Lucien Merle Character in Tir a Goth | World Anvil

Lucien Merle

The Former King of Northoak Lucien Merle


Birth and Youth

Lucien was born in Oakhorn to the Merle Royal family, the family that ruled the kingdom of Northoak. His birth was otherwise unremarkable; his mother was in labor 7 hours, and mother and son were healthy after the birth.   Lucien grew up in the Merle Royal home in Oakhorn, being allowed to play with the servant's children when not participating in his required lessons. Through these relationships, he learned to get along with the children, not wielding his entitlement over them. He gained compassion for the many classes of people he would come to rule. He would spend time in the kitchen with the cooks, the bakers, and the scullery maids, learning each of their trades.   Through his boyhood years, Lucien learned to read and write, he learned of diplomacy and economics, he learned to wield a sword and a bow. The economics lessons seemed to excite him the most out of the regimented teachings, but he also showed a strong knack for hunting and trapping. He was also taught the arts through drawing and painting.   At twelve, the lessons expanded in to sailing and geography. He began to accompany his father on visits across the kingdom, the eventually to other kingdoms.  

Military Career

At 18, Lucien volunteered to the Royal Army.  Being the Crown Prince, his commanders were cautious to include Lucien in any assignment that was deemed too hazardous.  His protests were ignored, and he continued light duties after his initial training.  This did not suit the prince, so he enlisted the support of his father, the King, and Lucien began to see more deployments outside the capital.  By this time, small squabbles began to develop along the Northoak and Algermon border, and Lucien saw combat in defense of the Kingdom border.  At 20 years old, he killed for the first time in combat.   Once the rage of battle had resided, the weight of the death of a fellow combatant by his sword had a profound effect on Lucien, and he made sure to learn the dead man's name.  This became a personal habit, and every time Lucien killed in combat, he would search out their name, too.  By the death of Lucien, he could name every man he had ever killed.  When he would recite this list, it was with remorse more than pride; each life having value to Lucien.  

Crowning and Rule

A couple of months after Lucien's 31st birthday, his father, the King, died.  After a month of national mourning, Lucien was crowned the new King.  The ceremony was a joyous occasion bringing the nation out of the somber mood after a beloved King's death, and the celebration lasted a full week.  

War of the 5 Kingdoms



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Oakhorn, Crown Prince of Oakhorn, King of Oakhorn
Date of Birth
8th of Reszten, 568
568 616 48 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed by order of the King of Algermon while imprisoned during the War of the 5 Kingdoms
Midnight Blue
Grey with hints of black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs.


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