
The Living Doll

Manne-Kyn are a Genestruct Race developed to serve the noble elite of Nouveau Planète Bordeaux. Their original purpose was to serve and entertain without question, and to alleviate the stress of their masters by a specialized process of Mesmer called Massage de l'âme, mind massage, in which they use their powers to put their master within a trance so that they can explore their mind and help them overcome obstacles of stress.

They were freed by their Harle-Kyn cousins during a revolution on their world, and now live as free members of society. They have since renamed the world to Nouvelle Planète Bordeaux, switching the planetary title to the feminine to reflect the matriarchal rule of the Harle-Kyn

Manne-Kyn were designed to be highly morally responsible, which is why they have issues lying. One of the modifications they have results in them having a partial face blindness—they have a delayed amygdala response to faces and so a delayed response to processing a face—their obsession with fashion is because the presentation of their bodies is the foremost aspect of recognizing each other.

Manne-Kyn were not originally designed for indulgence or gratification. They were designed to be the next step of a more empathetic, socially-capable creature. An indigo child that would hopefully deliver intelligent life into a new age.

Unfortunately the research was taken over by government and corporate interest, and bastardized. Manne-Kyn still posess that underlying design, but have no guidance on how to use it.

Common Banners
The Federation
Uncommon Banners
The Rest
Genetic Ancestor(s)
French, Helan
100 Years
Average Height
Imperial: 4' - 5'5" Metric: 1.2 - 1.7
Average Weight
Imperial: 70 - 140 Lbs. Metric: 32 - 64 Kg.

As a Species

As Manne-Kyn were originally designed to serve, they once had many safeguards to keep them obedient. Many of these still remain in some form, but after the Harle-Kyn led a revolt and overthrew the government of Nouveau Planète Bordeaux, they were targeted and dialed back wherever they couldn't be removed entirely.

To differentiate Manne-Kyn from Humans and Verin, they were given several minor but easily-noticed distinguishing features. The combination of these features lends Manne-Kyn a very doll-like appearance.


Manne-Kyn have goniochromatic eyes resulting from a layer of specially-modified tapetum lucidem grafted into their irises. This gives them a vivid, iridescent range of eye colors.


Their skin-tone is uniform for their entire body, save for obvious exceptions such as their lips. They have no natural blemishes or secondary markings save that some have shiny freckles. They also have grooves marking their body.


Unlike the hair of most other species, in which there are many slight variations across the span of their scalp and even along the length of a strand of hair, Manne-Kyn hair is monochromatic and comes in pastel shades.

ManneKyn by Maple

Whimsical Description.

— Lies of the Waterwives

E.N.Core — Traits

Pathological Honesty

Originally Manne-Kyn were programmed to be entirely pathologically honest to a fault towards their master, and could not even lie by omission. They are also have eidetic memories.

In modern times, Manne-Kyn still cannot directly lie, but they can lie by omission and talk their way around a topic. Because of this, many Manne-Kyn who travel the greater universe have developed silver tongues and, in a twist of fate from their original intent, have become considered good leaders.




Manne-Kyn were designed to be able to imprint onto their master(s) through a ritual. This made them fixated upon their master(s), eager to please them and fulfill any requests that didn't go against other parts of their nature.

In modern times, Manne-Kyn can decide who they imprint on, and can imprint on multiple, but it's impossible to break this link without great damage on their sanity. They are no longer strictly subservient to the subjects of their imprinting.



During their Genestruction, a latent capability for Divination bubbled up from their Faecha blood. Rather than trying to remove this, the designers worked with it and tied it into their design. The Helyk artists who worked on the original sculpt designed the Manne-Kyn's eyes to reinforce this, and if a Manne-Kyn locks eyes with someone they become more susceptible to the Manne-Kyn's mesmer capabilities. This effect is even stronger on people they've imprinted upon.

Once mesmerized, they person will fall into a suggestive stupor. Classically this was used as a way for the Manne-Kyn to help their master(s) open up about difficult topics, get them off their chest, and work through them. In modern times the Manne-Kyn can still do this, but can also use their power to daze targets.






As a People



Cultural Markers
Frequent Expressions

The Manne-Kyn identity does not make much of a differentiation of gender, and both are typically effeminate.

The traditionalist Manne-Kyn will wear elaborate Victorian-Rococo inspired clothing.

Traditionalist Manne-Kyn may have floral tattoos reminiscent of Art Noveau patterns.

Naming Traditions

Traditionalist Manne-Kyn will have French names.

E.N.Core — Tribes

Articles under Manne-Kyn

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall

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