To external onlookers, both empires seemed like blights on the land, albeit in contrasting shades of darkness. The balance was precarious, and inevitably, one would falter. The resource-drained Solari bore the brunt, buckling under the seemingly inexhaustible might of the Necrans, spelling the end of the Holy Empire and ushering in an age of darkness. In their wake, the Necrans stretched their dominion across vast swathes of present-day Illyos and southern Valleria. But hubris, once again, proved an empire's undoing. Overreaching their bounds, the Necrans faced widespread uprisings. These rebellions culminated in the dethroning of their leaders by their own people, bringing much sought-after respite to the beleaguered lands.  

Rise of the Phoenix

  From the fractured lands, in the heart of the Vallerian plains, a new empire ignited its ascent. Echoing the resilience of the phoenix, the Vallerian Empire rose, embodying the region's indomitable spirit. This revitalized realm, their third notable attempt, was a manifestation of shared purpose, culture, and faith. Driven by a collective ambition, the Vallerians sought to embrace their destiny and claim the greatness they believed was theirs. Recognizing their land's prosperity and their own exceptional nature, they believed that with dedication and sacrifice, they could build the utopia they envisioned. The Vallerian Empire prioritized merit, elevating the most adept and informed individuals into leadership roles. This structure enabled them to stand unparalleled for millennia. Over time, their dominion expanded, increasingly through diplomacy and commerce rather than warfare. Their era of influence endured until a pivotal alliance with the mystic realm of Xia in the east culminated in the inception of the formidable Kleriel Imperium.  

Rule of Kleriel

  The Kleriel Imperium ushered in an era of unprecedented affluence for Valleria. Favored by the elite and blessed by their seemingly immortal divine emperor, the realm soared to new heights under his millennia-long dominion. The Elves, elevated to a near-divine status, lived in a time where limitations seemed nonexistent. Their empire's influence remained unchallenged, its longevity outstripping any modern estimates. Yet, with such immense power came complacency. The need for expansion dwindled, challenges became scarce, and external threats diminished. In the absence of external pressures, their intrinsic desires, fueled by curiosity and avarice, began to dominate.  

To cinders and back again

  In a tragic twist of fate, it was the very zenith of their ambition that became the precipice of their downfall. In their insatiable quest for omnipotence, having all but the heavens themselves, they dared to grasp the mantle of godhood. Such audacity was met with divine retribution. The empire, once a beacon of glory and might, crumbled into oblivion, sending the world spiraling into the dark abyss of what would be whispered as The Cataclysm.   Like a cruel play of the cosmos, the Elves, who once brushed shoulders with deities, were cast down, stripped of their divine sheen, and left to fend off a world enflamed with envy. As if nature itself sought to rebuke their arrogance, the world's very core erupted in fury, casting forth both fire and ice. From a searing inferno to a merciless Ice Age, the world's wrath knew no bounds.  
  The proud Elves of Kleriel, once on the brink of godhood, were met with trials and tribulations that tested every fiber of their being. With every ounce of strength, they battled against overwhelming odds, each challenge a reminder of their tragic hubris. And when the world's tumultuous rage finally subsided, its face was forever altered.   Yet, hope is ever resilient. From the ashes of devastation, the denizens of the Vallerian plains began the arduous journey of rebirth. This time, with tempered dreams and lessons learned from the past, they reconstructed their world. Rising like a phoenix, a renewed Vallerian Empire emerged, paying homage to its legacy while carving a future that still stands testament to its indomitable spirit.
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