
So vast is Enos that it encompasses all of the known Prime Material. Not to be confused with the Created god of the same name, Enos is all at once a flat plane, a sphere, and a great tree with roots stretching out into planes beyond. Its shape is purely conjecture, however, as any enterprising young mage capable of flying will tell you that flying far enough into the sky only results in a slow passage into the Ethereal, not any place on the Prime Material beyond.  

The Continents of Enos

There are five continents on the plane, assuming a continent is defined by connection via underwater shallow channels. There is the blighted continent of Draxus, which sits to the south of the islands of Bestia. Across the sea to the west lies the largest continent of Prenalia, and further west from that lies the harsh jungles of Tichozen. At the southernmost point on Enos lies Indai, a massive and perfectly-octagonal miles-wide floating expanse of thick ice with a vaster-still archipelago of frigid islands underneath in its underdark, named Valorus. The Aquan Ocean sits between Bestia, Draxus, Prenalia, and Valorus, and the Pridian Ocean sits outside that. Named for The Pride of the West, the ship that Voyage reached their apotheosis aboard, this vast expanse of nothing is among the most treacherous in existence.  


This two-island continent houses The Bestian Grand Alliance. Its islands of Koraga and Madiga host some of the lushest, bountiful, and most hospitable jungles on all the plane. Trade to and from these islands is highly profitable, and sailors tell of exotic goods and spices that pale in comparison the native peoples, most of whom have a spirit that speaks with and guides them.  


This continent contains The Queen's Crater, a site of unimaginable horrors formed when the first Dying Queen was slain with horrific ritual magic. The countries of Alth, Dren, Haad, Lethis, and Trist form The Protectorate Grand Alliance here, and exist as a shield against this place. Life here is hard and short, and pleasure is scarce.  

Indai and Valorus

An enormous, perfectly-octagonal miles-wide expanse of thick ice named Indai floats half a mile in the sky, topped with a massive dome of magical energy emanating from the many sources that power it. The ruling class of drow live atop this suspended continent – a group of reclusive wizards pursuing power and might through magic, no matter the cost.   Little is known of what happens inside the Indaite dome, but the occasional visitor that returns speaks of a barren, near-lightless wasteland dotted with strange buildings and freakish machines. And that is those that do return. Those without a sponsor college from elsewhere in Enos that do make the voyage south are rarely heard from again.   Below the vast continent is Enos’ underdark of Valorus. An archipelago of shantytowns sits atop city-sized chucks of frozen earth and stone leashed to thick pillars of ice that descend from the sky above. Life below is far worse, but more is known of the plight of these drow, shadar-kai, and other sunlight-adverse races, as their docks are freely accessible to any voyager (as outsiders are called) that lays anchor.  


The largest continent on Enos, Prenalia is home to three Grand Alliances and two independent countries. Far to its south sits The Gravis Grand Alliance, made up of the countries of Boltare, Elken, and Maure. In the center sits The Fraisian Grand Alliance, consisting of the counties of Estell, Isilii, and Nurik. To its north sits the warmongering Arnastian Grand Alliance, consisting of the principalities of Afithis, Celiph, Kedia, Magdin, and Pran.   To the west of the styled 'Queendom' of Arnast sits the independent country of Avaritia, a land of unadulterated vice and piracy ran openly by a mafia of honor-bound warriors and assassins. To the west of the Frasian Grand Alliance lies the nation of Ephistius, which guards the isthmus between north and south Prenalia, and houses one of the fiercest milataries known to man.  


Sitting to the immediate west of Prenalia is the humid, dangerous jungle-laden continent of Tichozen. The continent is known for housing the vast and overwhelming majority of the world's primitive societies and bestial races like the Tabaxi, Grung, Lizardfolk, Kenku, and Shifters. While untold secrets lie at the continent's dense interior, the dangers are too great for most to try at exploration, and those that do seldom return.  

Animatus, the Bright Star

At the northernmost point of Enos sits Animatus, a celestial object thought to be a portal to the Animatic Plane, and not the Prime Deity of creation, as is often mistaken. From this vast and brightly-burning sphere spills pure creation in a gout of eternal light onto Enos' crown, boiling the seas around it for miles. The Animatic Sea, as this impassable area is known, is the source of many strange creatures and creations that are trawled from the flotilla of leashed-together ships that are maintained jointly by Arnast, Avaritia, and The Bestian Grand Alliance, the three largest navies in the world. The heat from Animatus renders the entire north of Enos a desert, and likewise the lack thereof at Enos' southernmost point a frigid, barren wasteland, devoid of life and light.   Every 112 days, Animatus flares to life in an event known as an Animatic Pulse. For ten days thereafter, the star generates extra energy in a process called Animatic Wake. A cool-down period of one day, called Animatic Fade, takes the star back to Animatic Calm, the state in which it spends until the next cycle. Many rituals are only possible during an Animatic Wake, and the good-aligned outer planes all find themselves more empowered during this time.  

Mortalis, the Void Star

Enos gets colder the further south one goes, but at its southern tip lies Mortalis, a great silver-lined black void in the sky that sucks the light from Animatus around the entirety of the plane, forcing light from its brightest at the northernmost point to its near-absence at the southernmost point. The gravity from Mortalis, being great enough to consume light itself, has proven useful to the mages of the xenophobic nation of Indai, who have used this gravity to suspend their entire octagonal continent above the waves. Few have seen the inky blackness of Mortalis, as the Indaite government is loathe to allow visitors, but all who have documented it marvel at its destructive beauty.   The interplay between the two stars waxes and wanes, as Mortalis demands more light at night, robbing the world of light, and asks for less in the day, allowing the world light. The day/night cycles are more pronounced the closer to each star one gets, with days longer in the north and nights longer in the south. Such is the nature of the dance of the Twins.   Every 167 days, Mortalis shimmers and warps in an event known as a Mortalic Pulse. Much like its brighter, northern twin, for fifteen days thereafter, the star consumes extra energy in a process called Mortalic Wake. A cool-down period of two days, called Mortalic Fade, takes the star back to Mortalic Calm, the state in which it spends until the next cycle. Many rituals are only possible during an Mortalic Wake, and the evil-aligned outer planes all find themselves more empowered during this time. In addition, many curses (most notably lycanthropy) tend to manifest during a Mortalic Wake.  

Rehnan, the Glittering Star

Orbiting in erratic paths around Enos is Rehnan, a rhombic hexecontahedron that glitters as a crystal in the night sky. To date, it has never been seen during the day, and it appears to orbit above the limit at which one enters the Ethereal, so passage to it has proven impossible. Still, the light it reflects at night is a stunning reflective spotted rainbow of color, and the occasional streak of light from its body is said to bring good luck to those that wish upon it.   Rehnan waxes and wanes between casting white light and a scattered rainbow of colors. It casts white light while in its New Array for one night, then waxes for three nights to its rainbow-producing Full Array for one night, before waning for three nights back to a New Array to complete the eight-night cycle. This cycle is represented on all Vorocitian calendars.  

The Stars Beyond

The stars set in Enos' night sky are thought to be distant portals to The Bright, The Grey, and The Astral Sea. Pretty though they may be, it is unwise to attempt to glimpse them closely, as many scholars have lost their sight or minds upon doing so. Let them glitter and shine; some things are best appreciated from afar.