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Among the insulting circles, their unofficial name is “The Hippies.” Actually, there are quite a few more insulting terms used, but this is the politest one. They are militantly and petulantly insistent upon doing things their own way, and on people leaving them alone so they can do things their own way. Naturally, since their way is so great they spend most of their lives getting people to follow it, by fair means or foul. Usually foul.   As to what that way is, I cannot tell you. There are new catch phrases every decade or so, and new clothing styles, and other such things that they attempt to insist are progress. Conversely, I would point out that not a single technological advancement has ever come out of Ankhenstrom.   The current leader is Joot, son of Nur. Like Paratorion, the Ankhen leader does not traditionally have a title but relies on the fame of his or her name to carry the weight. The difference comes from the fact that they also include a parent’s name in the title. For all that they claim they are an enlightened people who care nothing for kings or leaders, the Ankhen place more emphasis on dynasty and lineage than any other country.   It used to be called Montrevaro, but Ankhenstrom was voted in as having the appropriate allusions to Egyptian mythology and Germanic influences. Not because this country’s geography resembles either Egypt or Germany, but because they decided they needed something to distinguish themselves from the rabble. Never let it be said that the Ankhens would be willing to humble themselves enough to admit they are just like the rest of us. They do at least now have pyramids to fit the name, which is something of a unique architectural feature.   Ankhenstrom was one of the Seven Kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Country

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Allies of Good

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