Bieggjan (Nonlit. 'Child Me')

Also known as 'Biegkind', 'Sun Giant'
Public sentientologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

The bieggjan are the sole sophosient species native to the planet of Biegjun, and still today remain isolated from the greater galaxy through the Ascendancy's reserve zone policies.  

Etmyology & Definition

Bieggjan, the native’s word for themselves and their people, comes from the gjevasudit roots ‘bieg’ and ‘jan’, translating to ‘child me’ or ‘my heart’ depending on context. It used to be the word for ‘child’, but most modern branches of the language have replaced it with a variation of ‘mabieg’.  




The bieggjan are the evolved descendants of ancient humans. The most likely scenario being that escape pods were sent out from a generation ship that crashed into what today is called Gaaijvla Kilmpakki, circa 25 million years ago, and distributed the ship’s population across the planet.   This has yet to be fully ascertained, as attempts of studying the Yggdrasil D-44 generation ship hasn't yielded any satisfying answers and no archeological remains of the escape pods or first generation of humans have been found.  

The Modern Bieggjan

The biological evolution of the bieggjan appear to have slowed or halted, and it’s likely that their current function and appearance can be considered stable as long as evolutionary adaption doesn’t become a necessity for the species’ survival.   Technological advancements are very slow compared to most other known sophosients, likely stunted due to environmental factors such as low overall population numbers, short lifespans, and primarily migratory lifestyles. The high frequency of natural disasters and unstable weather make building permanent settlements and developing civilizations at a larger scale difficult.   All tribes found and observed to date employ late stone age levels of technology, including pottery. The rare clans that have settled in permanent locations have taken the first steps toward agriculture, husbandry, and advanced fishing.  

Habitat & Population

The bieggjan can be found primarily in the temperate and subarctic regions, mainly as nomadic family groups that follow the migration patterns of their primary prey or domesticated herd animals. Migration trails cross open hills, steppes, and plains close to water sources, and traversing more difficult terrains such as mountains and moors is kept to a minimum.   Settling in a fixed location appear to be a fairly recent phenomena only observed among a very few numbers of tribes in the boreal regions, where grenn forests make out the primary terrain. Only two permanent settlements have been found in highlands near large lakes, along the rim between the temperate and subarctic, and closer to the southern pole. The boreal settlements appear to focus on their previous hunter/gatherer lifestyle while the highlands settlements see some first steps taken toward organized agriculture, husbandry, and fishing.  

Geographic Origin

It’s generally assumed that the modern bieggjan trace their ancestry from the ancient humans that managed to safely land in more favorable biomes along the northern edge of the temperate band. Forested regions closer to the northern pole host sufficient water sources, have higher than average amounts of forgeable resources, and sees a very low ratio of poisonous and venomous animals.  

Galactic Distribution

The bieggjan are included in the Ascendancy’s reserve zone policies for Biegjun, which forbids the export of live specimens from the planet. It also imposes great limitations on actions that could impact local environments and affect indigenous species. For this reason, great care is taken among the Suszukoro researchers settled on Biegjun, whenever contact with the natives is unavoidable, to not introduce foreign concepts or technological advancements that could disrupt their natural development.   To date, bieggjan are believed to be exclusively found on their homeworld and there’s no records of live specimens being encountered in the wider galaxy.  




The bieggjan are tall and heavy hominoids developed to stand upright and walk on two legs. Both adult males and females average at 240-260cm in height and 200-250kg in weight. Aside the presence of mammary glands in females, sexual dimorphism appears minimal to nonexistent. Their bodies are bulky built with corded musculature and minimal fat deposits, featuring a head, a neck, a torso, two arms with a four-digit hand each, and two legs with a four-digit foot each.   A combination of an active lifestyle and metabolism, and both a larger diaphragm and lung capacity make them generally appear in very good physical shape. It appears difficult for the species to become obese in comparison to more sedentary simiiforme humanoids.   The head is lightly oval, with a square facial shape and a wide jawline. A prominent brow-ridge and high cheekbones make the eyes appear heavy set. The ears are larger than most other human-descendants and appear to have limited mobility enabling them to be turned forward or backward to some degree.  

