the pitch of the void [session 42] by Adria | World Anvil

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Fri 28th Jul 2023 10:41

the pitch of the void [session 42]

by Adria

[prompt: dream journal/a dream you've had]
i know we all dream, but usually i don't remember my dreams when i wake up. not always, but usually it takes a lot for me to recall them. but i had one the last few nights that's sticking around.
i don't remember how it starts, i always seem to only remember from the middle on. i'm in a field surrounded by grass that's about ass high, and nothing stands out on the horizon around me, just like the vague impression of distant mountains. i have my arms out, and above me a phoenix is flying. in the dream i know it's the hatched egg that we just got, but now fully grown. it's intimidatingly large, and sparks with energy but i know it's not going to hurt me. it's like i'm playing with them as they fly through a sunny sky. after a bit clouds roll in, and it goes from practically midday sun to the pitch of night. i expect there to be sounds of a storm, but instead any sounds of nature drop, and it gets eerily silent.
the phoenix lands on my shoulder and we glance around briefly before it launches into the air, straight up. i track it as long as i can as it turns into a spec of light, and then disappears as if swallowed. and i'm alone in a silent void. i'm not afraid, at least not at first. but it feels as if an eternity passes while i stand there in utter darkness.
then there's a brilliant flash of light in front of me as the phoenix reappears. it doesn't make any sounds, but with it back the sounds of nature begin to resume, and the pitch blackness begins to fade into something more like a star filled night, and shapes of trees appear. i turn around with the phoenix beside me, and see a large fire surrounded by people i don't recognize but seemingly know. they remind me of my parents and siblings, but not exactly them. i join them, and they include me, but i don't feel quite like i belong.
i always wake up as i begin to gaze back out into the darkness, and miss the feeling of belonging and rightness i had at the beginning before the darkness rolled in. then i wake up.
this is the first time that i remember having something like this, where not only do i remember it, but it comes back again. so far i've had it three times, in the span of two weeks. i suspect it means something maybe? but i have no idea what. i guess time will tell.