Arleen's music score book Item in Just another nameless country | World Anvil
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Arleen's music score book

An element of the novel. This handmade score book, was a gift from Aaron to Arleen, and a the writers mean to use it as a symbol to represent either his feelings towards her whenever necessary. It's used to imply her feelings at the start of the novel.   Being a common item, and given it's relevance for a character who doesn't need any tool or weapon, it was the only object that came to Molly's mind when she was looking for an Anchor in her attempt to know the villain better.


Aaron stole the skills to layout books from the owners of the small editorial house in the end of the street where he and Arleen lived.   Crafting this book wasn't the main purpose to steal the ability―he only wanted to add it to his evergrowing collection―, but it was the first and last use he gave to it.   He put his hearth on the task. He couldn't help himself, as that was part of the gift the artisans had. But there was also a reason: he was determined to put a smile in Arleen's face and joy in her hearth. There was no point in having a human being around if he wouldn't make her happy.   She smiled, indeed. But the warmth in her hearth was something greater than happiness. She didn't find a way to show her appreciation for the score book, the interest on the music written in the pages, and how loved she felt knowing about the long time that Aaron had invested on something that he could have bought for a small price instead.

Aaron's anchor

  When she got the task of creating the villain of the novel, Molly tried several of the tricks that writers always share when they talk about finding inspiration. One of those tricks was the the advice that a friend had published in her blog, and it required an object that could represent something from the story.   Since anything with similar dimensions or purpose would do the job, Molly didn't thought much about it and used the same cheap spiral notebook in which she had wrote some of the character's interview she'd done to inspire herself.   Nothing happened with the object. Molly was pleased to think that now she knew the weight of the score book, but that was that. Without anything else to do, she simply put it back on the desktop in her library.
  She doesn't remember it often, but when she saw it the other day, she wasn't surprised to notice that she thinks about is as a score book.
score book
by Escritora Novata, using images from

Anchor's Current Location
Molly's house
Anchor's Current Holder
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Significance of the score book
Even if Aaron didn't shower his child with presents, the score book wasn't the only one either. it wasn't even the first one.   But, because of the effort he put on it and how it perfectly fit to her tastes, it made her feel like a real person for the first time.   She didn't really analysed what she felt when she got the present, even if he did, and the object became a symbol of the connection between them, which remained the same despite her constant grow.

Cover image: Cityscape by karoots


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Jan 9, 2022 19:35 by Jeroen Heijster

Lovely article!

-MoonRaven creator of Paldurog.