The Fraisian Grand Alliance

Situated in the center of the Prenalian continent, the Grand Alliance of Frasia consists of the three nations of Estell in the northeast, Nurik in the north, and Isilii in the south. The lush fields and forests of the Isilii Republic give way to a harsher climate as one travels further north into Nurik, which houses the sprawling metropolis of Centurion, the largest city on Enos. Foolish travelers that venture eastward into Estell will quickly find a dead, sand-blasted wasteland occupied mostly by wandering Orc tribes, with a few human settlements along the coast.   To the south sits The The Gravis Grand Alliance Grand Alliance, and to the north is The Arnastian Grand Alliance. To the west sits the independent country of Ephistius, and to the east sits only the Aquan Ocean.

The Countries of Fraisia

The three countries that comprise the Grand Alliance are as different from one another as things can be, yet the peoples of each country understand the threat of both the Arnastians and the ever-looming presence of the Rending Scar that sits inside their borders. Each country contributes to a standing militia in their own way. The people of the Orc-dominated societies of Estell give warriors of unmatched savagery and skill. The Dwarves of both Estell and Nurik give unparalleled weapon craftsmanship. Nurik can provide ample bodies for the defense from its sprawling capital of Centurion, and can further supply the militia with weapons, arms, and armor from its vast trade empire. Isilii provides advance Elven border scouts and serves as the breadbasket of the entire alliance, ensuring food makes it to where it is needed most.  

The Tribe Primal of Estell

"...and I saw before me sands, red as blood, stretched over the horizon. I could feel the death there, and could hear the dying music of the lives cut short in the dreary winds that sliced at my soul. It was beautiful, but chilling all the same. I could see why my elder had told me to stick close to the mountains. If the warped beasts of the wastes wouldn't kill me, the ghosts that stalked the sand at night surely would." - from the Journal of Adlog ad-Dhaan, Orcish Wildcaller
  Dominated primarily by deserts enclosed and filled with steep, clustered mountain ranges, Estell is one of the most hostile geographic areas on Prenalia. It hosts several areas of interest, though most who are interested in these areas are either foolhardy, Orcs, or those of darker ambitions.  

Towns of Estell

Arginwood. Home of one of the major magical colleges in all of Enos, Arginwood is a port city on its own island. The town proper surrounds a seven-sided, domed, high-walled college that is divided into eight wards on the inside (seven along the outside and one in the center), each representing a school of magic. Its main inn (outside the college) is the Portmage's Cup.   Dagenpeak. This ancient Dwarven fortress city houses the Dagenstone clan as its plutocratic rulers. It boasts a rare magic trade through its port, though the main trade of the city is weapons, armor, and stonework art. The Ovidian Halls form its main internal mountain chamber, and bear the remnents of a long-forgotten battle between dragons. Its main inn is the Belly of the Mountain.   Oga Bhurn. This tribal society of Orcs pride themselves on their intelligence and dedication to learning and proper education. Its members are often the scholars at the Ogasts (yearly meetings of the clans at a host-clan's camp.)   Oga Dhaan. Known for their 'feeding burials' in which the bodies of their recently-fallen are cooked and eaten for their supposed power, this Orc clan boasts steadfast warriors that are brave in the face of any danger. Its members are often the soldiers and generals at the Ogasts.   Oga Kruth. A shunned and banished tribe, Oga Kruth worships at the feet of The Red King. They are a merciless group of warmongering, bloodthirsty hedonists that are as terrifying as they are vile.   Oga Rathh. Steeped in the eldritch arts through deals with two differing patrons, members of this Orc tribe primarily focus on the various shamanistic and esoteric arts, along with supplying each of their other tribes (save for Oga Kruth) with their wise men.   Oga Rhamm. Mercenaries of stellar reputation can be hired out of this tribe, which enjoys regular trade with Dagenpeak to the north. Their unique location makes them the most populous of the Orc tribes of Estell, and Ogasts are usually held here for this reason.   Oga Thann. The Orc peoples of this tribe primarily worship Enos and Gehelya, venerating the former for their role in everyday life, and the latter in their role in death. The tribe tends to keep to itself, preferring to send its clergy out into the world to bring back 'wayward brethren,' their term for any Orc that does not call themselves Thann.   Slagleigh. A port mining town with an utter monopoly on Slagsteel, a harder-than steel alloy famed for its durability, Slagleigh is the most active wartime port town in Estell. Its inn is the Jagged Cup.   Tulara. Tulara is a peaceful mining village on the far eastern side of Estell, known mostly for their silver and jade mines. Forces from Centurion, together with help from the Orc tribes help to defend the city year-round from the semi-frequent raids by the savage and bloodthirsty Kruth Orcs.   Wynn's Summit. Nestled in the foothills of Estell in the northeastern section of the Grand Alliance of Fraisia, the small town of Wynn's Summit presents a striking view for a first-time visitor. A fifty-foot tall wall covered in ivy named The Green by the locals greets travelers who enter. The streets are kept clean from all but color, as most of the city's streets and buildings are dyed in brilliant shades of pastel colors. Vivid, deeper colors seem to soak into the many murals cut into the walls and stonework of the city, and the people here seem lively and jovial. Most of the city's population is transient, with under two-thousand permanent residents, but the city almost always hosts more than double that number due to its affluence in the dye and chalk trades.  

Ruins in Estell

Abbey of the Ark XI. This ancient archive was once maintained by the scribes of Vorocit. It now sits empty and sealed by strange magics.   Crimson Tower. This jagged, horrifying, twisted citadel marks the site of The Red King's ascension. None dare visit it, as the latent power there makes its denizens supernaturally savage and bloodthirsty.   Dath'ava. This ancient port town only appears during the winter months, and anyone still residing in it when spring comes are taken along with it to places unknown.   Myr's Vantage. This old watch-post, made of a twisted, black metal flecked with purple and gold harbors exiled dwarves from Dagenpeak, forced to stand guard there for the rest of their days.   Scarlet Fane. A myriad of debased and vile rituals are performed here by cultists of The Red King, Sheppard, and Saevus.   Seawatch Stones. This grouping of standing stones hosts a permanent teleportation circle, but is watched over by an ever-vigilant circle of druids.  

The Red Sands

There are few worse expanses of land in all of Enos. Waves of impossible heat wash over the center of Estell during the day, and the nights, though cool enough to move about, see the ghosts of all those that have died in this forsaken landscape rise from the sand to haunt, torment, and kill those ignorant enough to tread here. The Orc tribes stay mainly to the extreme outskirts of the desert for this exact reason, and even still local folklore and tales tell of normally calm people entering uncontrollable rages. Those that enter these rages are said to receive supernatural strength even as they lose control of their faculties, tearing those they broke bread with hours previous in half with their bare hands.   The infamous Battle of the Blood took place in the center of this vast desert on 11 Octa, 2419 QE, when the Dwarven Runegeneral Bellum Scarlethammer and his human bounty hunter lover Davosha Ballast defeated the last of The Red King's army, along with an animated avatar of the Bloodlord himself, in a combat that so soaked the sands with lifeforce that they still bear the stain of the battle to this day.

The Republic of Nurik

The City of Centurion, Oasis of Light... that's a crock if I've heard one. I've lived in this festering cesspool all my life, and what has it given me? Nothing but misery and taxes. It took my young years from me, showed me the real underbelly of the world, you know? Not that those in power seem to care. They're too busy looking north to bother looking down at us once in a while. - Winston Bramblefoot, Streetman of Centurion