Anatomy & Physiology

Many aspects of the bieggjan physiology are homologous to the ancient humans and that of their descendant species, the lusoyan and baluke. An adult bieggjan body consist of about 100 trillion cells. They feature body systems of similar functions as humans, such as the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, reproductive, respiratory, and urinary systems. Differently from their human ancestors, they do not feature a vestigial tail, nor do they have an appendix.   What mainly differentiates them from their ancestry is their differences in neurology, and their adaptions to a solyxide-based atmosphere and an above-normal gravity environment. Solagen replaces Nitrogen in their breathable air, and their physiology requires the bahtoanite mineral present in the planet’s hydrosphere in order to remain healthy.  


The perhaps most important aspect of their biology is the evolutionary changes made to their neurologic system, more specifically their neocortex. In comparison to most other human-derived species, bieggjan feature highly developed and large neocortices. Their brains begin development far earlier in the womb, leading to a newborn typically having the neural capabilities of a 3–4-year-old human with most of the basic structures already in place. They have a far easier time to create sturdy neural pathways.   This has led to bieggjan often being able to learn things on first try and being able to retain greater amounts of information. Sensory, emotional, and informational input can be processed at very high speeds. This was likely a necessary evolutionary adaption to ensure they could learn everything needed to survive during their accelerated growth rate into adulthood and helps offset their unusually short lifespans.  

High Gravity Adaptations

Their skeletal structure sees a significant increase in iron concentrations, making their bones denser and more durable but also much heavier. In order to carry the extra weight, the bieggjan, similar to several other animals present on the planet, developed larger sizes and more muscle mass.  
It’s been estimated that an average bieggjan would have roughly ~x1.5 the raw muscular strength of their human ancestors.   This would translate to roughly ~x1.4 compared to the average lusoyan, ~x1.15 compared to the average baluke, and ~x1.65 compared to the average eörpan.
— Notation by Dr. Tybulus Svilen

Respiratory System

The bieggjan require an amount of a noble gas called solagen in their air intake which replaces and appears to fill a similar function as nitrogen does in regular air. An outright lack of solagen in their breath intake will lead to a slow death through asphyxiation, while breathing air containing nitrogen is toxic – as is high saturations of oxygen and carbon-dioxide.   High nitrogen-toxicity will cause a feeling of lightheadedness within five minutes. Cognitive ability gradually decreases during this time and after, with immobilization setting in roughly fifteen minutes later. Death can occur up to two hours later, depending on physical fitness, as the body breaks down itself.  
Lung Volume
They feature a naturally larger lung volume compared to their human ancestry and this allows them to hold their breaths for extended periods of time. The exact reason behind this adaption is still unclear. An adult bieggjan is estimated to be able to, if calm, hold their breath for up to five minutes without training.  
Voice & Speech
The expanded lung capacity in combination with an enlarged diaphragm has as well offered them a far greater spectrum of volume and projections compared to their human ancestors.   They can raise their voices louder, estimated to as high as 140dB, and speak at inaudible levels, estimated as low as -20dB. It’s likely that this has altered their perception of what is considered normal loudness at different commonly named speech levels (such as whisper or shout) and may match or closely match that of lusoyan perception, but it’s not been scientifically proven. They also seem to speak at a lower-than-normal pitch, ranging at 80-185Hz in comparison to human’s range of 85-255Hz.  

Skin, Tissue & Blood

Long-term exposure to the bahtonaite mineral present in biegjun’s hydrosphere has led to a species-wide genetic mutation that causes a characteristic pigmentation-change of the species’ skin, tissue, and blood.  
Condition | Nov 14, 2023

A common genetic mutation caused by exposure to the bahtoanite mineral.

