
The sprawling, tiered city of Centurion is surrounded outside its walls by a vast expanse of houses and farming communities that knit together into a sea of civilization that covers the entirety of the island on which it is built. The city proper has three tiers, each roughly fifty-feet lower in the ground than the last, with the outer-most ring at ground level, surrounded by eighty-foot tall walls on the outer rim. The city measures some thirty miles in diameter, with the lowest district ten miles in diameter, and each tier of the city above the first measuring ten miles wide.   The bottom-most tier of the city, called Annulus One by the Centuri in the city, is divided into four sectors, and contains mostly governmental buildings and their support structures, as well as the oldest of the constructions in this ancient city. The Centuri Senate has its headquarters here, and the sprawling palatial estate of Primex Vedmar Madrogal is contained entirely underneath this section of the city. For more information, see the main article at The Government of Centurion. The Clockwork Forge that produces the city's centurions is contained within the Primex's reinforced palace, and spews forth roughly four centurions per day, clockwork soldiers and automatons of wood and metal infused with sentience and souls.   Annulus Two, the ring just above Annulus One, is divided into six sectors. These sectors contain much of the city's lesser nobility, as the greater nobility live lower. Most of the military training facilities are contained in the sectors of this ring, as well as numerous residential structures and various infrastructure suppliers, like butchers, tanners, leatherworkers, and so on. The quality of goods manufactured in this annulus are among the greatest in the world and have a price tag consummate with the expert craftsmanship. Along with Annulus One, these rings are the only two to be patrolled by a majority of non-centurion guards.   The third ring, Annulus Three, sits further up the city. The quality of life here is good in places, and the citizens of its twelve sectors are content with life. Its streets are patrolled mostly by manufactured centurions, and the craftsmanship is of the quality one would expect to find all over Enos. Most of the middle class of the city live and work in this sector.   Directions inside the city walls can be confusing to outsiders at first, but a detail-oriented person can pick up quickly. Starting from the noon position on a clock, each sector is named from one to the number of sectors in the annulus, and six concentric, equidistant rings are found in each annulus of the city. So, a person might live in Annulus One, sector one, ring three. This would be at the very center of the city, lowest tier in the north-east, three rings out. As an additional example, Annulus Three, sector nine, ring one would be in the far west of the city, nearest to the divide between Annuli Three and Two.   Outside the city's walls, the nearly one-and-a-half million lower- and working-class of the city toil for the benefit of those half-million 'ringers' that live in the comfort and safety of the fortifications. The people that work outside the city are proud, hard-working, honest folk, though there are plenty of ruffians among the group. While most of the outer city, derisively called Annulus Four by some that live there, are good folk, most of the crime in the city happens here. This is not to say that there isn't criminal activity inside the walls, but rather to say that the activity that is inside the walls tends to be ran in a far more organized fashion. The low-level thugs and bandits of Annulus Four are only able to operate until the local populace can hire any of the myriad of private bounty-hunting agencies or cabals available for the right price.   Altogether, Centurion is without question the largest city in Enos. Its military is second only to Arnast's vast legions, and its Primex Arcanium produces some of the very brightest magically inclined minds in the known world. Its people, despite all of the city's flaws, are patriotic to the core, and almost all of them would fight and die for their Primex's will.


There are multiple publications that serve to inform the public of the city. These are the most well-known:  
  • The Centurion Sentinel. A respected newspaper that covers broad topics.
  • The PrimeXaminer. Known locally as "the rag." A tabloid.
  • The Everpresent. Deep-dive investigative muckraking.
  • The Common Citizen. Delivers updates relevant to its obvious demographic.
  • The Vorocitian Record. Esoteric discoveries.
  • The Capitol Crime. News on crime.
  • The Mage's Account. Reports mostly on magic, its users, and its use within the city.
  • The Daybreak Seer. A religious newspaper that reports on such matters.
  • The Firstday Tribune. A respected newspaper that covers broad topics.
  • The War Times. Covers the military.
  • The Gilded Gazette. Covers the who's who.
  • The Primacy Inquirer. Covers government.
  • The Patron's Progress. Covers taboo topics.