
The Chea (Shay-UH) are a long-lived Cradle Sophont originating from Jhoutai. Their physiology is well-adapted to life as an omnivorous farmer-scavenger in the sunblasted Verin Steppes, where the hot, the cold, and the wind are all of the blistering variety.



Chea eyes come in pale pastel gradients of blue to green. As with all Verin the melanophores in their irises reflect a red eyeshine in direct lighting, but theirs are significantly easier to see.


Chea have eyes well adapted to their original homelands in the deserts and plains. Their corneas have melanophores which make their corneas appear reflective in intense light so that they can overcome sunblindness. When night falls, their pupils dilate enough to expose a secondary set of rods and cones with limited infrared chromacy. Ancient chea hunters would use it to hunt in the deserts at night. They'd look at the sand for warm spots and jam their spears down into the sand

The Chea physique isn't as long-legged as the their Faeo cousins. Instead, they are comparitively stocky Sauthei, and share in a physique made more for stamina than distance.

Their lower canines are as pronounced as their uppers. Their hair is typically jet, raven, onyx or obsidian in lustre, but it is not too uncommon to find the occasional blue-black.

The body beneath their slate skin is as unique and as rugged as the exterior, as they have large hearts to keep their thick blood pumping. They also have dense, difficult to break bones.

Their thick skin insulates them from the hot and cold.


The above image is generated, and so is lacking a couple features such as their tusks and skin patterns.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
VerinCradle Sophont

Common Culture

Although the Chea consanguinity is more long-lived and widespread than any of the cultures which intersect it, there are some cultural archetypes and touchstones held in common.

Outdoorsy: It takes more than some seasonal storms to displace a Chea, a distinction which invites them to push and test the limits of themselves and their environment. They tend to value parks and recreation of all scales, especially as a group event.

Matriarchy: The lives of men are toil, and women bear the crown and burden of administrating that toil. It is normal for a woman to manage the holdings of a partnership, and to have a voice and hand in its achievements. This worldview causes strain with patriarchal societies and egalitarians alike, albeit for very different reasons.

The Flame

Who rises to drive back the darkness.

The Throne

Whose limits are forever being tested.

The Shaman

Who learned it the hard way.

The Hermit

Who embodies the solitude they inhabit.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall
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