Untamed Wastes Geographic Location in Minelara | World Anvil

Untamed Wastes

The Untamed Wastes are a vast region of untamed wilderness on the southwestern corner of Oduth. It gained its name from a rough translation of the orcish word Addelan, meaning unconquered. It should be noted that only the more civilized nations refer to it as "wastes." It is, in fact, rich in biodiversity, resources, and climate. The name is used derisively, referring to the distinct lack of so-called "civilized" towns and the fierce resistance to colonization.


The Untamed - or Addelan, in the old tongue - Wastes are a region of southwestern Oduth characterized by a distinct lack of civilized nations. The terrain varies from rolling hills to a series of small mountains, finally culminating at the base of the dwarf territories of Grim Knurl.

Ecosystem Cycles


  Despite the vast size and scale of the Wastes, the yearly average temperature remains fairly consistent with the rest of southern Oduth, ranging from the low 50s to the low- to mid-70s, depending on one's altitude. In fact, much of the coast would make for prime real estate and settlement if it weren't for roving orc warbands and criminals escaping justice in these parts.     
Alternative Name(s)
The Addelan Wastes
Location under
Related Ethnicities


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