
Intermediaries of the divine, Clerics are those who wield divine judgement and purpose in hand as a fighter would his sword, or a wizard with his spellbook. They control the undead, heal or harm at the need of those who ask them, and can be a righteous emblem of their deity.



Preferred Stats: Wisdom, Constitution, Charisma
Starting Gold: 5d4
HP: (3 + CON Mod)* Level
Skill Poins: 3 + Int Mod/HD
Starting Age: Advanced

Cleric Level Up Benefits

1stControl Undead, Channeling, Domains
5thDivine Resilience
9thRaise Dead
16thDivine Cohort
17thTrue Resurrection

Spells By Level

SpellsPer Day
BAB: Average
Saves: Fortitude (Poor), Reflex (Poor), Will (Poor)
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, The Planes) (Int), Magicraft (Int), Persuasion (Cha), Profession (Wis)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:Clerics are proficient with all simple weaopns, all types of armor and with shields (except tower shields.)
Any spell that creates a temporary magical item will also provide proficiency in that item for the duration of the spell. This includes ray and touch spells automatically granting proficiency, and can be treated as such for the purposes of gaining feats.
Spells: A cleric casts divine spells and must prepare what spells they can cast for the day ahead of time. To learn/cast spells, the cleric must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The DC for a saving throw against a Clerics spell is the Clerics Charisma score+ the spell level + other modifiers.
Like other spellcasters, Clerics can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Their base daily spell allotment is given on the per day table above. In addition, they receive bonus spells per day if they have a high Charisma score.
Unlike other casters, Clerics know every spell available to them. They must choose what spells they pray for and prepare them after a good nights sleep and spending 1 hour in prayer. During this hour of prayer, a cleric prepares as many spells for the day as they have slots to cast them with, and can cast these spells in any combination, so long as they maintain the spell slot used for the spell cast.
Control Undead:Any cleric, regardless of alignment, has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of their faith through a holy (or unholy symbol). Depending on the deities view of the undead, does give the power to either turn/destroy undead, or rebuke/control undead, depending entirely on the deities perception of them. Deities who have no opinion on the undead allow clerics to make their own decisions about what happens, so long as it does not interfere with the deities teachings.
Clerics may attempt to control undead a number of times per day equal to 3+ their Charisma modifier. Clerics with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion) gain a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
Channeling: A cleric can sacrifice a prepared spell slot in order to perform a spell against a friend or opponent. The spell cast will either be a Cure spell of appropriate level, or an Inflict spell of appropriate level. The cleric does not always decide if it is the appropriate spell for the situation in this case. If the person being healed worships a deity that is directly opposed to the clerics, then no matter what, the effect will be harmful to the person that has divinity channeled into them.
Domains: At first level, a cleric must decide on two domains that their deity offers, and gain the benefits of each domain. If a cleric does not follow a deity, they may instead choose two different domains. In order to choose any domain, a cleric must choose an oath for the domains chosen. They must uphold this oath to maintain all clerical duties and responsibilities.
On the above table for spells per day, spells of 1st level and higher have an additional +1. This slot is reserved for either spell of that level from the clerics chosen domain, and no other spell. However, the spells may be sacrificed to allow for Channeling, as normal for its level. Additional spells may be spent to augment these cast spells, and vice versa as well, but they must be announced before attempting to cast the spell.
Spells gained from domains may be cast at any appropriate level for the +1 spell slot. This may be the spell of appropriate level, or any spell given in the list of appropriate domain spells. Otherwise, domains and their spells work as normal.
Divine Resilience: Starting at 5th level, a cleric gains 1/2 of their class level on all saves.
Raise Dead: Upon reaching 9th level, a cleric gains the ability from their deity to raise the dead a single time. The one who is to be raised must have been dead for no longer than 1 day per cleric level, and the target must not have died of old age. Unlike other abilities, this raise dead ability is able to be applied to a scroll, and used by anyone so long as they can read aloud from the scroll near an applicable corpse. After using this ability, the cleric does not gain this ability ever again.
Divine Cohort:Upon reaching 16th level, the divines send aid in the form of a cohort, of an appropriatly aligned plane that the diety resides in. This will usually result in an appropriate celestial, Devil , or demon companion.
True Resurrection: Upon reaching 17th level, a cleric gets a second chance to raise a creature, as if it was their raise dead ability. They can use True Resurrection only a single time, as it was with Raise Dead, However, those who are still dead can instead be raised no longer than 10 years per cleric level. The cleric cannot use this ability on any who have died of old age. If the cleric does not use their True Resurrection by 20th level, the time limit is voided.
Capstone: Upon reaching 20th level, a cleric may choose their capstone. They may choose a third domain offered by their deity, or the pantheon the Deity is in, so long as the domain is owned by a different deity close to the clerics.
A second choice is that a cleric looses their bonus domain spells per day, and instead, for every spell level, they can cast a domain spell 2/day of that spell level (either domain spell), and regain the usage after a good rest.
And finally, a cleric may choose to become a right hand of their deity, and gain the Outsider template, and become native to their appropriate afterlife based on where their deity presides.
Ex Clerics: If any oath of a cleric is broken, or if the cleric performs a truly horrible act in the eyes of their deities teachings, they loose access to all spells, domains, cohorts, the ability to raise the dead in any capacity, and their resilience until they are properly atoned by another cleric.
Alternate Class Features

