Proper schooling from a young age to include study in the area for which the person wants to specialize in. Residency or study under an established doctor is required after graduation. This usually last a minimum of one year.
Career Progression
This is dependent on the person. Some want a solo career. Others want to collaborate with those in their specialty. Others want to focus soley on research.
The purpose of this profession is provide services that help others with their phsyical and mental health needs.
Social Status
For the most part this profession is looked upon favorably. There are a few bad apples in the bunch but not enough to make the general population uneasy with those who chose to become doctors. It is a sought after profession because it is a lucrative one. The specialty determines how many are needed as well as the pay.
This is a medium to high demanded role. It is a staple since everyone needs to be healthy, both physically and mentally.
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
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- City-State of Vict
- Commonwealth of Edria
- Cosmic Concordance
- Cubria Empire
- Dominion of Scial Gria
- Duchy of Agria
- Duchy of Buzatia
- Duchy of Zhilos
- Grand Duchy of Aeria
- Grand Duchy of Belia
- Grand Duchy of Tacia
- Kingdom of Al Qurdaha
- Kingdom of Amigia
- Kingdom of Lacri
- Kingdom of Utharia
- Methaca Empire
- Principality of Kopolchia
- Principality of Meshia
- Royal Navy
- Shogunate of Cheria
- The Blue Curtain
- The Cyclone Pirates
- Tribes of Alet
- Union of Zavartia
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