Reverant Word Spell in Pondera | World Anvil

Reverant Word


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Reverent Hymn

School: Evocation [Celestial, Sonic]

Level:1, 3, 7

Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 Standard Action

Range: Personal

Area: 50ft Radius emanation centered on caster

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

Cast using a 3rd level spell slot. You strike up a rousing, inspirational song that boosts the CL of any non heretical spellcaster within range by 2. All non heretical creatures get a +4 bonus to control checks, and all heretical creatures take a -4 penalty on control checks.

Augment: You may augment this spell to give advantage on control checks for non heretical creatures, and disadvantage on control checks with hereitcal creatures.

Enhance:You may cast this spell at a higher level to increase the CL boost by 1 per level. However, this boost is applied at 1/2 the rate as normal to spellcasters outside of the casters faith.

Finding Faith behind Hymn.
A bard may be able to cast this spell upon completion of a quest. They must spend 1 month studying their own faith, participating in church services and giving sermons. Upon the end of that year, they make a Magicraft DC 18, with advantage if they make a perform check DC 25 on top of the magicraft check. Upon doing so, they have permanent access to Reverent Hymn. Divine spellcasting bards automatically gain Reverent Hymn.

Word of Reverence

Components: V

Range: Personal

Area: 40ft Radius spread

Saving Throw: Will Partial, See text

Cast using a 7th level spell slot. Any heretical creatures within the area that hear the Word of Reverence suffer effects based on the difference between the casters CL and their HD.

Up to CL -1Blinded, Deafened
Up to CL -5Paralyzed, Blinded, Deafened
Up to CL -10Killed, Paralyzed, Blinded, Deafened
Effects of the spell are applied in decending order from left to right. Should a heretical creature fail a will saving throw against any effect, they are given all following effects. There is no saving throw on becoming deafened. Deafened: Creature is Deafened for 1d4 rounds
Blinded:Creature is blinded for 2d4 rounds.
Paralyzed:Creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes
Killed:Creature dies, or is otherwise destroyed. If this spell is used on a heretical creature outside of its home plane, it must pass a will save or be banished back to its home plane for 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creature hears the holy word or not. The will save for this effect takes a -4 penalty, and takes place before any other effects of the Word of Reverence.
Creatures whose HD exceeds your CL are unaffected.

Augment: You may augment this spell to increase the time spent affected as if you had +1 on your die roll per augmentation.

Enhance:When casting this spell at a higher level spell slot, increase the range by 1 range category. (Close, Medium)


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