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World Cell

The World Cell is the world's largest prison, run by the World Court.  

The Prison

The worst of the worst roam these halls, separated into the 7 sections based on their danger posed to the world. This danger is ranked via the World Court Classifications on Living Threats. This could mean strength or influence, and it becomes quite muddled with some of the higher tiered prisoners.   The levels are as follows:
  • F-Tier
  • E-Tier
  • D-Tier
  • C-Tier
  • B-Tier
  • A-Tier
  • S-Tier

The Towers

There are four towers around the World Cell, on small artificial islands. These are watchtowers meant to ensure that no one can get to the World Cell without express permission. They can warn the World Cell of incoming ships, fight intruders, and send word to the Judges as well.  


F-Tier is the smallest area of the World Cell, not even being within the structure. Instead, on the outskirts of the island, next to what is S-Tier, lies a singular hut. This hut gains the same benefits one can read of in the section labelled S-Tier. It is not meant to contain a criminal, but instead to contain a very important individual who is not to die.  


There is not much that is special about E-Tier. If one were to describe it, the best word would be bland. When one thinks of the most basic type of prison, E-Tier is exactly that. No more, no less. it houses some incredibly weak criminals who committed misdemeanors that the World Court still deemed worth locking up in their prison rather than letting them roam Totania.  


D-Tier is a relaxed place. It doesn't have a major gimmick for its prisoners, instead locking them in cells. They are given some small time out when the Warden lets them play sports with him or for his entertainment, the favorite often being Flingo Ball.   Some prisoners die in these games. There is no guarantee of their lives in it, as a matter of fact it is more likely for them to die than to live. That is what the Warden counts on, ruling with the fear of sports and thinning out the population of their part of the prison. Luckily for the Wardens, it's normally weaker people in D-Tier, perhaps nerds with high intelligence but low power to back it up.  


A ring of cells all partially interconnected, the C-Tier part of the World Cell was used for middling criminals that the World Court thought would never have any chance of escaping. There are bars in front of the cells, but on the side of each cell is an open wall where they could easily move from one cell to another.   This is spread throughout the entire C-Tier of the World Cell. Due to this, the prisoners will either form futile alliances or kill each other in feuds. This keeps the Warden from having to interfere, and keeps the prisoners busy.  


B-Tier is when the prison gets dangerous. A maze filled with traps, each corridor twists and turns in ways that no singular person could possibly figure out the layout of. The cells of the prison line the walls of many corridors, making just stepping out of a cell a dangerous prospect for all B-Tier prisoners, and bringing food to them is difficult for the guards as well.   The World Court has tested the effectiveness of the maze many times. They will find people breaking in and allow them access to B-Tier. Then, they will tell them to get to a cell. If they can find one and get their hands on the bars, they will be allowed to release any one prisoner they please from the World Cell. Every single time, the intruder does not survive long enough to even find a cell.  
Warden Rutledge by Jarhed


Much more relaxed than the other tiers, the A-Tier is the nicest looking of the tiers, designed very exquisitely by a master architect who wielded Structure Magic.   The prisoners spend most days of the week chained to the wall of their cell. Some cells have two prisoners each, one on the left and one on the right, while others with higher profile prisoners have only one prisoner.   There are, however, two days a week where these prisoners are released from their chains and allowed to roam the entire A-Tier with only one rule. No hurting each other. Aside from that, they are allowed to do anything, even challenge the warden to a fight if they desire.   The Warden convinces them that this is better than life outside on Totania could ever be. They are given food, safety, a place to live. Their only danger is one that is prompted only by their violent actions, and they get to live in an exquisite location with world class food. It is, perhaps, one of the best hotels in the world.   Yet it is also a prison housing incredibly dangerous people. Incredibly dangerous people whom it has perfectly rehabilitated to not want violence or a life outside of the prison. If it hadn't... they'd be dead.
The World Court by Jarhed

The World Court

The World Court is the leading judiciary system in Totania, enforcing the laws for everyone. It is led by a group of thirteen judges of the major races. A Human, an Elf, a Dwarf, a Draconian, a Korvian, an Orc, a Halfling, a Lizardfolk, a Gnome, a Kamejin, a Nereid, a Mamman, and an Ophidian.   The Judges have people below them, like the Marshal and the Peacekeepers. Below them are the ones who are in charge of the World Cell.  


Almost every layer of the World Cell has a Warden in charge of it, aside from the S-Tier. This means there are six wardens. They are all of varying strength, with the strongest being the Warden of A-Tier, and the weakest being the warden of E. The second strongest is the Warden of F-Tier. They are believed to be raised through the World Court's breeding program.   The Warden of F-Tier guards the towers around the World Cell rather than the F-Tier itself. This is because F-Tier is outside and can only be broken into if someone makes it past the towers. The Warden of F-Tier has command over the most Admissables (the basic footsoldiers of the World Court), as they are in charge of preventing attacks or break-ins. The Warden of F-Tier is the best commander of the Wardens.   The Warden of E-Tier is incredibly weak, not needing to fight. Instead, they just keep an eye on all prisoners in the E-Tier and bring reports from the World Cell back to the Marshal to keep the Judges up to date on the goings on of the World Cell.   The Warden of D-Tier is often bored, playing around with the D-Tier prisoners in games like Flingo Ball. He is more well liked than most other Wardens among his prisoners.   The Warden of C-Tier does very little. They have a box with unbreakable glass where they can watch the C-Tier prisoners in their interconnected cells, but they do not interfere. C-Tier is not dangerous enough for them to need to worry about break-ins or break-outs.   The Warden of B-Tier is a dispensible and dangerous job, as the Warden even falls prey to the tricks of the B-Tier maze. Therefore, the Warden of B-Tier is either a very agile person, or whoever they could get for the job.   The Warden of A-Tier is not only incredibly strong, but also charismatic. He is able to convince the prisoners to agree to the rules of A-Tier in return for not harming them. The current Warden of A-Tier is Warden Rutledge   S-Tier does not have a Warden because the S-Tier Prisoners and the invulnerable walls are the Wardens. It is impossible to break out and impossible to die, and so the prisoners police themselves in S-Tier. Not to mention, any Warden that would go in would be trapped eternally as an immortal punching bag, so it's not a job most people would want.


The prison for the most dangerous men and women in the world, the S-Tier prison contains a special property shared only by the F-Tier. Anyone in its radius (the walls of S-Tier and the confines of F-Tier) are unable to be injured, age, or die. For this, every person that has ever been put into S-Tier of the World Cell is still in there. To find out the reason for this, check down in the history section to find out the story of how the World Cell was built around the S-Tier location.   The prisoners of S-Tier are both the strongest people in the world at the time of their imprisonment, or the most influential figures in history that went against the wishes of the World Court and were imprisoned within S-Tier for this. Either way, they were imprisoned for posing the greatest threat to the World Court's stability.   If a prisoner was to leave S-Tier after being in there for enough time (their natural lifespan) they would age all of the years they spent in the S-Tier and then, most likely, die.  


Warbler by Jarhed
The World Cell was built on an unnamed island first discovered by the Korvians at the height of their empire. When the two Korvian Kings, Warbler and Croaker, first monarchs to rule over the Korvians, created the largest empire the world has ever seen... until that of the future Korvian King Tyrant.   With their powers, Warbler the ability to make himself immortal and Croaker the ability to make others immortal, they slaughtered scores on Udai, taking every bit of land they could into the new Korvian Empire. They found this island, isolated from the world, and built the hut that would later become F-Tier, hiding away a very important person who they could not let be caught up in their war. They were killing so indescriminately, they did not want this person to be caught in the crossfires. However, Croaker grew a conscience and abandoned the fight.   Croaker took a boat, trying to escape Warbler. He knew Warbler would chase him, but on the small boats that the Korvians had that far in the past, he knew Warbler could not bring the army. He would have to come alone. And Croaker also had a plan.   He went to the island where the person of interest was, as he knew Warbler wouldn't want to hurt this person. Croaker underestimated Warbler, as Warbler was able to get there alone and avoid even alerting the person.   Instead, he battled Croaker and defeated him. He killed Croaker, but Croaker's ability did not deactivate. The immortality it granted did not fade away, and Warbler realized the horror of what he had done. Not just to Croaker but to Udai. He resigned as King, burying Croaker's body on the island, and overtime came to realize that he too was now able to use Croaker's ability.   Where the structure known as S-Tier came from is unknown. It formed there seemingly out of nowhere. It contained most of the area where Croaker's ability lingered, preventing just anyone from gaining immortality. It was impossible to break through the walls or floor as well, meaning it was a holding cell. It also meant Croaker's corpse could not be moved.  
Croaker by Jarhed

