
Level 3 Sharkhaan CE Ranger
12 / 12 HP

Great White Sharkman, Bosun for the vessel "The Second Chance" and lover of food from all around the world.

Arrived in Saltmarsh
Played by
Michael Kesavan

Professional GameMaster & Roleplayer from Perth Western Australia.

Day 2

The Beast with Many Backs

by JaggerJaw

Thick fog, no wind and nothing but the creak o' the hull singing to her crew. The Second Chance knew somethun was comin'. She was tryin' ta tell us that danger was ridin' the waves. I started my day, as usual, doing checks of the ol' girl from stem to stern. Checking the blige for leaks....fair dinkum......alright, truth be told, I was lookin' for something ta eat. Cookie said I couldn't eat till at least second lunch, so I was fangin for a spare rat running about down there. What can I say? no one complains when I eat 'em at least.
Suddenly WHAM! I was hit! Something clocked me from behind! I thought this was it! finally! some kind of half-wit son of a seagull's dinner has finally snuck aboard me ship and no one's going to know if I eat em! But instead when I turned around, turned out it was Flick's damn octopus! Ended up wrestling the blasted-thing so hard I thought I shook the whole ship.
Next thing I know I'm running after Flick who's darting up the deck like someone up there owed 'im money. I caught up and flung his octopus back at 'im..... admittedly I mighta gone a bit overboard, and so did it. As I get up on deck, I see this beautiful horse with wings thrashin' about on the deck and behind it to our port-side, this crazy high wave. I threw meself onto the horse, tryin ta stop 'er from going overboard. I don't imagine the poor thing could fly let alone swim and I weren't about to this tasty treat get fed to some barnacle breathed bottom feedin sahuagin.
The wave crashed into us hard, the boat lurched but the ol' girl clung fast, then I swear to Dakka-Toa himself, a dwarf galleon comes crashing out of the sky into the surf! I even thought I caught a glimpse of the Captain riding his doomed ship into the drink. Heard this god awful crack from the hull as the galleon hit the water hard sending out ship rocking again. Was as I were catching me breath that I notice this large shadow covering the deck from port side, I turned and saw this bloody massive keel staring at me from atop an ever more massive wave! As it came racing down towards the Second Chance I wondered how many sea-gods the Captain must have pissed off to have this much trouble land on deck.
I braced, as the ship turned sharply. Captain at the helm, she veered hard to starboard running along with what I could now see was a Royal Navy Vessel being driven by some self-important landfolk wizard trying his best to not completely stuff the ship. Another crack, this one coming from the Second Chance as the Navy ship's fat hull shore through the starboard hull and tore and snapped the rigging. I moved quick, had to get the rigs relined and start patchwork if we were going to do anything more than lookin pretty.
The damage was pretty severe, nothing I could mend with just a quick patch job. I tried my best but some of the crew would make better rations that repairmen. Especially Ark-sa, spends most of his time looking out to see standing by the anchors. I thought Warforged were suppose to be good at ship repairs?....still....shame....
It was here that I thought I managed to get us into a fair enough state to hold, but then L'hunna noticed something coming from the mists, a HUGE KRAKEN! Ya can imagine how quick I started tryin to get the sails set once I saw that monstrous beastie right behind us.. Lookin at the damage, there ain't no way we were getting away limping along. As I looked at the "brave" folk of his Majesty's Royal Bastards turning tale like some scared minnow, it gave me an idea.
I told L'hunna if we could get a tow from the ass end of that Naval ship, she might drag us away from the Kraken. We just need to fasten the ballista bolt to the mast and have their ship do all the work. We quickly got to work and thanks to Lucky that one-eyed son of a gun on the Ballista we managed to land the hook and harpoon ourself a piggy back ride back to Salt Marsh. At the time I remember thinking to meself, "The worst is over" that was a mistake.....brought the wrath of Lusca down on me own damn luck.
The mast gave the heave and the floorboard started to buckle!
I rushed over with my tools and stated reinforcing like me life depended on it, but she was broken, tired and on her last legs as is. The Second Chance had nothing left to give. I'm not rightly sure what happened next but I blacked out for a moment, next thing I know the ship is lurching hard and I've got the base of the mast impaled onto the bow. Crew told me later I snapped the damn thing and forced it down but bugger if I can remember.
They also told me the mast impaled on the way through. Poor Ark-sa, bastard didn't see what hit him, hope he got a good view of the ocean before it got him. Still plenty of work to be done before we get to Salt Marsh, it was good seeing Flick helping out repairing the damage to the ballista. I hope whatever's there is worth all this trouble.
PS: Journal hasn't helped make me less angry.

JaggerJaw's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in JaggerJaw's history, from the beginning to today.

The Sharkhaan are a kind and caring race. Friend to all who travel the sea

05:51 am - 09.08.2019

New Journal is coming out soon, boy do I have some stories to share!

04:25 am - 04.07.2019

Sometimes you just want some good food and not hear that it's gone to your waist.

06:41 pm - 20.06.2019

Fought a furry land mammal, honestly never thought something so small and tasty looking would bite so hard. #AlmostEaten

02:03 pm - 18.06.2019

Enjoyed some crunchy treats at the "Empty Net" in Saltmarsh. Something called a swamp juice shot. Made by friends of Capn Salt, Cribb & Morine.

02:35 am - 05.06.2019

Jag-Think "Why can't people be friends and food?"

06:58 pm - 31.05.2019

The Beast with Many Backs

Thick fog, no wind and nothing but the creak o' the hull singing to her crew. The Second Chance knew somethun was comin'. She was tryin' ta tell us that danger was ridin' the waves. I started my day, as usual, doing checks of the ol' girl from stem to ste...

06:07 am - 31.05.2019

The "Second Chance" is sailing west tonight, Saltmarsh eh? Not sure what @Captain Victor Salt is hoping to find on those muggy shores. Ah well, at least Saltmarsh has some eatin's.

01:13 pm - 25.05.2019

Feeling cute! Might eat a baby seal

11:33 pm - 22.05.2019

Just told dad I am joining a crew with a Landfolk Captain. #NotProud #NotMySon

04:07 pm - 21.05.2019

Mhini-Tonna to me big brother Cruxx on his promotion to captain of the Black Krakken. Good onya! #Proud

05:39 pm - 19.05.2019

Found a Book

Found a book washed up on shore today, First Mate L'huna says I should write down my feelings to sort out me anger issues. Never done a journal before, not sure where to begin.....umm....saw a whale breaching in the afternoon and had a beer in me hand. ...

03:44 pm - 19.05.2019

JaggerJaw joins the ranks of Heroes!

JaggerJaw enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

03:00 pm - 19.05.2019
Played by
Michael Kesavan

Professional GameMaster & Roleplayer from Perth Western Australia.

Other Characters by DeadAussieGamer