  Exact skin pigmentations can vary but will always fall within the blue-violet spectrum, with a specific hue or tone being partially inheritable and homogenous among related individuals. Flesh and tissues tend to have a deep ultramarine coloration, while the blood is a very eye-catching electric or fluorescent blue. Blood that’s been exposed to air gradually turns silver colored as it dries and ages.  

Hair Growth

Different from both their ancestor and descendant species, bieggjan normally lack any natural hair growth – including features such as eyelashes.   A recessive gene can rarely cause an individual to be born with vellus, androgenic, scalp and/or facial hair. While it appears very rare to have infants and children showing these traits prematurely killed, they’ll commonly grow up facing prejudice and fear even from their own tribes’ members. A few individuals have been observed choosing to leave their tribe, once old enough to care for themselves, despite the grave difficulties the species appears to have with living and surviving alone.  

Sensory Capabilities



In comparison to their human ancestors, the bieggjan have larger and more angular ears with a wider forward helix. Musculature around the ears have developed to allow for limited mobility to angle their ears further forward or backwards.   Their range of hearing is broader for both lower and higher frequencies, estimated to be in a similar range as the lusoyan at 10-64.000Hz. Sounds at a volume as high as 100dB doesn’t appear to cause significant discomfort or damage even at long exposure, and the pain threshold has been measured to around 150dB.  


The bieggjan eye features an iris, often dark or black in color, and a small pupil, but these tend to only be visible in gloomy environments when no light sources are aimed directly at them. The pupil’s muscles are weak and cannot contract or dilate very well to adjust to the amount of light in their environments, causing their vision to be limited in dim and dark conditions.  
Brightness Adaptions
The bieggjan eye is specialized to cope with the high amounts of natural light found on their homeworld, which is foremost evident in the presence of a nictitating membrane functioning as a second eyelid.   The nictitating membrane rests beneath the normal eyelid and opens/closes horizontally across the eye, usually as a subconscious reflex to surrounding light levels. Adult individuals appear to be able to obtain a measure of conscious control through training. It consists of a thin, normally transparent membrane that reflects natural light past a certain threshold by gradually turning opaquer and greyer. At normal daylight levels on Biegjun this will give the illusion of solid, milky white and faintly luminous eyes.   The membrane appears to interfere with the bieggjan’s ability to discern details, especially at long distances, while its closed.  
Color Vision
The Bieggjan are capable of seeing into the near-ultraviolet spectrum. This is made possible due to their eyes containing four additional types of cones beyond the three that allow sight of red, blue, and green colors. Being heptachromatic would mean a technical possibility of distinguishing up to 100 trillion color gradations. Around 1560 gradations have so far been found to have their unique names in the gjevasudit language family.  

Dietary Needs & Habits

The bieggjan are omnivorous, and live on whatever they can hunt, fish or forage in their local area. This commonly includes different kinds of meats, nuts, roots, sprouts, vegetables, fruits, and berries.   It appears customary for most tribes to prepare and cook food before ingestion in order to avoid parasite infections and diseases, and different preservation methods are utilized in order to keep both raw and prepared food for longer. A tribe will rarely gather more than they can use before it spoils or know that they can gift to other tribes or lamasses they pass by on their travels. If no other option’s available, any food that’s close to going bad will be put out for local wild animals to eat.  

Parasitic & Symbiotic Organisms

There are no known organisms that have a symbiotic relationship with the bieggjan species, but they are very susceptible to various parasites. Infections and diseases caused by various parasitic organisms, such as the liner worm and moor tickler, is the most common cause of death among the bieggjan. Far more common than death from old age or accidents.  


The bieggjan employ herbal medicinal practices based on knowledge passed down by previous generations. These are usually unique among a tribe, and exchanges happen rarely, as members will prefer to rely on receipts “proven” to work by their elders and are reluctant to accept those offered by outsiders.  



Life Cycle

The bieggjan life span is unusually short for a human-descendent species, seldom lasting beyond forty years of age which is even shorter than that of the lusoyan and baluke.   It’s not entirely clear why bieggjan’s lifespan became so significantly shorter than that of their human ancestors, aside from factors such as observing a primitive lifestyle and having a high risk of contracting diseases or being victims of environmental hazards. The fact that bieggjan evolution has taken such lengths to adapt to this shortened lifespan is still a major topic of discussion among both lusoyan and eörpan scientists.  


As with most human-descendants, bieggjan reproduction takes place by internal fertilization via sexual intercourse. Mating and reproduction are entirely voluntary activities for both sexes, but sexually mature youths are encouraged to seek out potential mates among the members of another tribe when they cross paths.  
With the species being the only human-descendent sophosient living on Biegjun, not counting the isolated lusoyans of the Suzukoro family that studies them and their homeworld, it’s considered safe to assume there exists no hybrids of partial bieggjan-origin.   Due to their heavy evolutionary adaptions it’s also very unlikely that the bieggjan even would be capable of naturally producing viable hybrid offspring if paired with an alien species.  

Growth Rate & Stages

The gestation time of a bieggjan embryo is typically 14-15 months in length. A newborn bieggjan child undergoes maturation at a much faster rate than those of most other human-descendant species, making education incredibly important and the primary focus of a child’s life up until they’re considered adult individuals around the age of ten.   Once born, a bieggjan baby remain an infant for only about four months. They’d be the equivalent of an eörpan toddler for another four months, and preschoolers for about five months after that. Adolescence typically last between the ages of thirteen months and ten years old, with sexual maturation usually occurring between the ages seven and eight years old.  
At the age of ten, they’d have a comparative maturity level equal to that of an eighteen-year-old eörpan youth and are by this time considered adult members of their tribe.   Reaching sexual maturity is commonly when their extraordinary capacity for learning tend to taper off but the signs of aging will typically halt up until the age of thirty. At the age of thirty and beyond they’ll develop signs of old age such as wrinkling and freckling skin, muscles and bones weakening, and seeing a gradual decline of their overall health.   Few bieggjan will survive beyond the age of forty, most succumbing to disease or becoming victims to predators, accidents, or natural disasters before that. The oldest known individual recorded to date was a member of the Ljuuhovii tribe, who passed away at the venerable age of 52.  

Biological Variation

The bieggjan sees no notable biological variation beyond their skin tone being partially based on environmental factors and partially on inheritance. Skin tone tends to be homogeneous among related bieggjan, and between bieggjan living in regions with close to equal concentrations of bahtoanite in the local hydrosphere.   It also doesn’t appear that their skin tone is prone to changing even if an individual moves to a region with a lower or higher concentration of the mineral, nor does there seem to exist an equivalent to the paling or tanning of the skin that can occur in specimens of the eörpan and certain other human-descended species.  



Assumed Disposition

Through study of several tribes and their respective individuals, the Suzukoro have provided a description of what could be considered the average or typical bieggjan.   The typical bieggjan is a pragmatic individual with an even mood and temper. Even in stressful or tense situations they remain calm and focused, and this may partially stem from being less prone to experience strong emotional responses, and being capable of processing emotional input quicker, resulting in less interfere with logical deduction. Whether stemming from the psychological or sociocultural side, they are generally peaceful and reluctant to violence, and rarely express certain negative feelings such as greed and jealousy.   They easily form strong and lasting interpersonal bonds with other individuals. In contrast, they experience intense psychological distress if excluded from social interactions and/or if they lack a sense of belonging within a group. There is a tendency toward focus on the group than the individual, where personal satisfaction and accomplishment is measured based off of their level of contribution to the group, and on the group’s overall welfare and success.  

