The Tritonni

General Description

A formidable and influential organization that has controlled the Realm of the Keep region in the south-east of Rayas for the last fifty years. Led by a diverse group of individuals, they have established themselves as a powerful force in the area.


Broque Canthorn

Over a century ago, after discovering silver deposits just on the outskirts of the city, Elster Canthorn and her mining company have brought a new financial stability to the area. Nowadays, her son Broque oversees all of Lorkeep's imports and exports not just those relating to precious ores and minerals.

Maura Jocelle

Maura heads the powerful security forces of The Verndari, who serve as city guards as well as offering a presence throughout the region. Alongside her expertly trained warriors, she ensures the safety and protection of all inhabitants under the Tritonni's rule.

The Collector

A curious and charismatic individual known only as The Collector serves as both a diplomatic leader and a guardian. His organization, The Umbra Collective, provides additional security throughout the region utilising a handful of specialised task forces.


The Tritonni's responsibilities encompass creating and upholding law and order, fostering new diplomatic relations while maintaining existing ones, and managing the economy. For any new laws, changes to existing ones, or decisions impacting the city or region, unanimous agreement from all three members is required before implementation.
The insignia of the Tritonni


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