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Although the Sphinxes were perfectly happy with the creation of the dwarves, the Arches felt the urge to create new life once more. The eight conferred for quite some time, debating on how the spell could be improved. They cast it once more, and were pleasantly surprised with the outcome. The new creatures were the most diverse yet. Their skin tone ranged from a deep ebony to a pale ivory; the hair and eye color spread over the entire rainbow; and even though their range of height was much wider than the goblins and dwarves, their average height was the tallest yet. Even though not all individuals could use magic, they were able to access all eight elements. Their most unfortunate trait, to the dragons, was their incredibly short lifespan. Still unwilling to destroy any of their creatures, the dragons let the new species, who called themselves humans, wander Tilandrial and went back to improving the spell.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are the most widespread sentient species in all Tilandrial, having built settlements in the hottest deserts to the coldest tundras.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans can touch all eight elements equally; meaning, if a human can use magic, the likelyhood of them using any one of the eight elements is equal.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Hunters were started by humans who saw vampires and lycanthropes as a blight on Tilandrial.


Before the War

Humans quickly spread across all of Tilandrial. They propigated quickly, and became the most widespread sentient species. They formed settlements of all kinds in all types of biomes. Humans were naturally distrustful of anything strange, however, and in some places, those who could touch any of the elements were shunned. In these places, worship of the Sphinxes grew. These humans believed those with magic should not flaunt it, and soon detested those who used magic. In a few cases, this grew to outright persecution.The Arches tried to put a stop to it, but while the humans believed the Arches to be gods who walked among them, they still did not believe magic should be widespread. Their reasoning for worshiping the strongest magic users in all of Tilandrial, however, was the Sphinxes rarely showed their power.   The humans who showed immense proficiency with one of the elements formed varous cults dedicated to each of the dragon Arches, and eventually helped establish the eight Element Colleges.  

During the War

Humans were the only species to be represented equally on both sides of the Great War. Both the Sphinxes and the Arches discovered how easily moldable humans are, and humans became the propigators of three new species: Lycanthropes, Vampires, and Centaur.   The war did increase their general dislike for magic, especially those touched with Obscurum.  

After the War

The worship of the Sphinxes faded to almost nothing. There are reports of secret cults who still see the Sphinxes as true gods, but although the living Arches have tried to ferret them out, nothing has come of it. Humans also created a new kind of curse that ended up becoming a seperate "species": the curse of the Hapa. When the first one showed up on Meridianus, Arch Ananda was stumped. She could not find any literature of a spell of this kind, nor could she figure out a way to reverse it.   Humans also turned into the Shirk species, a discovery which delighted Arch Ananda, for she thought the city of Shirk'la had been lost forever.
Genetic Descendants
70 years
Average Height
5 - 7 feet tall
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: by Pexels


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