Sleep & Dreaming

The bieggjan are a diurnal species entrained to sleep when the light levels would be at its lowest during spring and autumn seasons. They appear capable of internally preserving this sleeping cycle through the shorter seasons that lack a distinction between day and night. During a single rotation period (20 hours), the average sleep requirements for an adult is 4 hours and for a child 6-7 hours.   Going with less sleep than this has shown to lead to similar sleep deprivation symptoms commonly seen in other human-descended species. Some tribes have been observed to employ alternate, more complex methods for creating temporary shelters during summer and winter seasons that screens out light and aids to induce sleep.   While there’s been no means to properly measure such currently it’s assumed that bieggjan’s sleep occur in repeating periods, alternating between REM and non-REM sleep, similar to other human-descendant species. During this time the body remains in virtual paralysis and most of its systems are in an anabolic state for recovery.   Dreaming during sleep appear to be a fairly rare occurrence and tribes have been observed to put a high importance on interpreting their meaning. They also extremely rarely suffer from different sleep disorders.  

Consciousness & Thought

The bieggjan observe sentience and awareness at least of levels equal to their human ancestors, with heightened cognitive capabilities due to their enlarged neocortices. Following the officially accepted definitions outlined in the Sentience Classifications documentation, used widely in the United Worlds, the bieggjan would be categorized as a fully sophosient species.   Their stunted civilizational and technological advancement is considered to solely be because of environmental factors limiting their evolutionary capabilities.   The Royal Atheneum of Hövnís haven’t received an update yet whether or not the Ascendant science community still classify the species as being at mere sapient level. It’s known that the Suzukoro still lean on a set of prerequisites that include a higher requirement for technological advancements in order to recognize a species as sophosient.  

Motivation & Emotion

They are considered very emotionally stable, even-tempered, and peaceful by nature. Conflicts between groups are rare, and within groups even rarer.   A strong need for social contact leads to them easily developing various psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety, from just short periods of isolation. This state of psychological distress often quickly climbs in severity and can lead to behavioral problems otherwise mostly absent in the species.  

Sexuality & Love

Love and affection lacking the sexual/romantic component is generally limited to the current group of belonging, and often expected to be fairly and equally distributed between all of the group’s individuals. A tendency to favoritism toward only certain individuals in a group is considered an undesirable personality flaw.   Sexual/romantic love is viewed as a natural state of mind that an individual may or may not come to experience at some point of their life. While biological sex, origin, or occupation has no bearing on the choosing of a sexual/romantic companion, many tribes will have restrictions in place to ensure the involved individuals are of mature age and aren’t related to each other. This typically expresses itself as both individuals having to be recognized adults and having to belong to different tribes.   Pursuing sexual desire with a temporary partner, solely for obtaining personal satisfaction, is often seen as distasteful. It’ll rarely be openly objected against as long as the other party was willing.  

Customs & Traditions


Social Structure

The biegjan organize themselves in exogamous tribal families that can consist of 5-30 adult members, and on average half as many children. Most of a tribe’s population is blood-related within 3 generations, with only a few adopted-in individuals. The adopted individuals usually were either orphans, children gifted from another tribe, or an adult individual choosing to leave their original tribe to live with a “life-mate”.  
Oama Oskisuu
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 21, 2023

An adoption ceremony, commonly practiced by the bieggjan.



The bieggjan observe a strong ‘we’ and ‘them’ mentality where love and care is typically reserved for members of the same tribe, and every current member of a tribe are considered close family regardless of actual blood relationship. Even if courtesy and generosity is commonly offered to outsiders, and conflicts between tribes are rare, it’s always expected to put the wellbeing and safety of one’s own tribe first.   Since each member of a tribe is considered equally as much family to each other, every member of a tribe is expected to offer each other equal amounts of respect, affection, and love. Recognized couples may be considered a bit of an exception. It’s common for adults and children alike to develop very strong familial bonds, and even members that’s adopted in tend to integrate into their new family very quickly.  
Familial Relations
No bieggjan tribes to date have been found to define familial relationships beyond the concepts of child, sibling, parent, and couple.   Within a tribe, all mature adults are referred to as the parents (‘mafiina’) of all of the tribe’s current children (‘mabieg’). Adult members that show signs of aging (henceforth referred to as elders) are typically referred to as the parents of those that are yet to do so. All elders are as such considered parents to both the younger adults and the children of their tribe.   All children are considered siblings (‘mamolu’) to each other, all younger adults are siblings to each other, and also are all elders siblings to each other.   A couple (‘jeemtuust’) bonded through the Kienkii Bieggjan ritual is considered a partial exception to the traditional familial relationships of a tribe. While both individuals are still considered parents to all children of the tribe, and the children of all elders of the tribe, they are only considered siblings to all other adults but each other. They’ll either refer to each other as ‘jemjan’ (lit. ‘my life’) or by name.  
Bieggjan infants are born helpless at birth and rely on others to care for them. But beyond breastfeeding their newborn when/if necessary, the birthmother of a child will typically not be the one to primary care for their child and will instead look to resume their previous duties as soon as they’ve recovered from labor.   The care, raising, and education of a tribes’ children is considered the primary responsibility of its elders, even if every adult member is considered equally as responsible to see to their health and safety.  


Once reaching the age of ten, an individual is typically officially considered an adult ready to become a contributing, responsible member of their tribe. Based off of their skills, choices, tutoring and the current need within a tribe, they can pick among several different roles to serve, and each have a number of different duties they’re expected to fulfil.   While the bieggjan’s extraordinary ability to assimilate knowledge tend to taper off after physical maturation, it’s usually good enough that an individual who’s willing quickly could adjust if a tribe’s need changes and pick up another occupation either temporarily or permanently.  
Ruuhn Hyssna
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 14, 2023

A bieggjan tradition about choosing your trade/craft that's largely fallen into disuse.



The concept of owning a personal name appears to be a rather recent phenomena, and it’s still by far more common to refer to tribe members by familial relation (parent, sibling, or child) than by a unique name. Finding a name through a rite is a tradition that’s regularly practiced among the tribes that have settled in permanent locations, and it’s also been adopted by a few nomadic tribes travelling through the boreal regions of northern Biegjun.  
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 21, 2023

A fairly new tradition among the bieggjan that lets a child find their name.

  Members of different tribes typically address each other as ‘suuhaajan’ (pl. ‘suuhaajanii’), which loosely translates to ‘my friend’.  


In most bieggjan cultures, courting is considered an appropriate course of action if an individual is either looking for a temporary partner in order to produce offspring, or if they’re looking for a long-term bond with an individual that they feel a strong emotional attraction to.   In either of these cases, the individual is firstly required to be a recognized adult, secondly, they may only to look for a mate outside of their own tribe, and thirdly they may only court a single individual per meetup with another tribe. Regardless of whether an individual is truly related by blood or not it’s considered incestuous and thoroughly taboo to initiate a sexual relationship with someone considered your parent, sibling, or child.    


The bieggjan species are known to utilize two families of languages, one that’s verbal-only named gjevasudit, and a written-only ideograhic language named goosujati.  
The bieggjan were previously erroneously assumed to speak a singular language named ‘Gjevasudit’, with only dialectal variance, which has since proven to be not quite correct. Rather, gjevasudit consists of several regional languages with different dialects all named the same thing by their respective native speakers.   Gjevasudit has thus since been re-classified as a family of languages all stemming from the same root. Within our archives, attempts have been made to preserve the fact that all of the languages and dialects are collectively named gjevasudit by the natives, and our archivists have opted to add a regional suffix to help with database searches. Currently, our archives recognize twelve individual languages named gjevasudit, with each having between two and fourteen dialects.   Kinesics vs. Auditory Expression
Similar to the lusoyans, the bieggjan appear to lay a much larger weight on verbal communication through pitch and register than they do on facial expressions and body language to express emotions, attitude, moods and similar states at different degrees and intensities.  
This is an ideographic alphabet and language that only exists in written form, and whose list of ideograms appear more or less uniform across the planet. The language’s sole purpose appears to be to communicate common concepts clearly and concisely such as distances, safeties, and hazards.   It’s primarily seen in the practice of raising so-called Oniiji Tjakha: a type of stele landmarks meant to warn people of a nearby danger.  
Oniiji Tjakha
Building / Landmark | Nov 14, 2023

A stele landmark warning people of dangers ahead.


