
Public linguanthropological record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

Goosujati is an ideographic writing system solely used for leaving concise but important messages that are visible at a far distance. The symbols can be painted on any flat or semi-flat stone surface (called a 'Tjakha') using harjgga, often just by using one's hands. Tribes have been known to haul large rocks for long distances if no natural surfaces are available to paint on in the vicinity where the message needs to be left.  


The majority of the Goosujati glyphs are significantly older than many of the gjevasudit languages and dialects in use today. It was the only writing system in existence until the Ljuuhovii began developing the ahsamaruut alphabet a few years ago. It has changed very little across the ages.  


Though Goosujati appear simple in construction and use, it does have some basic rules. Any one marker typically has a maximum of three glyphs of the glyphs used for building the meaning of the marker, plus up to five of stone glyphs whose only purpose is to denote distance measurements.   The glyphs that builds the marker's meaning can be ordered freely, both vertically and horizontally, and depend heavily on the painter's capability to create a contextual image that any onlooker later (hopefully) can interpret. The distance marker glyphs are always placed in a line beneath the glyphs that form the message's meaning.   In order to be easily seen at a distance, each glyph is at least fist-sized, often larger.

Linguistical Data

Ideographic Script
Early Form(s)

Anthropological Data

Native Users
Nomadic Bieggjan

Identified Glyphs

Goosujati Glyph: Stone


Used for measurements in conjunction with other glyph. Each stone glyph correspond to one stone throw's distance.
Goosujati Glyph: Boulder


Marks an impassable path.
Goosujati Glyph: Water Hazard


Marks a hazard related to water, such as rapids, waterfalls, strong undercurrents, or avalanches.
Goosujati Glyph: Land Hazard


Marks hazards related to ground, such as moors, bogs, mudpits, or landslides.
Goosujati Glyph: Difficult Trail

Long Trail

Marks a stretch of a trail with difficult or dangerous terrain. Can be combined with other glyphs to specify type of terrain or danger.
Goosujati Glyph: Hole


Marks the existance of a nearby hole, cave, crevice, canyon, or similar opening in the ground.
Goosujati Glyph: Ajovoun


Marks a safe trail or location. Common to combine with distance markers to the nearest Lamass.
Goosujati Glyph: Oniijavat


Marks a dangerous trail or location. If not combined with other glyphs, it refers to the area being cursed, or containing an unknown threat.
Goosujati Glyph: Food


Marks a location with foraging/fishing capabilities nearby. These locations are common points to stop and set camp.
Goosujati Glyph: Hukhajya


Marks a point where a Hukhajya herd trail intersects with a tribe migration trail. Can also mark a known location good for foraging.
Goosujati Glyph: Lejipolma


A general sign for caution, which can include minor hazards or the presence of aggressive wildlife in the area.
Goosujati Glyph: Mursamuul


Marks a location or region with few or no sources of water or food.
Goosujati Glyph: Taljakka


Marks treacherous terrain. Original used to mark rocky areas rich in morros, an igneous rock type that has a highly reflective surface.
Goosujati Glyph: Tursatjek


Placed close to water sources, marking them as not drinkable, tainted, or dangerous.
Goosujati Glyph: Tjaetsiimaj


Almost exclusively used with the Hole glyph in conjunction with the distance marker, in an Oniiji Tjakha.

Common Tjakha Messages

Below are a few examples of found Tjakha messages, can you interpret them?  
Goosujati Example 1

Cover image: by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ


Author's Notes

All in-article images on this page are © Nimin N.

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Dec 4, 2023 13:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

That glyph means there's an impassable water hazard three stone's throws away?   I love this so much. I like all the thought you've put into each glyph.

Dec 9, 2023 07:32 by Nimin N

Thank you! Was unexpectedly challenging to both keep it as minimal as possible yet also consider what'd be easy for the planet's inhabitants to universally interpret. :)

Dec 4, 2023 18:37

How beautiful can something simple, inconspicuous be? I love these glyphs. There are not too many and because of their simplicity, anyone can learn them very well and, above all, quickly. Very well thought out.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Dec 9, 2023 07:35 by Nimin N

Thank you, very happy you like them. <3

Dec 4, 2023 18:59 by Elspeth

I love these glyphs. Such a great idea and a simple but smart way to communicate. Excellent article! :)

Dec 9, 2023 07:35 by Nimin N

Thank you!

Dec 6, 2023 02:47 by Ephraïm Boateng

Such a cool concept! Efficient, simple and easy to learn. Love it!

Dec 9, 2023 07:36 by Nimin N

Thank you!

Dec 6, 2023 12:14 by C. B. Ash

Oh I do love me a pictographic type language. The glyphs are so nicely handled! Each one conveys the concept perfectly. I can even see a bit of how they would shift into something more approaching real world pictographic languages once some language drift comes in. VERY VERY nice!

Dec 9, 2023 07:47 by Nimin N

Thank you! Would love to illustrate a bit of that if/when I get around to writing about the Ljuuhovii's attempt at constructing a more involved script. :)

Dec 8, 2023 14:15 by Rin Garnett

I want to play a game where I wander around the wilderness and interpret glyphs like this to find my way back to camp or something. Thank you for warning me about the impassable water hazard, I'll take a different route, thank you!

Dec 9, 2023 07:43 by Nimin N

That actually sounds like it could be a fun variant of an orientation activity. :) You get a compass, no map, but there's a number of distinct trails and you need to find the right one leading to a goal location by interpreting pictogram signage along the way,

Dec 15, 2023 02:06 by Ademal

That's cool as hell!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 16, 2023 08:37 by Nimin N

Thank you!

Jan 7, 2024 21:26 by Jared Richardson-Rushin

Absolutely beautiful. I love the examples to decipher and I love how simple yet versatile the glyphs are.

When you’re writing you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. - James A. Baldwin

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Mar 23, 2024 17:47 by Nimin N

Thank you! I felt simplicity was important if it was to be viable as a universal signage language. :)

Jan 26, 2024 23:03 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I love the style of these symbols <3 The way you combine them is also a neat system!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Mar 23, 2024 17:48 by Nimin N

Thank you! <3