VISCERIUM Discussion Boards

Want to contribute to one of VISCERIUM's eras?

Sat, Nov 13th 2021 12:31
This board contains a section to discuss content within each of VISCERIUM's eras.
  I recognise that I have a vision and that I do not necessarily have all the skills to fulfil that vision right now. So, I open the floor to you. You who may have an idea, you who may have a better way of wording the content present, you, who can elevate VISCERIUM to new heights.
  Found an issue with one of the pages?
Is there content missing that you'd like to see?
  Post about it here!
Contributors that provide content that is accepted and implemented into VISCERIUM will be clearly displayed within the relevant articles


Sat, Nov 13th 2021 12:33

Contribute to VISCERIUM: SMOG

Sat, Nov 13th 2021 12:33


Sat, Nov 13th 2021 12:34


Sat, Nov 13th 2021 12:34
VISCERIUM Discussion Boards

Workshoping VISCERIUM's Hook/Elevator pitch

Sat, Nov 25th 2023 08:18
As part of the prep for WorldEmber '23, I've been trying to develop a hook/pitch for VISCERIUM. So far, I've had mixed results and can't quite seem to nail this important tool for attracting new readers.   With my struggles in mind, I thought I might open this up to the wonderful community of WorldAnvil and see what others like/dislike about my pitch and see where I can improve. Where else would be so well suited to learn and interact with the community (other than the WA Discord haha)?   So, with all of that in mind, here is my current pitch. Please let me know your thoughts and provide feedback below:  
Ancient tales of abominations weave their threads throughout all of human history, civilization has fought for its survival since the dawn of time.   Across four pivotal eras, entwined by a singular gritty and continuous timeline, VISCERIUM’s dark tales span: the blood-soaked battlefields of the medieval epoch, the soot-covered trenches of a war-torn industrial era, the concrete jungle of modern society, and the thunderous reverberation of space-faring vessels in the not-so-distant future.   Is sorcery and technology enough to escape the temptations of both shadows and stars?
Help wanted
VISCERIUM Discussion Boards

Want preview access to VISCERIUM's in-development content?

Mon, Nov 15th 2021 12:09
Reply to this thread for preview access