Cambren Ethnicity in Kobos | World Anvil


"Over in Eldermeare, they have merchants and villagers that sometimes play soldier. Travel east and you will find Cambreath, where soldiers play at being merchants and villagers."   ~Abide Baht Mig, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Naming Traditions

Family names

Cambren families name themselves when they split. They prefer to name themselves something evocative, that they can attach their pride to. The Old Tongue is as common as Common for these names, as is any language popular in the region and time that the family clan was formed.

Other names

Nicknames are common among accomplished cambren, particularly the noted warriors. These can be as intricate as "Breaker of Men" or as simple as "Ripper." Some Clanless will replace "Clanless" with these names as is the case with the Margrave, Arronax Skinner.


Major language groups and dialects

Cambren speak the Common Tongue, and if they know a second language it's likely to be Goblin or Dwarf

Culture and cultural heritage

Cambreath considers itself the direct inheritor of Iliac, though its cultural turnaround from enlightened cultural center to militant survivalist enclave after the fall of Lake Hope means that this description is, at best, incomplete.

Shared customary codes and values

Cambren are a martial culture, and Balatar called from the canton are always the best due to more dedicated training and a larger number of volunteers.

Common Etiquette rules

Cambren solve their own problems unless they absolutely must ask for help.   Cambren also would generally rather lose a fight than admit that they couldn't win it.   Of all the cantons, Cambreath are the closest adherents to the jehav. More matters are settled on the field of honor here than in the rest of the Maecodian Confederation combined, with one exception: the challenge is often postponed until the next festival, so they can be carried out all at once before the melees.

Common Dress code

Cambren tend to wear leathers and felt. Their clothes are designed to be durable and easy to repair, and they usually shy away from gaudy colors in everyday wear. They are usually well out of fashion, and some are still wearing the clothes passed down to them from four or five generations back.   In keeping with their martial tradition, many cambren prefer clothes that are cut like military uniforms.

Art & Architecture

Old cambren architecture is highly decorative and flashy, with marble pillars and an adherence to artistic standards.   Modern cambren architecture is defensible, with thick walls and tall but thin windows.   Cambren art is almost always about battle, and they export many beautiful tapestries depicting the horrific violence and glory of war.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Cambreath follows the Balatar Training with nearly a religious fervor.   They also play wargames and participate in intermural and even interclan warfare at an alarming rate, and melees are common at any celebration.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a cambren is born, the birth is celebrated with a melee involving the father and his friends and male family members. Afterward, the child is gifted a small training Balatar Kit, suitable for a toddler; basically just a 1-2 ft. stick, a child's sling, and a small kemp helm.

Coming of Age Rites

When the child reaches their tenth nameday, they get a larger version of their training Balatar Kit, and they get an adult version when they reach 16.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a cambren dies, they are remembered with a three day wake and taken to the graveyard.

Common Taboos

Cambren disdain uselessness, even more so than most.


Beauty Ideals

Cambren are a practical people, and signs of health are key to their sense of beauty. Rosy cheeks, smooth skin, hair with a gleam, good teeth, strong bodies, etc.

Gender Ideals

The cambren are too practical to concern themselves with gender expectations. One does what one is suited to, with the following exceptions:   The men of Cambreath are warriors. While a fair number of women believe themselves to be warriors, all of the men are judged by their prowess. Women wield a fair amount of the political power, and a couple's assets will generally be owned by the woman, under the assumption that if one of them were to die a violent death, it would be the man. Cambren widows may have six or seven husbands by the time they simply become too old to remarry, and will have accumulated all of those assets. Consequently, women are expected to have a better grasp of finances and math than the men.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Cambreath is generally adventure-based. One suitor will take their beloved to a site that's exciting, dangerous, or beautiful. The journey is a time to learn about one another, and shared interests drives further adventures.

Relationship Ideals

Cambreath look for allies in their lovers and spouses.


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