
Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Common feminine names include Sabela, Lavinia, Calista, Zara, and Althea.

Masculine names

Masculine names might include Darius, Evander, Lucian, Tavian, and Zephyr.

Unisex names

Names like Ari, Nico, Alex, and Jordan are often used for individuals regardless of gender.

Family names

Family names among the Kaldera are often descriptive, reflecting aspects of nature or personal characteristics.

Other names

Elders may have honorary titles like Vates, meaning wise one, or Cantor, indicating a gifted storyteller.


Culture and cultural heritage

Strong tradition of music and dance, with a nomadic history that influences their vibrant and diverse culinary practices.

Shared customary codes and values

Hospitality is highly valued. The concept of "Kris," a communal meeting to resolve disputes, is integral to their legal system.

Average technological level

The Kaldera prefer a balance between traditional craftsmanship and sustainable technologies. They excel in herbal medicine and craftsmanship.

Common Etiquette rules

Greetings involve a gesture called "Sunaki," a gentle touching of hands, symbolizing the sharing of warmth and goodwill.

Common Dress code

Colorful clothing, adorned with intricate embroidery and beading, is typical. Scarves, worn for both practical and symbolic reasons, are common.

Art & Architecture

Art is often expressed through vibrant textiles, intricate basketry, and symbolic paintings. Architecture emphasizes communal spaces.

Foods & Cuisine

  1. Goulash: A stew of meat and vegetables, commonly enjoyed by Kaldera communities.
  2. Paprikash: A dish often made with chicken, paprika, and sour cream.
  3. Sarmale: Cabbage rolls stuffed with a mixture of meats and rice, popular in Kaldera cuisine.
  4. Pirohy: Dumplings filled with various ingredients, enjoyed in Kaldera communities.
  5. Baklava: A sweet pastry often enjoyed in Kaldera cultures, reflecting historical influences.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Kaldera celebrate "Luminara," a festival of lights, symbolizing hope and resilience in the face of challenges.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Newborns are celebrated with a naming ceremony. Water holds symbolic significance, representing purity and life.

Coming of Age Rites

The "Nomad's Walk" marks the coming of age, where young individuals embark on a journey to discover their place in the world.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are solemn yet celebratory events, with rituals to guide the departed to the afterlife. Memorial gatherings focus on sharing stories and music.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting nature or fellow community members is taboo. Breaking the communal bonds is considered a severe transgression.

Common Myths and Legends

The Kaldera have myths about the mystical "Harmonium," a force believed to connect all living things.

Historical figures

"Valeria the Wanderer" is a revered historical figure known for uniting dispersed communities and fostering cultural resilience.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty is associated with strength, resilience, and a connection to nature. Tattoos, particularly symbolic ones, are considered beautiful.

Gender Ideals

Equality between genders is valued, with both contributing equally to the community. Kaldera society emphasizes collaboration and shared responsibilities.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship often involves music, dance, and storytelling. Romantic gestures may include crafting a unique piece of jewelry or writing a heartfelt poem.

Relationship Ideals

Strong family bonds are central. Relationships are built on trust, loyalty, and shared experiences. Marriage is a communal celebration.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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