Control Undead

Divine Burst (Su)

By removing the capability to turn away or damage the undead, a cleric calls upon its master to smite those the cleric themselves deems heretical. All creatures of the Clerics choice take 1 damage per cleric level. Clerics may perform a divine burst a number of times per day equal to 3 + Cha modifier. This ability is affected by any feature which affects Control, but does not stack with other control abilities.



First and foremost, in order to become a cleric of any deity, one must believe in both the deity, and their cause in order to take up the banner of their god. Past that, it is up to the deity themselves to allow the above average worshiper to be granted divine gifts of spellpower.

Career Progression

Clerics are a strange sort. At nearly any point they can walk anywhere between an open field, or a sprawling cathedral, and give service to those with the openness to hear. Because they can, and usually do, travel everywhere, they make great names for themselves in the service of their god. Because of this ease of progress, a cleric will usually progress based on their proficiency wielding the word, AND the power of the divine at hand.

To start out, a cleric is usually an apprentice, or a priest for a local church. They may strike out on their own to spread the word of the divine, and come to find friends or those willing to approach them in order to continue their divine quest. Those that do not have such a church, or are from a secretive religion, usually find themselves still needing to go out and spread the holy word.

Once a cleric has built up a following, or a few friends, they usually receive the title of Cleric when their congregation reaches more than passerbye. They may also get it when they have been proclaimed a cleric by their church as well. Afterwards, it is simply a matter of proving ones worth over and over again, gaining promotional titles such as Bishop and High Priest. However, only the most powerful of clerics can claim the top title of Archpriest. Many Archpriests exist in the world, one for each deity, within a pantheon. However, Archpriests can gain an additional title if they are voted to become the leader of the pantheon, which is named based on the pantheon itself. Only the strongest of all clerics have ever even seen the possibility of getting past Archpriest status. It truely is an honor.

For clerics of nature, or that follow a natural god, that does depend entirely on the organization itself that boosts them up from each rank. This is also the same for a cleric who belives in an ideal and not a deity.

Payment & Reimbursement

As a more advanced form of priesthood, usually Clerics are paid via private donations, adventuring and finding treasure with others, and through various forms of charity as well.

Other Benefits

Most of the time, Clerics get the benefit of free lodging and some reduced prices on spells from their local church as long as they are members.



The only purpose of a cleric, one would say their sole right for existance, is to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the gods exist, and they are watching. It keeps politicians on their toes to ensure that they are sending the right message to the community, as well as kings and tyrants alike. Most churches run by clerics are also open to the public for various means, usually charitable deeds like feeding or clothing the poor, but sometimes nefarious deeds such as devil worship.

Social Status

Usually, becoming a cleric is the only option for a poor family should their children have the faith, and the talent to harness the divine. Becoming a cleric is a noble cause, which is looked upon favorably in correct societies. Since clerics can be of differing religions, usually an evil cleric is an outcast in their society, however, in the cases of orcs or monstrous races, they are not just essential to society, but are promoted to leadership positions because of their connection to the divine.



Clerics come in all shapes and sizes and fomrs in the world of Pondera. Because of this there is no simple toolkit that a cleric uses. In many cases however, they will always wield a few select pieces of equipment.

They will always have a weapon, in most cases, the favored weapon of their deity should a cleric be able to use it. A cleric will also have armor to protect themselves in the worst of situations. And finally, Clerics will universally have a holy symbol of their deity or numerous deities, in order to channel their divine gifts.


In most cases, a cleric will not need usual day to day materials, however, for prayers, a cleric will usually have incense or lit candles to give a relaxing spot in order to commune with the divine.

Provided Services

Clerical services are divided into two categories. Practical, and spiritual. For practical services, a cleric will be able to cast spells to remove curses, blindness, cure wounds, and perform miraculous feats using their divine gifts. For spiritual services, a cleric is a pastor first, giving people the knowledge they need in order to make the right decisions in the path of divine salvation.

Below is a list of all spiritual services and spells that clerics offer.

Dangers & Hazards

In most cases, being a cleric is a fairly safe job. The usual hazards are from normal adventuring, and encountering dangerous traps/monsters/villains. But clerics that go into an area of different ideals, or beliefs, may have more uncommon hazards, including but not limited too the risk of prosecution for spreading heretical ideologies, violent outbursts from locals or angry mobs.

Alternative Names
Priest, Archpriest, Bishop, Cleric, Cultist, Blasphemer

In most cases, being a cleric is completely legal in the world. However, some cultures actively despise clerics or worshipers of another religion altogether, and will hunt them down when in their territory.

Articles under Cleric


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