Razar Tiaraad
Razar Tiaraad
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Razar is tall, even for a dragonborn. He has muscles, but nowadays is slightly more slim than he was before the accident in the tunnels.
Body Features
His scales are black and they have a greenish tint in them in correct light. Hir horns are like those of a ram: large and curved on the sides.
Facial Features
He has sharp look and couple of scars, one on his snout and one on the left side of his head (see identifying features). He also has thicker, greener scales around his eyes and the ridge on his snout.
Identifying Characteristics
Razar has couple of scars all around his body, but the small on his head, on the left side near where his horns start, is the only sign which reminds of the accident.
Physical quirks
Not so much quirks, but disabilities. The accident during the war, when he was exposed to poisonous gas, left its marks on him. He never fully recovered and to this day has several conditions ailing him. His lungs were damaged, so he easily gets severe asthma attacks, especially when he exercises. It's also difficult for him to hear properly, due to damage he suffered from a blow which made him almost deaf from left ear, but has also caused other hearing problems like hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to certain frequencies and volume ranges of sound), hypersensitivity to loud noises and tinnitus (which tends to worsen for minutes to days following exposure to doses of sound that other people would normally tolerate). He also suffers from debilitating migraine and headache, long-term fatigue and insomnia, the latter which has probably been caused by his other problems.
Mental characteristics
Mental Trauma
He suffers from PTSD due to the debilitating incident in the army which left him partially disabled and he has many physical conditions which limit his life and worsen his quality of life. The same incident caused a plethora of mental problems too, like depression, fear of the dark and claustrophobia. He usually self-medicates with alcohol.
Family Ties
His mother was from a different clan, and Razar doesn't have any bigger memories of her. His father named Dheragaz was an old veteran, who raised him alone. His father died in the most recent war, near the Islenorian border.
He had a wife called Nerise, with whom he had a pair of twins: girl Myastra and boy Iwar. His family died in a fire 1,5 years before he was himself able to return home from the war.
Social Aptitude
Before his injury Razar was a charismatic and extrovert party-goer. He enjoyed drinking with his mates and was a fairly good singer. Yet, things changed when he was wounded in the war. After the debilitating injury, he slowly withdrewn from all but the essential social contacts, and tends to keep to himself.
Due to his hearing loss and everything related to the incident, he has trouble with communicating, interacting and socializing with people. It's difficult to understand what is said, especially when several people are talking at once or in a large space. There is a high risk of starting to physically hurt due to the sounds around, so all social situations have become difficult for him and he avoids all big crowds and gatherings.
The accident in the war injured also his vocal chords. He has a raspier voice than before the incident.
Old dragonborn veteran who has lost the meaning to live.
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black and greenish