Fire Mountain Geographic Location in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Fire Mountain

by hughpierre


A monstrosity of a mountain pockmarked with fiery pits that never go out. The pits' walls and floor are dotted with jets of fire that can burn for decades. At night, the flames' glow is visible from many far distances. Their intense heat simmers the air above it; and when the wind blows makes looking at them impossible.
Though many can reasonably suspect it as a volcano, there aren't any lava flows or frequent earthquakes as to expect like with Imbabura, Mojanda, Cotacachi or Yanahurca.
Instead, the several bowels and chambers of gas rumble from deep within the earth to collect in the soil of the mountain's slopes. These noxious gases can ignite naturally from lightning strikes, stomping feet or rubbing fire feathers.

Localized Phenomena

The Insanity

A nightly event at the peak of the Mountain of Fire where thousands and thousands of bats break out to hunt and are set upon by falcons, who are set upon by banshees inturn.  
A free for all that becomes so hectic, that fires from the mountain side can leap onto those flying too low. And by the path, flying flames crash onto the way and zip through the air in panic. It is dangerous to be on the mountain during Insanity.

Fauna & Flora

Fire Birds: A specially adapted falcon whose feathers can catch alight without burning the bird's flesh.   Ember Bats: Large winged bats larger that its proportionate body size that fly out on mass at sunset to forage for insects and fruit.

Natural Resources

Gas: The mountain covers a massive gas field under it where explorers drill into the ground and capture what seeps out.


Wars of Fire

For many years of Tawantinsuyu's attempts of Dusky conquest the steaming river and fire mountain have been significant obstacles to funnel Innoit invaders into narrower and narrower paths.

Alternative Name(s)
Mountain of Fire
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Contested By
Related Traditions
Related Myths
Steaming River
Geographic Location | Nov 5, 2022


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