2020-07-16 Temple assault Pt.1 Report in Tir a Goth | World Anvil

2020-07-16 Temple assault Pt.1

General Summary

As the morning arrives, the party has broken camp, and Ale has returned from her personal business.   The remainder of the trip was uneventful, again people traveling to and from Unity City, going about their typical lives. The party comes upon the old access road to the forgotten temple, nearly missing it due to the overgrowth of the long unused road. Parking the cart a short distance from the temple, the team unhitched the horse, and rode/walked further in.   Though not practicing much caution or stealth, the team did manage to sneak up on two goblin guards at the entrance to the temple, and drop them with a single arrow to each.   Standing outside at the doors, the team deliberated on their next move, showing a bit of caution. It was decided to open the doors and enter the temple.   Inside, the party found an empty 30'x30' room with a single hallway in the middle of the opposite wall. Beyond the hallway was another room, spilling light down the hall, and in to the room that the characters now occupied. Noise could be heard from the next room; the gibbering of goblins.   Hornnugg immediately ran down the hall to the second room, only to be confronted by 10 goblinoids, 8 goblins and 2 bosses, all now focused on him. Occupying the 10' hallway, creating a choke point, Hornnugg was able to fend off the goblins and keep them from advancing. The other team members remained outside, or just inside the entrance, unsure how to advance. Fate decided for them, when one of the goblin bosses get through Hornnugg's defenses and severs his leg at the knee; Hornnugg falls to the ground in pain.   With the goblins now advancing past Hornnugg, the 3 archers of the group, Rein, Jonathan, and Ale begin launching arrows down the hallway, taking out most of the goblins before they are able to close ranks. A couple of the goblins do manage to get to melee range and hack and slash at the available team members, but the adventurers are able to drop the goblins. Seeing his opportunity, Otho sneaked into the room, and with a deft attack, stabs the last goblin from behind, killing it.   The team begins to loot the goblins while Ale tends to Hornnugg's wound. She cauterizes the injury, then magically heals the remaining wound, creating a fresh stump.   Looting the goblins allowed the team to take a breather and explore the room.   The 50'x40' room was carved in to the mountain behind the temple's main entrance, then lined with the same rock and mortar work of the entrance. Along the far wall, a raised dais, once used for offerings to whatever God or Goddess the temple was dedicated to, now only contains a fallen statue. The statue is faintly recognizable as a humanoid woman, but most of the features have been erased by time, neglect, and vandalism.   To the right of the dais, a stone door stands slightly open. At one time, the door was concealed, possibly to allow the priests and priestesses of the inner temple to come and go without being disturbed by the denizens who come to worship. A bit of light and noise escape the ajar door.   The team deliberated the next move, but with one of the members severely hindered, it was decided to retreat, camp for the night and return to Meadowspell for a restoration healer, or at least, a smith that could fashion a prosthetic for Hornnugg.   Camp was set up to the left of the temple, hidden in an alcove between the main entrance room and the hillside, nestled among the rocks and trees; chosen for the ease of defense if needed. With no campfire and an alert watch cycle, the night passed without incident and in the morning the group returned to the wagon, hitched up Jonathan's horse, and returned to town. The only event of note was that Rein had decided that she was going to keep Hornnugg's severed leg as a souvenir, and wrestled it away from Hornnugg due to his weakened status. A heated discussion regarding the leg, whether to return it to Hornnugg, or allow Rein to keep it, occupied the team, with Rein the eventual owner.   This is where the session ended.

Rewards Granted

Otho and Ale: Level 2 Rein, Jonathan, and Hornnugg: Level 3

Missions/Quests Completed

Retrieve the Soul Stone: In progress
Ombre Unfolding
Otho Whitfoot
Johnathan Tamai
Hornnugg Lastguard
Alethra Kulen
Level 3 Half Elf Chaotic Good Ranger
/ 28 HP
Report Date
16 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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