Solomarans Ethnicity in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


Naming Traditions

Feminine names

These names often reflect historical figures or carry symbolic meanings.

Masculine names

These names often reflect historical figures or carry symbolic meanings.

Unisex names

Names like Jordan, Ariel, and Eli can be unisex, reflecting a blend of tradition and modernity.

Family names

Solomarans often carry family names derived from meaningful words, locations, or ancestral professions.

Other names

Solomarans may have names related to virtues or qualities.


Culture and cultural heritage

Rich history of storytelling, traditions, and observances, with an emphasis on family and community.

Shared customary codes and values

Values include hospitality, charity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Education is highly valued, and community support is integral.

Average technological level

Solomarans have achieved a high level of technological advancement, balancing tradition with innovation in various fields, including medicine, science, and communication.

Common Etiquette rules

Respect for elders, humility, and kindness are paramount in Solomaran etiquette. Shared meals and gatherings strengthen community bonds.

Common Dress code

Traditional attire is worn for special occasions, reflecting cultural heritage. Modern dress is otherwise common, with an emphasis on modesty.

Art & Architecture

Solomaran art often features intricate patterns and symbolism. Communal spaces are architecturally significant, blending tradition with contemporary design.

Foods & Cuisine

  1. Matzo Ball Soup: A classic soup with dumplings made of matzo meal.
  2. Challah: A braided bread, typically eaten on holidays.
  3. Latkes: Fried potato pancakes, often eaten during Hanukkah.
  4. Bagels with Lox: A popular featuring a bagel with smoked salmon.
  5. Kugel: A baked casserole, often sweet or savory, made from egg noodles or potatoes.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Rituals such as the breaking of the glass at weddings and the lighting of candles are cherished traditions.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Circumcision for boys and naming ceremonies for girls mark the beginning of a child's life.

Coming of Age Rites

The transition to adulthood emphasizes responsibility and participation in communal life.

Funerary and Memorial customs

There is a seven-day mourning period, and an annual remembrance, which are important mourning customs.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting elders, and disregarding community values are considered taboo.

Common Myths and Legends

Solomaran myths often revolve around figures who reflect wisdom, justice, and divine intervention.

Historical figures

  1. Miriam Avital (1020-1075): Renowned scholar and philosopher; Notable for her contributions to ancient Solomaran texts' interpretation; Advocated for education for both genders.
  2. Ezra Baruch (1150-1205): Respected physician and healer; Pioneered advancements in herbal medicine; Founded a medical school that influenced generations of healers.
  3. Rivka Ben-Yosef (1305-1360): Exceptional diplomat during times of political unrest; Negotiated peace treaties that prevented conflicts; Known for her wisdom and fair judgment.
  4. Solomon Levy (1420-1490): Philanthropist and patron of the arts; Established cultural institutions and supported emerging artists; Contributed to the preservation of Solomaran folklore.
  5. Rachel Mizrahi (1580-1635): Visionary architect; Designed and oversaw the construction of several iconic synagogues; Blended traditional motifs with innovative architectural styles.
  6. Isaac Halevi (1700-1755): Explorer and cartographer; Mapped uncharted territories, expanding Solomaran knowledge; Named geographical features that remain in use today.
  7. Hannah Reuben (1855-1910): Social reformer and women's rights activist; Advocated for women's education and suffrage; Established shelters for those in need.
  8. David Herzog (1950-2005): Technological innovator; Co-founder of a leading technology company; Pioneered advancements in artificial intelligence.
  9. Leah Cohen (2100-2155): Environmentalist and conservationist; Led efforts to preserve Solomaran natural habitats; Established wildlife sanctuaries.
  10. Abraham Yitzhak (2250-2305): Humanitarian and global peacemaker; Dedicated to resolving conflicts and promoting understanding among diverse communities; Received international recognition for fostering harmony.


Beauty Ideals

Solomarans appreciate natural beauty and often emphasize inner qualities over external appearances. A genuine smile, kindness, and wisdom are considered beautiful.

Gender Ideals

Equality and mutual respect are central to Solomaran values. Both genders are encouraged to pursue education, careers, and communal responsibilities.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship involves a blend of tradition and modernity. Families may play a role in introductions, but personal compatibility is highly valued.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is sacred, symbolizing a covenant between partners. Shared values, commitment, and mutual support are essential.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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