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The Eternal Scriptor N Quarterstaff Knowledge, Wisdom, Forbidden Lore

The Church of Vorocit

The kindest mercy there is: the inability of the mind to correlate its contents.
  Those that seek truth from the Light of Reason find that it does not come easily. Vorocit's faithful, mostly scribes and a sect of warrior-monk archivists, take great care when studying and preserving the histories, as neutrality and truth are their only guiding lights. Groups of all Vorocitian clergy are gathered in Arcs, which can be thought of as time periods of history divided according to the will of their leader, the Amanuensis Overmost. The Overmost communes each morning directly with Vorocit, and thus directs the other amanuenses under them. The leader of the church also carries with them at all times the Scriptorium Arcana, a book by which Vorocit communicates with its holder.   Members of Vorocit's clergy - the monks, clerics, and paladins that ascribe to and scribe for the god - are afforded documents known as Scriptorium Movimentum. These papers, respected by every civilized society in Enos, allow a monk, cleric, or paladin of Vorocit through any border crossing. It also affords the bearer of the document, which is magically sealed and only openable by its intended owner, free stay in modest lodgings and passage into any library not contained inside an official government building. The respect afforded to members of Vorocit's clergy end when it is not reciprocated.   Vorocit's scribes maintain official documents for every government on Enos. Every record with any official weight is cataloged in one of their many libraries and monasteries. The church has few enemies, as the knowledge they possess, if used by someone seeking to cause harm, could topple governments, start wars, or depose the powerful.  

The Ascension Story

Vorocit's ascension story is one of patient perseverance and dogged determination. When they were a mortal child, their thirst for knowledge led them to consume books and whole subjects at an alarming rate. This thirst, noticed by the scribes of the time, allowed Vorocit entry into their order, where they developed a taste for the more occult and unknowable sections of the library.   At the age of eleven, Vorocit found among the chained tomes of the library in Centurion a white, leather-bound, title-less book they would later name the Canticle Apotheoi.. This ancient text was said to contain incredible arcane lore and unimaginable secrets, but was written in an unknown language that had no translation. The scribes of the time had written it off, resigning it to a dusty shelf, and openly mocked and derided Vorocit for attempting to translate it, passing it off as the folly of youth.   Vorocit was not so easily dissuaded.   For eleven years, the young scribe penned and worked, discarding theory after hypothesis. Their isolation was the cause of much consternation among the scribes of their order, but no matter how the other scribes tried to pull Vorocit from their task, the effort would be utterly wasted. So bad and total was the isolation, death records of Vorocit were drawn up, as those around the would-be deity wrote them off as dead, prepared to let the room in which they worked serve as a mausoleum to futility.   The Light of Reason shone from under the door, thirteen years and a day after Vorocit began their greatest work. Their soul merged with the godspark hidden within the page’s texts, and they took their place among the Ascended.  


Lore's Day: Celebrated on the last day of each year, Lore's Day celebrates honors when renowned first Amanuensis Eternal of the Scriptorium Arcana Vorocit ascends to godhood after transcribing the last verse of the Canticle Apotheoi.   Canticalia: On 7 Secuna of each year, the Overmost Amanuensis decrees if the current Arc of scribes shall continue, or if Vorocit has willed that they step down and a new Overmost be elected, and thus a new Arc begin. It is a day of recitation and rest.   Amugogicus. Held yearly on 11 Quanta, this holy day of Vorocit is the day on which certain sections of all the libraries held by the god's order are open to the general public.  

Traditional Dress

Vorocit's scribes are known for their dark-colored, simple, and comfortable robes. The monks and paladins that venerate The Eternal Scriptor tend to prefer wide-collared clothing and flowing vestments that dazzle and move freely in combat.  


Humble Is The Mind: A reminder that knowledge at the edge of reason can saw through even the most steeled of minds, and that caution should be exercised when studying.   In Vorocit We Trust: This saying ends every paper scribed by every scribe of Vorocit, always as a footnote. It ends every conversation between worshippers of the god as well, though it is often shortened to "In Vorocit," which is said as both a call and response.   Know to Know: A benediction said at the end of recitations, reiterating that the desire for knowledge is enough. It needs no application.

The Eternal Scriptor

Church Structure

  Amanuensis Overmost. The Amanuensis Overmost is the revered singular leader of the Church of Vorocit. Chosen directly by Vorocit, they receive divine guidance and direct the activities of the clergy. Their wisdom and guidance shape the path of the church.   Amanuenses. Amanuenses are dedicated members of the clergy who provide support to the Amanuensis Overmost. They assist in administrative duties, manage rituals, and ensure effective communication within our sacred institution.   Scribes Eternal. Scribes Eternal are scholars who delve into forbidden and esoteric lore. They possess deep knowledge of arcane wisdom, deciphering cryptic truths and exploring mystical rituals. They safeguard and interpret profound and unknowable knowledge.   Eternal Scriptors. Eternal Scriptors combine their combat skills with scholarly pursuits. They excel in unarmed combat while unraveling secrets hidden within texts. They protect sacred scriptures and the institution itself from any dangers lurking just beyond the real.   Scriptors. Scriptors are esteemed scholars specializing in the study and interpretation of complex texts. They delve into ancient wisdom, decipher hidden meanings, and analyze historical events for insight into the future. Scriptors preserve sacred scriptures and unlock deeper mysteries within them.   Scribes. Scribes form the foundation of the hierarchy, responsible for transcribing, preserving, and organizing historical records and official documents. They maintain official records, catalog texts, and ensure our vast wealth of knowledge is carefully documented and catalogued.