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It has the unfortunate moniker of “Dictatorship” because a large percentage of their leaders turn out to be power-hungry and authoritative. Maraphel has the highest number of internal heroic overthrows of all the domains. It has identified as a member of the Unified Benevolent Nations for the past three hundred years, during which time thirty-seven of their leaders have been exile for crimes against the country. This has led to a certain animosity between Maraphel and its neighbors, which the constant flow of disgraced government officials, corrupt politicians and even a few murderous wretches.   Maraphel is one of the Seven Kingdoms. Their current ruler is Queen Katelynn Ceire.   The town Berniton has a high population of the subset of people known as gnomes, who mostly take care of the real estate trade. Most of the land sales in the world go through here, since the gnomes have gained a reputation for fair dealings and accurate listings.   Maraphel can be quite toxic to life in areas due to high populations of such things as fire drakes, water sprites, bandits, cannibals and others even less savory. The area known as Bleakness Point is home to a group of elves who were given the well-deserved moniker demon. This country also boasts a place called the Forest of Pain that is an understatement. Has quite a long coastline.   The people are called Maraphites.   Geographically, Maraphel is frequently described as a triangle. The two sides to the north are surrounded by ocean, while the south is the border of Zol-Tero. There are a few lumps and protrusions, and a few islands claimed by Maraphel, but description always simplifies until it is simply called a triangle. In the middle of the country is a mess of mountains and rocky hillsides that make atlas makers go crazy trying to delineate which particular peak belongs to which mountain range. Eventually they gave up and just called it all one big clump of mountain. The natives are much more particular, but children across the globe rejoiced at much simply tests in school.   This mess of mountains means that most of Maraphel’s major population centers can be found around the edges of the triangle. Nice even lines can actually be drawn around the edges of the country by connecting all the cities like little dots. Because of this evenness, towns and villages are forced to cram in wherever there is space, essentially. In the center this leads to some death-defying sky-soaring architecture. On the ocean edges this leads to a lot of floating villages (since most people aren’t crazy enough to formally colonize the forests). On the southern border, it leads to a great deal of confusion.
Geopolitical, Country
Notable Members

Allies of Good

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Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good

Allies of Good














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