Union of Zavartia
This country is led by an elected president (gender and ethnicity aren't an issue, supposedly) There is a cabinet, appointed by the president and the mayors of each city also have thier own input on what laws and such are made.
The culture here is a big mixture due to all the ethnicities living in the country. While there is acceptance in most places, there is also hate in other areas. Overall it is a place where everyone is able to live the tenets of Eternal Harmony.
The country was founded on the princples that all were welcome. It has experience its shares of hardships but has come out strong.
Major events include:
- World War 1
- World War 2
- World War 3
- World War 4
- Joining Cosmic Concordance
- Joining together to make and launch Ripper Star
Demography and Population
1.2M population spread out over an area of 30K mi2
Has a large standing army as well as an air force that can travel long distances when necessary. Both are well equipped, well trained, and one of the few elite military forces in the world.
Unbreakable Might, Together through All
Founding Date
13 Aurora 13 AE
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths