Mon, Nov 15th 2021 12:09   Edited on Sun, Nov 28th 2021 02:19

Reply to this thread for preview access

Let me know if and why you'd like access to VISCERIUM's in-development content.
  • Would you like to help with it's creation?
  • Want to see specific content added to the world?

  • And i'll consider adding you to a select group of people helping to create wonderful content!
    Sun, Nov 28th 2021 12:27

    While I find myself barely able to keep up with life, an over full-time job and world building it is a pleasure to follow the progress. I appreciate the personal invite.
    Sun, Nov 28th 2021 02:04

    @Graylion, you're most welcome, I appreciate any time/feedback that you're able to provide with what limited time you have.
    Sun, Nov 28th 2021 02:16

    What is you Avatar symbol? Its very cool.
    Sun, Nov 28th 2021 02:19

    It's a logo I made for TLoE (The Lands of Errack), my previous world that has now been embedded into VISCERIUM, I'm glad you like it, took me a few attempts to make something I was happy with haha.