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Most countries of the Overlord world rely on the opinions and preferences of their current leaders to dictate the feel and style of the country. It can shift as quickly as a single overthrow, and it can take a century to change from one style to the next. Paratorion is one of the few that has remained unchanging in its approach to technology.   In a word: robots. Unless the person has already lost a limb, they will usually stop short of cyborgs, but even their magical branches are devoted to the creation of mechanical lifeforms. As such, they have a harsher set of internal laws meant to govern and regulate what could turn into something stronger than any of the countries. The heroes and overlords in the neighboring countries tend to have a higher level of technical expertise as a response, just in case of overflow, which makes them more effective opponents even when not fighting Paratorion.   Its official colors are a blood-red mark on steel. The capital city is a floating masterpiece of a junkyard that moves from place to place within the country. It is called the Technomium. It does not look like something that can float in the sky for decades before needing to set down, but rather like a handful of metal garbage with bits hanging off and someone has flung that will soon crash to the ground in a spectacular explosion. I have it on good authority that the Technomium has crashed before, but it is far too well built to simply explode. Were it to collapse to the ground and simultaneously have all its myriad safety systems fail, it would probably vaporize the entire country.   The current leader of Paratorion is Totalitus, who wears an impressive suit of robotic armor but is not in fact a cyborg in any way, shape or form. Traditionally, leaders of Paratorion do not have titles but rely on the influence of their chosen name for authority. The rational is that someone whose name does not automatically inspire fear or awe does not deserve the role. For respect, however, outsiders will usually refer to the leader as “Lord” or “Lady” as a way of distinguishing to those who might not be aware of the person’s accomplishments. A past leader was Laco Krauter, who is technically listed under the “good” leaders because he ruled while Paratorion was a member of the Unified Benevolent Nations. In reality, however, he was a tyrant who well deserved his spectacular overthrow by the minions of the man who became known simply as Irving.
Geopolitical, Country

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil


Allies in Evil

Allies in Evil













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