Dream Vehicle in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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Dreams are the best way to receive divine revelation and therefor are often induced by priests and shamans. The dream, as a vehicle, can be used by those with an innate talent or by those who have learned the skill. Resting on a "dream bed" in a sanctuary they'd receive advice, comfort, or healing. Dreaming also replicates threats so the dreamer could practice dealing with them, aiding in survival. By entering a trancelike state, the dreamer is able to traverse the astral plane. Recollection of dreams is very unreliable but can improve with practice. Women remember more often than men. Those with more vivid or intense dreams better recall those dreams. Unusual experiences in the day can prompt those vivid dreams. Their dream self, able to travel freely across planar boundaries, can have many adventures. In these other planes the dreamer can contact beings from the divine to the mundane. Such dreams are called visitations.   In a visitation dream a deity or ancestor usually commands the dreamer to take action or predicts future events. The dreamer is passive and hears an authoritative auditory message. More practiced dreamers can have a visualized narrative where the dreamer is an active participant in the journey. People, places, and things all tend to blur together. Advanced dreamers can enter new worlds and experience elaborate adventures, gaining ideas, thoughts, and feelings never previously experienced. Common emotions felt in the dream are abandonment, anger, fear, joy, and happiness. The most common is anxiety.   Another, less common form of the dream, is the daydream. A waking vision, usually happy or pleasant, hopes and ambitions imagined as coming to pass. In a daydream the astral self can manifest in the waking world. They can affect the physical with practice but remain intangible. Other ethereal beings still pose a threat, as do dream catchers. One can enter the daydream through meditation.
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A dreamcatcher is a handmade willow hoop with a woven net or web, it catches dreams and dreamed beings. For spiritual beings it acts as a net and snares their astral forms. It can be decorated with sacred items like feathers or beads. Commonly used as a protective charm in holy sites and family homes, it is particularly used to protect infants.    Hasoma is a ritual drink of importance among most religions. The texts describe the preparation of hasoma by extracting the juice from a secret plant, unusually high in vita. It is a golden green plant with stems, roots, and branches that grows on the highest mountains. Its consumption furthers healing, sexual arousal, and physical strengthening. It nourishes the soul and stimulates alertness and awareness; it has a mild intoxicating effect. This drink can be used to induce visitation dreams.


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