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A refuge for witches

It is said that when the twins found the site of Ilyrium, a lightning bolt struck the ground, even though the sky had previously been clear. After the lightning cleared, the twins saw a circle had been drawn around them; it was only about five meters in diameter (too small for a city, surely), but it was then the brothers knew that it would be here that they would build their temple, to honor their gods for their magic, their life, and their new refuge.
--Excerpt from the Codex Magicae

Ilyrium is the capital of Britannia and United Britannia and Hibernia overall.


Business districts


Home to the Great Library, and many smaller, specialty libraries.


The Academy, the Institute, and the Athenaeum are located here.


The Council and the Magisterium complexes are located in this district.


The Nova Religio temple, several Pantheonism temples, and an Old Religion temple is located here.

Agora Quarter

Main article: Visiting the Agora Quarter: Arcades, Markets, and Bazaars
The Agora Quarter is an enormous shopping district.

Residential districts


Located near the center of the city, many of Ilyrium's richest make their own in the conveniently located district.


Located near Imperium, the city's rich government officials often make their home here.


Located on the outskirts of the city, many of the lower-class witches have homes here.

Esquiline Gardens

Surrounded by beautiful gardens and located by the Agora Quarter, Ilyrium's wealthy (and higher middle class) live here.


Located on the outskirts of the city, witches of lower middle class and lower class means live in this district.

Caelian Baths

Located by the Sanctum, this district of some of the most wealthy has ancient ruins and a beautiful waterfall complex.


This district is located by the Agora Quarter and many middle-class witches live here.

Palatinus Estates

This district is located by the Scholarum and is home to many middle-class witches.


100% witch


Wealth distribution:

  • Upper class 10%
  • Middle class 75%
  • Lower middle class 15%
  • (No witch lives in poverty.)

    Profession distribution:

  • Commerce 35%
  • Education 20%
  • Research 20%
  • Government 10%
  • Other 10%
  • Religious 5%
  • Government

    The Magisterium is the ultimate governmental power, but it is the Council that attends to everyday business.   The Council is judge, jury, and executioner; they make and enforce laws. The Council is elected, and elections (which are held once every five years) are huge events that require wealth on the part of the desired Council member.   Most laws of Ilyrium are similar to those of the human world, but their most upheld law is zero contact with humans, which most witches have no trouble following. A witch outing themselves to a human is punishable by death; other crimes punishable by death include murder and rape. The prison of Ilyrium is located in an unknown location, and as such, is probably magically enchanted so as not to be an eyesore to the city.   Taxes are collected biannually and depend on income. Failure to pay taxes is generally not viewed as a criminal offense until the witch has missed more than a year of taxes. Taxes are used to fund government education, research, and other services. Ilyrians view paying taxes as their duty to their fellow witch, and there is not a lot of protest associated with taxes.


    Ilyrium is a walled city, protected by immense amounts of magic to keep out humans.


    The city of Ilyrium's riches are kept in the Treasury, which is privately owned by the Sharpe family. The city of Ilyrium is wealthy from their tax collection.


    Ilyrium was founded around 45 CE (only shortly before the foundation of the Magisterium). Depending on which version of The Twins myth is believed, the twins from the story founded the city by building a temple to their religion and then spent an immense amount of time magicking the borders to keep out humans. After the gods blessed more witches, the city grew rapidly, and the wall was built around 75 CE (it is magically expanded as the city grows). The city was largely residential at first, but when it was decided it would become the capital in 97 CE, the business sectors began to grow as well as the education district. For two thousand years, Ilyrium has grown steadily, but after its initial boom in the early 100s, Ilyrium's growth rate is quite small.


    Because the city of Ilyrium is so old, the architecture of the buildings is extremely diverse. Some buildings are still the ancient wooden or stone structures, while others (like the Magisterium building) are more modern in style. Houses vary from Gothic stone manors to small, brightly colored wooden cottages.


    Ilyrium is cut almost diagonally by the Marina River. It is the city's source of fresh water, so it is heavily protected by the Council. Ilyrium is set on gently rolling hills along with some marshland.

    Natural Resources

    Ilyrium does not have many natural resources since it is a bustling city.

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    Author's Notes

    Written for Summer Camp 2018's prompt: What’s the biggest city in your world, and what’s its history?

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 29, 2018 20:13 by Kris Weavill

    Well done on being featured in today's stream!

    GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil
    Jul 30, 2018 18:22 by pyrrha

    Thank you so much!!