Towns in Nurik

Aislingtown. This quaint, out-of-the-way, sleepy little hamlet prides itself on being "the most peaceful place in Enos," despite its proximity to the warmongering Arnastian's border. Its main inn is the Tranquil Trove.   Blisterkeep. This ancient border fortress town is ruled by a benevolent ghost council called the Med'aekagmar, (meaning "Old Rulers" in the the Primordial Language.) Its people seem to enjoy the riches and peace that the council's wisdom bestows, though a faintly perceptible hum of discontent floats through the town. Its main inn is Gehelya's Rest.   Breaker's Wail. This crossroads town is famous for its founder, a famed Goliath woman known as Elra the Breaker. In the fledgling days of the village when it had barely a dozen permanently-standing structures, the legend goes that Elra single-handedly defended the town from a skittering invasion of aberrant horrors for an entire night, before dying with a wail so powerful that no further incursions of such creatures have ever been documented. Its main inn is the Strongwoman's Call.   Centurion's Watch. This walled city protects the main breadbasket farming communities found off the island on which its parent city sits. Its main inn is Mephit's Rest.   Crescent. This small city is surrounded by famed rich soil, capable of growing exotic fruits and wheat in great amounts. Its main inn is Hearth's Home.   Edvinhall. Every building and bit of land in this walled city is owned by the famed half-orc Lord David Blackfield IV, Esq. It is kept in immaculate shape, and the city's owner is known far and wide for his lavish masquerade balls and famed singing voice. How Lord Blackfield made his money is always subject to rampent rumor and speculation, not all of it positive. There is no main inn in the town, but weary travelers may petition the local government to be given shelter.   Esterswake. It is an open secret that this seaside trade town is a haven for pirates in the area. Its main inn is the Good Man's Pier.   Gatlingspire. This Dwarven citadel is defended by a ring of walls topped by large mechanical firearm contraptions capable of shredding conventional armies. Its inhabitants are famously hostile to non-Dwarfs, confining them mainly to the Entrance Quarter of the city. The main inn in that quarter is the Sootfire Wayhearth.   Hewitt's Vista. This fortress town keeps its gates tightly locked during the day, only opening for trade at night. Its position near the Arnastian border makes it a key site for Centurion forces to garrison in times of war. Its main inn is the Porter's Sip.   Inthra's Rest. A stop for world-weary, tired travelers, this town's populace is skilled at lifting the spirits and putting a pep back in the step of those that visit. Its main inn is the Crimson Luminance, though many such inns compete for attention in the town's borders.   Lamentation. This massive fortress guards against the Rift. Its many brooding sentinels stand ever-watchful for the constant waves of horrid, multi-limbed creatures that claw their way from the south.   Oberfell Watch. This fortress city bears the singular burden of being the first land-line of defense against attacks from Arnast to the north. The air in this fortress is so palpably tense, the stress of watching the northern border was given over to the Centurion Corps - a battalion made entirely of the soul-given mechanical race of Centurions - centuries ago after the stress-deaths of several of its soldiers.   Outer Centurion. This high-walled city began as an outpost of Centurion thousands of years ago. Now its northern docks are so busy with constant trade from its parent city across the canal that it is more or less an extension of Centurion. Its main inn is the Court and Cog.   Turian. This fishing village 'acquired' the plans for several automatic fishing harvesters from an undisclosed source several decades back. Upon installing it at the bottom of the Dandibakar, they quickly became the main supplier of Centurion's fish. The laws in this town are petty and harshly enforced, and very few outsiders that pass through Turian leave without a fine. Its main inn is the Trout's Tale, and staying at this inn is required by law for any new visitors to the town, punishable by a thirty-copper fine if refused.   Xelin's Crossing. The bazaars and markets of this small crossroads city are known to be the best in Nurik outside of Centurion itself. The main inn here is the Furious Sun.  

Ruins in Nurik

Cardassus. This small, island town was obliterated by dragonfire in times long past. There are rumors of an ancient evil that lives in the vast underground cave complex beneath the island, though none ever dispatched to investigate have returned sane.   Caidence's Thrust. Centuries ago, in the span of one night, the life of every person in this town was snuffed out. Through unknown magics, this place remains magically suspended in time, and nothing ages - not even the bodies, which still lay where they were slain so long ago. Locals steer clear of this place, telling of long shadows that move on their own, ready to claim yet more victims.  

Centurion, Oasis of Light

This sprawling tiered city is surrounded outside its walls by a vast expanse of houses and farming communities that knit together into a sea of civilization that covers the entirety of the island on which it is built. The main entry on Centurion can be read for more information.

