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Since goblins were viewed as grotesque by the Sphinxes, the Dragons conferred to figure out how to improve the spell. They agreed the creatures should still be able to use magic, but what should they look like? Dragons were made in Sphinx image - four walking limbs and two wings - but the dragons came to the conclusion that bipeds were less drain on their magic, so they could focus their magic of the spell on different, more important things. The new bipedal creatures were slightly taller than the last creation, with skin more peach and brown rather than green and blue. These new beings showed a disproportionate ability for metal and earth, which made Arch Seighild of Chalybs and Arch Toloc of Terra happy. These new creatures had an innate ability to find precious gems, something the Sphinxes loved. Although originally the species was touched by all eight elements, they soon evolved to only be touched by Terra, Chalybs, Obscurum, Natura.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All dwarves grow a beard, but the presence/absance and length of the beard are all indicators of status in dwarf communities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

A dwarven city is usually found in any mountain range in Tilandrial. After humans, they are the most wide-spread sentient species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very Common Elements

Rare Elements

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Men and woman can rule equally. As long as the dwarf in question can grow the proper beard style that is said to be needed for the position. Because of this, males tend to hold more higher positions than women. Male hair grows quicker than female hair.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The one with the longest beard is the ruler. It is very uncommon to see an adult dwarf without a beard. Usually, those are the ones who were cast out of their city.


Before the War

Dwarves were the second species created by the Arches. After the percieved failure of the goblins, Blodwen conviced his bretheren to try again. The conffered for a while, tweeking the spell here and there, and when they were satisfied, they cast it once more. The new creatures were slightly taller than the goblins, had a skin color more akin to that of a peach, and a wider range of hair color, from reds to browns to yellows. To the delight of Arch Seighild, Arch of Chalybs and Arch Toloc, Arch of Terra, the new creatures showed a propensity towards metal and earth magics. The Sphinxes loved the new creatures, especially for their ability to mine precious metals and gems. Since the creatures were much smaller than the Sphinxes, they started to call them "dwarves" and the name stuck.   The longer the dwarves mined the gems and metals, the less likely a dwarf would be born touching the other six elements. As time passed, they completely lost the ability to touch Aquas, Lux, Obscurum, and Spiritus. They barely clinged to Ignus and Natura, as both of those elements were still seen as useful by the dwarves. While this upset the dragons, the Sphinxes did not mind; they only wished for the dwarves to bring them more gems and metals. Because the Sphinxes lavished so much praise on dwarves, they naturally started to worship the Sphinxes along with the dragons who created them.   When the humans came along and started to worship the Sphinxes with a zeolous fever, the dwarves as a species took a step back and saw that the Sphinxes were becoming warped, partly due to their obsession with material goods. Quietly, dwarven worship tapered off, and by the time the Great War started, dwarves had completely given up their religion to the Sphinxes.  

During the War

Due to their innate understanding of metals, dwarven weapons and armor became known as the best money could buy. This fact helped them out immensly during the war, as knowledge of their skill became known in all eight corners of the world. They only made weaponry and armor for those who fought for the Arches, and many believe this was a major factor that allowed the Arches to win.  

After the War

The dwarves retreated to their mountain cities, cutting off many ties they once had to most other species. The war had affected them as much as every other species. This had the added bonus of being closer to more ore and gem veins, and the downside of making dwarves almost afraid of having the open sky above them. Their cavernous cities became ornately decorated with beautiful decorations of shiny metals and high quality gems. As they opened their cities to visitors, such archetecture was sought out by those who could afford to pay. Knowing their skill, the dwarves charged exorbant prices. Dwarven architecture is rare outside dwarven cities, and is a sign that that individual is very rich indeed.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves care little for the other species on Tilandrial. As long as they don't raid a dwarf city, the dwarves will leave everyone else alone. However, dwarves do have an apreciation for fine gems and rare metals, and will not hesitate to agree to a building contract with Humans, Elves, Drow, or Lycanthropes. They only hesitate if a Vampire is involved. A hungry vampire will kill a dwarf.
200 years
Average Height
1 to 1.5 meters (3.5 to 5 feet)

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Cover image: by Pexels


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