WorldEmber 2021 Pledge Document in Just another nameless country | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

WorldEmber 2021 Pledge Document

I pledge to write 25,000 words of worldbuilding during December!
  So... it seems that December is a writing month too. Except is not a writing month, is a Worldbuilding month, ideal for pantser wrimos who have just started exploring the world for their novel, and would find helpfull to put it all together before doing revisions in January.   That's not exactly my case, but it's close enough. This nameless country has been there for a long, long time, and I've written short stories about the characters before, but even after editing the main story, I never focused in worldbuilding as such. It was all about the plot and the rules that were in my head.   Hopefully, this will help with the descriptions (my worst enemy) and to the next revision of consistency. And there is the story that I want to write but needs some worldbuilding that I'm afraid to do. There, I said it. And just like that, now this is part of the plan; now there are three sides of this world: Fred 's version, Molly's version and, the fiction inside the fiction: Evil Aaron 's reality .      
Part I

Be prepared

A list of articles

The meta behind

Future headers

Soundtrack for writing

Happy endings for WIPs
Part II

Be inspired

Needful articles

Useful articles

The other articles

Surprise articles

Part III

Be... judgy?

Inconsistencies Hunt

Still learning English

Any missing pictures?

There are no endings
  I'm not planning much, tough. Being in the middle of NaNoWriMo and all. Aaron's side of the world probably needs a lot of planning, but if I have nothing yet, I won't get much in three weeks while I think in a different thing. So, I'll discover that area in December, and I'll write about the most familiar aspects when I don't feel like exploring blindly.   My other worry was about spoilers, but that's easy: the date of the world will be set for right before Obliviously Evil (the main novel), when every character (minus one, I won't tell you who) is where they will be in the first chapter, but nobody's fate is decided yet.    

The plan

I'll go back to the old proved tradition: I'll sit everyday to write, as early as possible, and for as long as life allows (which goes from 15 minutes to 4 hours, depending on a lot of things).   I'll do my best to reach 25K words, but I'll focus more on getting useful articles, so I won't be troubled if I don't get there. And if I am, please remind me that I shouldn't.

The support network

For now, I'm just partially counting on WA community, particularly Writers and people in the Kiosko channel. But I would be happy to have a writing buddy... Anybody interested?


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Nov 12, 2021 05:05 by Samantha Guerra

I've done the same thing, except that I named the country my WriMo project is in for myself in a tongue-in-cheek moment to see if the players in my campaign would notice. Now I'm stuck with it. (Well, not really, but you know) I've been writing inside this country (empire, really) with only the vaguest ideas of how everything in there works. It looks like you have a solid plan here. Good luck!   p.s. - I'm always down to be someone's writing buddy, if you need someone to bounce things off of, or if you just need someone to ask you, "Hey, have you poked around in your world today?"

Nov 12, 2021 15:41

Yes, I think I know what you mean. :D And, I'll go visit your profile to talk about the writing buddy topic!

Nov 12, 2021 11:42 by TJ Trewin

Fantastic pledge article! Good luck with your goals for WorldEmber this year :D you've got this!

Journals of Yesteryear

Please consider voting for me in the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards!
Nov 12, 2021 17:44 by Alan M Rogers

I kinda love your banner. I write in notebooks for everything, and seeing a to-do list in a banner like that? Nice.   I hope your writing goes well! Your Nameless Country with its three realities sounds fun. I also tip my hat to you - I cannot pants NaNo. I've been writing NaNo for years - but I am an inveterate planner, and have no ability to pants it. I admire those of you who can!

alan m rogers ~ the notebook wizard
Nov 12, 2021 19:44

Thanks :) I like to put my To Do List in the image of a lovely notebook for planning entries like this one.   Fun fact: I've done NaNoWriMo as a pantser a few times, and editing after is a nightmare. I've done it with a plan, and sometimes I lack motivation; but the event provides that, so it works. All in all, I think I'm a plantser.

Jan 17, 2022 15:04 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

This is awesome! I love reading through this world, learning more about Haru and her friends. I absolutely adore your cute, quirky, comical writing style. It's a pure joy to explore Another Nameless Country! <3 I need to do better with keeping up. There is so much I've missed. I've been so busy and haven't been reading any of your works which is a shame because it is all so very interesting!