The Federation of Isilii

Two voices, yet one people. Two ancient lineages. Built in forests dotted with ways to accidentally trip into other, brighter planes. Possessing wealth beyond comprehension in forms far more valuable than gold. Guarded by near-silent Elven guardians that can pin a butterfly to a tree at three-hundred feet. Yeah. I'd say it's going to be pretty hard to pull this one off, boys. - Dunm Bronzesun, Deceased Dwarven Thief

Towns in Isilii

The Bulwark. This impressive, high-walled fortification guards against the Rend to the north. The people here usually strike the few outside visitors as being entirely too calm about the commonplace horror.   Cath. This small costal town on the Gravasian border is looked after by a local halfing lord that is... less than hospitable to people and races taller than he. The buildings in this town are predominantly built for halflings and gnomes. The main inn is the Pride of Stars.   Dagden. This timber town is known far and wide for its self-repairing wooden items that are as hard as steel. Their main inn is Madman's Ravings.   Elstac's Pass. From the outside of the walls of this city, a traveler may not think much of it. Upon entering the settlement to see the ribbed vaults, buttresses, clustered columns, multiple abulatores, wheel windows, spires, stained glass windows, and richly-carved doors and accents, the traveler's mind would change. Elstac's Pass prides itself on its beauty almost as much as its twin cathedrals to Animatus and Mortalis , one of the largest in the world. These cathedrals, called the Movement Catablex, are the center of the active worship of the Twins on Prenalia. Their main inn is the Halls of Sun and Shadow, located inside the cathedrals themselves.   Hagdar Dunn. This market-trade city is largely ran by the interests of Gravis to the south, and is therefore equipped with clockwork machinery and magitech for that purpose. The primary embassy for summits between Fraisia and Gravis is located here. Their primary inn is the Spud and Sprocket.   Harrowvale. No churches, temples, or monastaries can be found inside this costal settlement. In fact, mention of the gods is punishable by exile. The people of the town are deeply distrustful of outsiders, and keep mostly to themselves. The main inn is the Everflow Inn.   Hearthhold. This town on the Gravisian border has what must be the most content, happy populace of any town. Their laid-back attitude and happy-go-lucky outlook on life is a warm change from the politics of Boltare just to the south. Their main inn is the Brother's Drink.   Invic's Hollow. This cozy farming village does most of its farming and livestock trade with the Elves to their north and south, mostly through the waygate systems dotted around the forests. Their main inn is the Elegant Crane.   Jericha's Pass. Located just south of the forest of Well's Bottom, this fledgling city maintains a constant eye to their north, wary of the things that creep from the tree-cast shadows by moonlight. Its main inn is the Swaddling Babe.   Kinship. This coastal city was founded by a renowned adventuring party some three hundred years ago. As the name suggessts, the people are friendly and close-knit. The main inn is Cruban's Council.   Mephiport. The capital of Isilii, this large, walled city is ran by a council of elemental djinn that host the country's representative democracy. Its main inn is the Viscount's Visage.   Noe's Veil. This large farming town is bolstered by Gravisian magitech and Elven craftsmanship, but has a constant problem with fey tricksters pulling sometimes-fatal pranks on its population, and a local fey bounty hunting guild callings itself the Wingshredders has cropped up in recent years. Its main inn is the Ethronil Headrest.  

Ruins in Isilii

Deku's Fingers. Legends say this shrine bolsters hope if you give it blood and a prayer.   Dictum's Calendar. This semi-real, massive sun-based calendar shimmers between realities. The time it tells is always correct and prophecy is stronger here.  

The Twin T'vathi

Nearly three-thousand years ago the fraternal twins Andul and Ithrondil, each nearly two-hundred years old, were heirs to twin capitals of a grand Elven kingdom that stretch across the entirety of Falast Abas, the forest of shooting stars. Upon their father's passing, the twins began to war with one another, and their warfare burned nearly a third of their land, dividing Abas into the northern Falast Ithrondil and the southern Falast Andul. While the war raged on for hundreds of years in skirmishes and guerrilla-style raids, the siblings eventually made up, and their respective cities have enjoyed calm ever since. The sister, Andul, learned and perfected teleportation across Eons, and T'vathi Andul is known to this day as the "Doorway of Enos" for its many teleportation circles and extensive waygate system. The brother, Ithrondil, perfected planar travel, and permanent gates to many of the outer planes can be found within the many terraces of his city, zealously guarded.   While each of the twins have passed on, their children, also named Andul and Ithrondil, now rule the Doorway Cities in their stead. Non-Elven visitors to the city are warned before entering to bring something of value to add, or they will not be welcome. Bandits and would-be burglars of the city often find themselves pinned to trees by wickedly long arrows fired from seemingly nowhere, left to decompose as a warning to others that would dare defile the pristine and otherworldly beauty of these sacred places.
Seal of Fraisia