The Korda Alliance

"So, these humanoid bugs, the elves, and the dragons work together?"
"Yeah, standing together makes you stronger."
"Then why is this the only settlement where people work together?"
"Well, trust is hard to come by...and Translation Stones. Those aren't that common either. So don't drop yours."
August and Zamarca
  The creation of an alliance is not without risk as it might bring hostility to land because of an ally's choices. Nevertheless, the Korda Alliance has been formed by 3 Houses and 2 Orders to keep an iron hold on the flourishing Valley of The Sun and the settlement of Korda .  
World map
The world map

Before The Union

The Settlement of Korda once included only a handful of inhabitants. These were mainly members of The Koring House. However, a couple of the inhabitants were a part of The Order of Dorekk who had their HQ in the then slightly larger settlement of Wringa a couple of hours away. The inhabitants of Korda were mainly occupied with farming cotton, flaxen and silk that they sold to traveling Tradesmen.   The silk and cotton fabrics that came from Korda were of such a high quality that these tradesmen started dropping by more often and that brought the attention of other Houses who reacted by trying to push the smaller Koring House out of the area. But The Koring House would not give up that easily. They hired people from The Order of Dorekk to protect them and the flourishing geographical area that they saw of as their own.     The Winddawn House had been dealing with a couple of hardships after a draught and they needed to find a way to rise again. To rise they needed a more flourishing area. They needed the area that The Koring House held. The Winddawn House had heard that a House where they had a lot of blood relatives, The Windstand House were also planning on seizing the area. The leader of The Winddawn House contacted the The Windstand House and learned that they had even hired an order that usually only dealt with monster hunting, The Order of Monsterthorn. The only way that they would be able to get a piece of the cake was if they joined forces.   The Battle of The Valley of The Sun started in 997 RO when the newly formed alliance attacked the The Koring House and their hired protectors The Order of Dorekk. After the first attack other Houses and Orders also entered the fray. This upset The Koring House, The Winddawn House and The Windstand House because of the damages to the cotton and flax fields as well as a couple of the larger silk mills. Which they all three wanted.   To stop the tides of what was shaping up to be the beginnings of a large scale world war over the Valley, the Head of the House of Koring contacted the Leader of the House of Windstand. They had to do something. The alliance had to grow to protect against all other Houses and Orders that wanted the area.   The Five groups wrote a contract , The Korda Alliance Contract, and joined together as equals. Ending the previous mercenary contract between the Houses and the Orders. By standing strong together against the other Houses and Orders they were quickly left alone.  

A Union of different ways

The Houses and the Orders didn't only differ in their cultures, they also consisted of different species. The Koring House and The Order of Dorekk consisted of Bug-folks while the Houses of Windstand and Winddawn consisted of Elves and the Order of Monsterthorn consisted mostly of Dragons.   This made living together hard, but they eventually worked out most of their differences and are now living in peace. More or less. The Houses and Orders are still different groups but they each now are recruiting members from other species.  

After the first Union

In more current times the Alliance has gotten more Submembers. These Houses and Orders are organized under one of the five main Houses & Orders. These submembers are The House of Splitfield , The House of Brightbrand, The House of Shivervale, The Order of Shadows , The Order of Swallows, The Order of Swiftmane, The Order of The Discarded and The House of Adventurers.  


The Koring House and the Order of Dorakk each have a small Court with a head that is voted in every 4 years.   The Windstand and The Winddawn Houses have leaders that get that role when their father dies.   In The Order of the Monsterthorn the strongest is the leader.   These five leaders form The Court of Korda, they run the settlement of Korda. The largest settlement in the world of Idyll. They control the laws and decides who has to follow through on them.   There are now several sub-members. The leaders of these groups form a coalition that discusses subjects that they later either bring up with the Court or with the leaders of the House or Order that they are subservient to.  


The Main Allies

Some of The Rights The Koring House The Windstand House The Winddawn House The Order of Dorekk The Order of Monsterthorn
Nominate Magistrate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Appoint Magistrate Yes No No No No
Set taxing Yes No No No No
Regulating commerce Yes Yes Yes No No
Regulating education Yes Yes Yes No No
Suggesting laws Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voting on laws Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Judicial review Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Suggesting new submembers No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Approving new submembers Yes No No No No

The Submembers

Some of The Rights The Splitfield House The Shivervale House The Brightbrand House The House of Adventurers The Order of Shadows The Order of Swallows The Order of The Discarded The Order of Swiftmane
Nominate Magistrate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Appoint Magistrate No No No No No No No No
Set taxing No No No No No No No No
Regulating commerce No No No No No No No No
Regulating education No No No No No No No No
Suggesting laws Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voting on laws No No No No No No No No
Judicial review No No No No No No No No
Suggesting new submembers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Approving new submembers No No No No No No No No

Diplomacy web

Founding Date
997 RO
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Organization Vehicles


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Bugfolk
Work: Fabrics and herbalists
About: The Koring members are said to be great at telling time, they are also hard workers and enjoy creativity. They are also said to enjoy betting and staying at home with a good game and close family.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Elves
Work: Traders and merchants
About: The Windstand members are said to be charismatic, beautiful, musically inclined and talented at many things. They also only make close friends and ignores others.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Elves
Work: lumber and woodcrafts
About: The Winddawn members are said to be enthusiastic lovers of beautiful things, they are good at handiwork and are rarly outside, being pegged as homebodies.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Bugfolk
Work: Cooks, laborers and law enforcers
About: The Dorekk are said to be strong, they enjoy betting, are great cooks and they are said to believe in elephants.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Dragons
Work: Firefighters, protectors, law enforcement, laborers, hunters and butchers.
About: The members of this Order is said to be brave, strong, have a dislike for animals. They are also supposedly chivalrous, athletic and have a good sense of direction. People also think that they all look the same. Tall, brawny and not that bright.

Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Beastfolk
Work: Cooks and Farmers
About: The members of this house is said to have a calming presence, they are great cooks and people say pretty often that they couldn't outrun a Gorm.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Beastfolk
Work: Laborers and fishers
About: They are said to be introverted rule followers that only make close friends among other members.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Elves
Work: Brewers and fruit farmers
About: They are said to be a group of loyal and outgoing silly jokers that enjoy parties.

Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Elves
Work: Spies, laborers and clergy
About: They are said to be inquisitive and daring. They also supposedly have very little precence so they are easy to miss.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Beastfolk
Work: Hunter, laborer and law enforcement
About: They are said to be free spirited, they like to learn new things and are always late.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Bugfolk
Work: Hunter and laborers
About: They are said to love animals. They will steal your things if you don't keep them under watch and they are creative weirdos.


Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Dragons
Work: Hunter, laborer and law enforcement
About: The members of this groups is said to be free spirited, enjoy betting, they are good at finding things. They are also said to be outgoing happy go lucky people.
Logo coming
The House of Adventurers
Member total: Will be updated
Members in Korda: Will be updated
Common species: Dragons
Work: Jacks of all trades
About: This is a very new House and sterotypes about them does not exist. Though, people think that the group is weird with a human creator.


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Oct 9, 2020 18:10

I really like the blocks you did for each member organization and their icons.

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Oct 10, 2020 03:30 by Dragon

:D Thank you! They will be used in my NaNo work for this year so I had to flesh them out. :3

Oct 15, 2020 12:44 by TC

Cool article! The details and icons for all the different organisations are very nice, and I like how the alliance ties everyone together in a complex but not uniform way.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Oct 16, 2020 01:39 by Dragon

:) Thank you! <3

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