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Centaurs are half human, half horse, created during the Sphinx War by the Arches who fought against the Sphinxes. After the war, they broke into two factions, Nessunites and Chironites.

Basic Information


Centaurs have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. The torso of the human portion attaches to the shoulders of the horse portion.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Centaurs can touch any of the following elements:

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Changing Factions

There is a not terribly complicated ceremony that allows a centaur from one faction to become a member of the other faction. To join with the Nessunites, a Chironite has to demonstrate their knowlage of some area of battle, whether it be weapon use or formation planning, etc. For a Nessunite to join with the Chironites, they must demonstrate their passion for learning something other than the art of war.


During the War

Centaurs were the only creatures created by the Arches during The Great War. After the creations of both Lycanthropes and Vampires, the tide of the battle had turned and the Arches were starting to lose. The Arch of Spiritus and the Arch of Lux had already been lost, and the five remaining Arches were not confident they had enough magic between them to create a brand new species. Blodwyn happened upon the variation of the creation spell Knylia used to make the faeries, and suggested they use that along with how Dunstan and the Sphinxes created lycanthropes. The Arches agreed, but wanted to stay away from carnivores. The wolf aspects made lycanthropes too unstable. Eventually they decided on horses, herd animals with a strong fighting spirit. Mounted platoons were already used in the war, and it was easy to see how strong the creatures were. A battalion under the command of Arch Seighild, Arch of Chalybs was chosen to combine with the horses, since they had the most training in the fighting arts. Since there were five Arches to Dunstan's one, they were confident they would not end up with the same mistake as the lycanthropes. Magic is a fickle beast at best, and the spell did not end up exactly the way the Arches had planned. The spell combined the two creatures. A human torso rose out of the shoulders of the horse, where the neck would have attached. After allowing the new creatures to get used to their new bodies and determining there was nothing malformed with the new creatures, the Arches ran them through a few fighting simulations. The results were everything the Arches wanted. The new creatures, now termed centaurs, were natural-born fighters and able to utilize the elements of the remaining Arches. New centaurs born during the war soon found out they knew vast amounts of military knowledge without having to be taught. Their innate knowledge helped turn the tide of the war.  

After the War

Some centaurs found they had a yearning to learn, no matter the subject. Some found they loved the art of fighting. The dichotomy caused a break among the centaurs, and they split into two factions: the Chironites, those who want to learn; and the Nessunites, those who viewed fighting as an art. The two factions spread out across Tilandrial, each becoming well known for their particular knowledge. The two groups did work out a ceremony that allowed a centaur from one to join the other.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most centaurs are initially wary of meeting others, even members of their own kind. However, the Chironites generally like to think the best of everyone and are a bit more inviting than the Nessunites. Both factions detest lycanthropes and dragosaurs, and even the Chrionites will reach back to their roots to fight them off.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80-100 years
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: by Pexels

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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