Chu Geographic Location in World of Naru | World Anvil


Chu is a stunningly beautiful town, uniquely woven into a grotto at the base of a mountain. The streets are paved with smooth white stones with trees and golden lanterns lining the walkways. Luscious grassy patches separate the different roads, some with intricate sculptures and monuments of legends or heroes. This impressive scenery carries on into the grotto before subtly fading away into the backdrop of rocks and mine entrances. Almost directly in the center of town stands what is said to be the largest oak tree on the continent.   The forges are situated a little deeper into the mountainside, crafted by giants long ago. This is where the mining, forging, crafting and tinkering happens that gives Chu it's wealth alongside some of the most talented inventors and leather smiths in all the land. Several stalls and tents are set up in the grotto to showcase the things currently being worked on, they are always testing new ideas out. Some gnomes are more than happy to take requests and attempt to build you whatever you desire.   One of the two homes of the Gnomes (the Yama Valley being the other) both serving not under a rule but by their own code. The most wealthy or profitable are deemed to be 'in charge' having the biggest financial influence they have the power to make the most change for the good of the people. There are no official guard here, the locals generally take care of themselves and maintain their town together. That being said, safety is not neglected and several contraptions fashioned out of metals, cogs and wood, protect the town. Each and every one blending in with its surroundings and stunning to look at.   Chu is rumored to have a secret underground secure vault filled with books, scrolls and scripts detailing their trade secrets and construction techniques. Apparently well-stocked with materials, parts and prototypes in case of emergency or natural disaster. The existence of these vaults is said to be just a myth by the townsfolk and nobody has ever had or seen proof of them.


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