Gender Roles

By studying the bieggjan languages, it’s easy to assume that most tribes and groups don’t know much, if anything, about the concept of gender and gender roles. At least in the way most other known human-descendent sophosient species tend to define them.   The male and female sex is only considered in a purely pragmatic manner: one of either is required in order to produce offspring. In all other matters, one’s biological sex play a very minimal role in nearly all aspects of both inter- and cross-tribe culture. The familial relationship, and in some cases also blood relationship, between individuals is instead plays a central role in a bieggjan’s life.   An individual is assigned duties within a tribe based on a combination of what interest them, what the tribes needs of them, and what their mental and physical capabilities appear to be.  



Society, Government & Politics

Beyond the exchanges that occur when one or more tribes cross path during nomadic migrations, the bieggjan tribes operate as isolated groups and don’t adhere to any large-scale social hierarchy. General disposition, culture, tradition and religion appear homogeneous enough across the planet that contention between tribes is extremely rare.   The closest the bieggjan appear to have to inter-clan societal efforts, is the communally built and maintained lamasses. These are small settlements meant to be used in times of need by anyone. But they aren't meant to be lived in permanently.  
Building / Landmark | Nov 14, 2023

Small, communally maintained settlements sparsely located along commonly used migrations trails.

  Their current technological level and cultural development don’t appear to yet be at a point where concepts and systems commonly observed in larger civilizations are applicable. An example of this is the fact that the idea of an entity claiming a lot of land as their own has yet to emerge even among the permanently settled tribes. Nor have permanently settled tribes, even if located within relatively short distance of each other, tried to connect their settlements through means such as roads and trade.  

Trade & Economics

Bieggjan tribes may issue trade between each other, though it’s rarely perceived in the traditional sense of exchanging goods of equal or near-equal value. Its customary to offer another tribe resources they need if you have enough to spare, commonly leading to an exchange of gifted commodities or materials.   An exchange isn’t necessary however, and at times it might only be one tribe offering their resources. As well, there’s no expectations of exchanges, when they happen, having to be of similar or equal value. It appears to be assumed that a tribe will give what they can spare, and/or as much as they believe the other tribe needs. To assume you should have received more/less and do anything but kindly accept what you were gifted, is considered deeply insulting and ungrateful.  


War appears an extremely rare or nonexistent occurrence. None of the tribes studied so far have been found to have oral histories containing depictions of large-scale conflicts outside of the myths pertaining the contention between the deities of Soha Oavolkijiit and the beast Seempola. Nor have any conflicts between tribes or groups been observed during the entire time the Suzukoro have been present on the planet.  

Material Culture & Technology

The bieggjan employ late stone-age technology with tools made from sharpened stone or bone. Commonly seen materials include wood, stone, plant matter, animal parts, leather, furs, and if available, clay. A nomadic tribe will only take with them what they and/or their beasts of burden can carry, often limiting belongings to personal tools, a sleeping spot, food and cooking utensils, and materials for shelters when making camp.  


The knowledge of shaping and burning clay appears to be limited to a relatively small handful of tribes. These typically have migration trails that cross close to regions with unusually large deposits of the material. Otherwise, clay tends to be reserved for making harjgga.   It’s not uncommon for tribes that have access to a lot of clay to have two to three members spend time creating clay goods when able to. The finished goods are very common, and highly appreciated, gifts to give to other tribes they cross paths with.  

