Ophir Character in VISCERIUM | World Anvil


This article is a work in progress
Ophir was named as such, as a reminder for Asena Unfrid. A reminder of what happened to her commune all those moons ago. The name would also remind Asena to burn those who fall, friend or foe, less history repeat itself.   From his years alongside Asena during time as a Pathfinder, Ophir has developed into a skilled and instinctual hunter. He excels at tracking and capturing prey. His prowess in combat is something that Asena cherishes also, preferring hit-and-run tactics over direct confrontations. He is strategic in his approach, using his agility and instincts to disarm opponents and evade attacks.   Though he is now almost completely blind in one eye, this has not deterred Ophir from his life's purpose - to protect Asena. He considers her his family and guardian, and he takes this role very seriously. Ophir remains ever vigilant, ready to defend her at a moment's notice. Though the odd small post does temporarily hinder this goal.  


In shadows, Ophir's lurking in flashes,
With eyes bright, like burning embers, he dashes,
A guardian fierce, yet reduced to ashes,
His humor's a spark, in jests, he splashes,
A wolf with a heart, in twilight's deep clashes.
— A short poem by the people of Aldaness
  Ophir has a cheeky and sarcastic demeanor, utilizing his dark appearance for playful intimidation. He lurks in the shadows, delighting in surprising others, and communicates with groan-like howls to express disapproval or reluctance.   After years of arduous pathfinding and adventures with Asena, Ophir has developed a penchant for lazing about. He can be quite lazy and prefers lounging in certain spots around Aldaness, choosing relaxation over activity. This serves a dual purpose, for his favourite tranquil spots just so happen to be in some of the darkest corners of Aldaness - perfect for ambushes.   Unfortunately, Ophir has a deep-seated fear of thunderstorms, which stems from the traumatic memory of his mother and siblings being killed by Drai Dynasty hunters. The loud noises of thunder and lightning trigger anxiety and distress in him. Something Asena always trys to protect him from and will comfort him during.
Praise from Asena and treats from the local populace generally help to keep Ophir in good spirits, and even though he may be reluctant to help sometimes, he revels in the rewards for doing so. And as such, the community also help to comfort him during times of stress.  


Ophir's story begins in the unforgiving wilderness, where he was part of a wolf pack, living a life of freedom and survival. However, tragedy struck when a group of Drai Dynasty hunters attacked, taking the lives of several of his pack. In the chaos, Ophir, a mere pup of just a few months old, was trapped beneath a fallen tree, narrowly escaping the hunters' clutches thanks to the natural camouflage.   His cries for help eventually reached the ears of Asena, a young adult Pathfinder at the time who bravely intervened to protect the remaining wolves. Unaware of Ophir's presence at first, Asena's act of courage saved him from a grim fate. From that moment on, Ophir became Asena's loyal companion, forever bonding with her as they ventured together through the untamed wilderness and into new adventures.   At first, Asena did not want to take the young pup with her, out of fear that history might repeat itself, but once freed, Ophir continued to follow Asena everywhere, and she eventually stopped resisting him.
Fiery amber
Black and dark brown with patches of grey near the face and around the muzzle
5'8" (1.76m)
Shoulder height
3'2" (0.98m)
92.59lbs (42kg)
All artwork that is not an original creation by myself (@Bladeswillfall) will be replaced in time with either original pieces or commissioned art.

Ophir and the community of Aldaness

Holding no official role in Aldaness, Ophir is free to spend his days as he pleases. The population are of mixed mind about this great wolf, no one singular sentiment can be found among them, except for respect. Respect for his years protecting Asena permeats throughout the community as a whole, regardless of their personal opinions. Some fear the hulking dark aura of his scarred body, others see his playful nature and take pleasure in coddling him with scratches and treats, playfighting in the streets and trying to make him howl.   A group of the local children have noticed some of Ophir's resting spots and on more than one occasion have waited for him to get comfy before sneaking around and poking him with a stick, ensuring a chase around the houses and several slobbered children returning to their mothers drenched. Others prefer to bring him small offerings whilst he sleeps, tying colourful ribbons in his fur and leaving treats like antlers and bones for him to chew on.   Ophir is a symbol of the spirit of Aldaness, a hardy, battle-worn people who still find compassion and kindness in their hearts. Protecting their young fiercely and ensuring they enjoy their lives for as long as possible, before the harsh reality they live in becomes apparent. This has not prevented a local colloquialism from gaining in popularity, "You're as lazy as Ophir", can often be heard by parents trying to get their kids out of bed. This is usually followed up by a snark "and just as powerful!" by the younglings.


Author's Notes

Concept and character development support: @Gabrielle Decker

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Sep 4, 2023 23:59 by Gabrielle Decker

Oh, this flows so well! I love it!

Sep 5, 2023 16:06 by Fall

Thank you! I really appreciated your initial thoughts and questions to help me improve the article.
