Projects | WBtV


  A collection of articles that define the projects that I intend to work on and hopefully complete within this world. Each project focuses on a section of the world either from a thematic or mechanical standpoint. Every project should have relatively clear goal, but do not have timeframes defined. It is not realistic that I would ever fullfill these time restraints...


The projects concerning the meta section of the world are smaller things I like to do in this category. It has to do with project management and with defining the scope and focus of the worldbuilding.  
  • Update the World Meta.
  • Finish up the Peoples section with important ethnic groups.
  • Expand the Scene section. It is very short.
  • Replace Foundation with an overview page about the meta. Linked to from the primer and from the World Meta only. The content of the article should all be moved into the World Meta. This article should link to challenges, resources, indices and projects.
  • Indices will be a project for when the tag manager makes an appearance.
  • Clean up the challenges category and make an overview page that is easily expandable. The index based on challenges should really be moved to the index category... This category is only for event homework!
  • Expand and clean up the resources link list! Establish how subarticles work there as it is currently only one article under it.
  • Create project pages and keep them tidy.
  • Define the concept Lore Sections.
  • Define the concept Faction.
  • Prepare list of articles to work on during WorldEmber 2022.
  • Organize tags, but I should wait with this until the tag manager is added to World Anvil.

Project Atlas

My intention is to update the maps and the atlas category once Project Atlas goes live.  
  • Change the structure to have Manhattan and the Adirondack Mountains as the two main regions. Present them on the main Atlas page instead of the current purely hierarchical setup.
  • Main navigation in this section should be through the two maps.
  • Make a Random Generator for each location type.
  • Make a Random Generator for Manhattan Street Addresses.


The key element of this setting. There currently one faction defined and with an overview article and a few more are present with a few articles.   A faction is a gathering of characters and organizations that share something in common. This something can be a mission, a goal, a belief or something else entirely. A faction is usually recognized as a group by outsiders. The relationships between factions are complex, but have a common thread that guides interactions of their members. The members of a faction do not always agree on everything. Inner faction conflicts are fairly common. Each faction has a way to settle these conflicts.   The list of the factions that are currently present in the world. Each of them has a short summary to capture the core of what they are about. Everything within it should fit with that summary or have a good explanation why it does not.     The factions in the below list have an article to link to, but are not yet clearly defined and lack articles to do so.  
  • Legion of Glory. The last defenders against the extra-dimensional invaders.
  • Elder Council. The highest gremium of vampires that brings them together. The council is the one who negotiated a peace treaty between the vampires and the hunters.
  • Government of the City of New York. Is currently a subfaction of the government of the state, but might make sense to separate the two at some point.
  Tasks that need to be done in order to organize the faction category properly.  
  • Move all organizations which are not part of a faction to the lore section. Some might return later.
  • Create a project page for each faction.
  • Define the major sections of the overview page.
  • Create a faction overview page.


The lore is currently roughly categorized by entity type. As most entity types don't have that many articles its a very basic hierarchy. The goal is to move towards a section based organization. The model section will be defined in Project: Dragons.   In bold are Lore Sections and in italics are Lore Indices.   A lore section is a collection of articles centered around one concept that has at least 5 articles. It answers a bunch of questions around that concept stretched over all the articles. It has a main storyline which determines the reading order of these articles. Lore sections are major asset within the world. Lore sections are contained within a category and have (or will have) a custom book cover.   A lore index is a category between four and twenty articles (inclusive) that can be classified together with one term. Their entry page is just a listing of all the articles inside of the index with some basic explanation as to what it is.  

Current Structure

Lore Sections
Project: Dragons
Formal Projects
Project: Artwork
Project: CYOA for One-Shot
TJ's Prompt Sheet

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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