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The sister species to the Jordsmi, the deepfolk of the west, they dwell in the abyss of the ocean. In truth, Agu refers the part one would denote the deepfolk, and the Habi refers to the symbiotic species they share their bodies with. Together they form the Aguhabi, an inseparable species now indistinguishable from each other.   They are actually descended from the Jordsmi, having recently split from the same species to form the Aguhabi. They are thus in the same family and genus, and can also have hybridised offspring together. Scholars argue over whether they should be considered a subspecies, race, or breed within the Jorsmii Petrus species or not, however.

Basic Information


Anthropoid and bipedal, they have a strong skeletal structure and are built to withstand the deep pressures of both the Underdepths (like their Jordsmi cousins) and the abyssal waters of the oceans. Their muscles are also strong and dense, but their skin is smooth unlike their cousins, though it is still tough. This makes them especially adapted to swimming on the ocean floors. Their skin is usually a pale grey or murky grey-blue colour. Their lungs and blood are also especially adapted to pulling more oxygen from little air, which can use either their mouth and nostrils, or the Habi gills that sit on their chest (when in water).

Growth Rate & