Stitching Technology / Science in Pandemonium | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The fabric of reality is not as unalterable as most would believe. That weave can be reworked by those who know how. The individual threads of the pattern can be stitched to patch the world itself. Language focused with thoughts and will can shape intent and grasp the threads of the weave. For safety, either a Hem (containing circle) or a Curio (artificial vita point) should be used to hold the threads.  


First they must open all their ojo, to be able to empower them. Once the crown ojo is empowered the stitcher can begin to thread vita. Forma are the individual parts of the weave. They are mostly glyphs, which only have meaning as part of the whole pattern. They show cause and effect. Runes are forma that represent abstract ideas. And Sigils represent a real being of authority.   Uses kinetic energy as fuel, needs to be built up in advance. Practitioners of the Ardent path use body movement to gather the needed energy. The major vita flows in the world, Ley lines and their ruches, can be used to thread even greater patches, or to facilitate easier ones for the unskilled, if you know where they are.  


Known patches are collected into a Template and preserved on vellum scrolls. These can be copied with vita infused ink on vellum to create a Mend that burns up upon use. Patches stored in fluid form are an Elixir. And items with engraved patches for continuous use are Acus, but they require recharging.   Curio, artificial ojos, come in several forms. They can be rings, bracelets, necklaces, tiaras, and any number of other items. Numen are spirits of intellect, and Shades are astral beings constructed of vita with no will of their own. Both are powered by a patch and maintained by their link to the stitcher who threaded it, so long as the ojo stays empowered. Golem are physical constructs with a body and soul ojo of their own. They require both ojo to be empowered by acus branded with runes to maintain anima.  


With all that Vita can be stitched to do there is still a lot it can’t.
  1. Time manipulation or travel is impossible.
  2. No regeneration of lost limbs or blood.
  3. Certain rituals are specific to a time and place of occurrence.
  4. Certain abilities are limited to those descended from a specific bloodline and cannot be copied.
  5. It takes great time and effort to master these patches.
  6. Acquiring ritual ingredients can be both expensive and dangerous.
  7. Mixing patches can have unforeseen consequences and is not suggested for the untrained.
Access & Availability
Various constraints and limits exist on stitching. First, one must have opened and empowered their ojo. The stitchers intent and strength of will play a big role in the effectiveness of a patch. If they don’t believe in what they are trying to do, it will not work. Being physically, emotionally, or mentally compromised will have an effect. Stitching while tired, drunk, dazed, confused, or even conflicted can have terrible consequences. Access to this knowledge is also restricted. The recipes, movements, chants, and rituals of every guild is a closely guarded secret.
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  1. Metamorphosis
  2. Compulsion
  3. Manifestation
  4. Abjuration
  5. Evocation
  6. Psychokinesis
  7. Astrology


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