The World Court

It is unclear when the World Court found the World Cell. It was likely before they were even officially the World Court of 13 judges. What is known is that they hired a Dwarf named Julmiir, who wielded Structure Magic. He, and his team of contractors, built the parts of the World Cell that were not S and F-Tier.   The work put into it was incredible. It is said that it had as much, if not more, care put into it than the Temples of the Gods themselves. Julmiir considered this project, the World Cell, to be his life's work. He was not wrong.   After it was completed, Julmiir thanked the World Court for the opportunity. As his payment, the World Court killed him and imprisoned his workers in the S-Tier of the prison, considering the secrets they knew of the World Cell's construction to be too dangerous to roam Totania, but they could also not risk the information being taken by a necromancer. So the four Dwarven contractors became the first S-Tier prisoners not because of strength, but because of knowledge. A mental threat to the World Court, rather than a physical one.  

S-Tier Prisoners

Aside from the contractors, there are many other beings trapped within the S-Tier. Here are some of the more prominent prisoners.  

Varth Dreamless

There would be a being, considered ungodly powerful, who would be imprisoned within the S-Tier of the World Cell. The first Court Wizard of Humanity, Varth Dreamless, following the events of A Dreamless Sleep, had finished fighting the first King, Gellark Lionrage.   Gellark had pushed Varth out of the northern part of Elone and to the Southwest, around Stallbourne. The home of the World Court.  
Varth Dreamless by Jarhed
Gellark had the World Court help in detaining Varth, and suggested they put him away somewhere. They did not tell Gellark of the World Cell, but they agreed to take care of Varth for Gellark.   Varth was placed as a control in the S-Tier. He would keep the prisoners riled up, always killing. With his Death Magic, he was a mindless killing machine with no control over his own body or power. Perfect for the World Court. A secret weapon, if they ever needed to utilize his Death Magic for their purposes.   Some say Varth is let out into other parts of the prison sometime to kill prisoners who are acting out. The World Court has denied these claims, saying that is a fabrication someone made to scare people out of going to the World Cell.   They've thanked the rumors, but have stated that if it were true that Varth got out of S-Tier, then that would be bad news for everyone, not just the prisoners.   Varth is less hostile to some people in comparison to others. He expresses curiosity towards people who are not Korvians, Goblins, or Humans, as he never saw anything else before being cursed with Death Magic.  
Lendak the Freaky by Jarhed

Lendak the Freaky

The greatest creation of Necromancy, Lendak the Freaky is an immortal Zombie with unbreakable skin and organs that are unaffected by magic.   Created by Drorthod Lormorn, former Chief of Evity, Lendak was the brainchild of a necromancer from long before Drorthod was ever conceived. An idea of a perfect creature, an unkillable weapon.   Resources were stockpiled for generations, spells prepared, rituals researched, plenty of Gods were asked for help, plenty of Devils and Demons too. But ultimately it was Drorthod Lormorn who put it all together. All the resources, the rituals, the prep. And he helped a Human woman named Lendak rise from the dead.   She did not kill anyone. However, upon her creation, she beat up everyone in Evity to the point that the entire village, Chief, and visitors too, were unconscious. It was Drorthod himself who ultimately knocked her out and handed her over to the World Court to be imprisoned.   He had watched from his lab as she had punched through the wall enough times that it broke without her skin even gaining any wear and tear at all. Not a cut, scratch, or bruise. And he was terrified of what she could do if she remained free on Totania.  


Ragadin was a Dwarven hero famous for a horrid war crime. Despite this, he is still widely celebrated as one of the greatest Dwarves to ever live, and many mead halls make toasts to Ragadin before every drink.  
Ragadin by Jarhed
For Ragadin burnt down part of the Elven Forest. After multiple acts of aggression between Dwarves and Elves, no war had broken out for hundreds of years. It was Ragadin, though, who settled this.   Ragadin created a blue flame, known for spreading and lasting a long time, and set fire to the Elven Forest. It was said he was then riddled with arrows, but then stood back up unscathed.   For this, Ragadin was considered the inspiration for the Orange Phoenixes Dwarven Squad, and is also considered to be the first Dwarven General, as he was the first one to ever declare war.   After a thousand years, Ragadin was getting old. He was getting tired, and had magically extended his life quite a while by using the power of a Phoenix. And that was when he was found by the World Court and arrested for his crimes.   With his power, he was instantly placed in S-Tier, and was portrayed as a villain by the World Court. Still, to Dwarves, he is an icon and a hero.

Cover image: by patrick489


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