Dress Code

The bieggjan utilize simple and practical clothing suited for the current climate and temperature, that’s been crafted from weaved plant materials or animal hairs, or from treated furs. Leather is usually reserved for other purposes and rarely considered a component in tailoring.   Clothes tend to be left undecorated, but depending on availability some tribes color their textiles with plant-based dyes. Yellow and green hues being the most popular if given choice.   Instead of decorating their clothes, individuals have been observed spending free time creating primitive jewelry for themselves or others. These are usually strings made from plant fibers or animal tendons, with colored stones or animal claws, teeth, fur tufts or feathers.   Temporary jewelry made from plant fiber strings and local flowers and large leaves are also popular to wear during spring and summer seasons. Its commonly considered an appropriate task for children to engage in to train manual dexterity and ease them into the art of crafting.  

Body Culture

Staying healthy, caring for personal hygiene, and avoiding marks on your skin is considered important and many will be inclined to look for mates that appear to observe appropriate levels of self-care on these points.   ‘Dirtying’ your skin with paint, temporary or permanent, is considered disgusting and in many cases individuals with visible scars will be considered less desirable as mates. Typically, only an exile will have their skin purposefully marked, often forcibly scarred or burnt with the goosajuti symbol of an Oniijavat or Tjaetsiimaj before being expelled from their tribe.  

Religion & Spirituality

The only religious belief currently known to be practiced by the Bieggjan is the Soha Oavolkijiit; a polytheistic creationism/spiritualism religion that appears deeply ingrained in and intertwined with most tribes’ daily life and culture.  
Soha Oajvolkijiit
Organization | Jul 21, 2024

A belief system unique to the planet of Biegjun.


Art, Music & Literature

Artistic expression tends to be limited to the creation of decorative personal jewelry and dying textiles, though some of the permanently settled tribes have been found to spend time decorating their homesteads, tools and clothes with simpler carvings and patterns.   Song and music are a popular activity to engage in during travel, during downtime or to incorporate as a part of various traditions and rituals. It’s considered an accepted role for tribe elders to spend part of their time as musicians, and most will know how to play at least one instrument and keep a wooden one with them as a personal tool.  

Interspecies Relations

The bieggjan have remained largely isolated from other sophosient species and galactic society as a whole. Its not yet entirely known how, or exactly when, at least a portion of the species managed to migrate away from their homeworld and develop into the descendant lusoyans and baluke.   The Helsvuht systems have been included in the Ascendancy’s reserve zone policies for nearly two hundred years to date, which purposefully isolates the region from outward influence. This with the intention of preserving important historical locations and/or letting indigenous populations of sapient or higher intelligence develop at their own natural pace.   Even though a branch of the Suzukoro family have been settled for a long time on the planet in order to study it, perform archaeological research, and to observe the development of the natives, it’s researchers still have heavy limitations imposed on them to minimize the effect their presence may have.
Headshot of a Bieggjan individual
Ljuuhovii Bieggjan by Nimin N.

Taxological Data

Least Concern (LD)
Very Low
Homensis Solnatus
Homensis Sapiens
Homensis Ascendans
Homensis Nixgigans
None known

Biological Data

Carbon (H2O-base)
Type I Solagen-Base
Bipedal, Walking
Expected Lifespan
40 years
Average Height
Average Length
Average Weight
Natural Habitat
Temperate Climate

Sociocultural Data

One Bieggjan
Many Bieggjan
Known Languages
Known Religious Beliefs
Soha Oajvolkijiit
Known Ethnicities
Tasuuhji Tribe
The Rosepetal
Known Colony Worlds

Articles under Bieggjan

Cover image: by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ


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Nov 14, 2023 21:09

This is the most greatest biography of a fictional universe I've ever seen!, 11/10

Nov 15, 2023 08:28 by Nimin N

Thank you for the praise <3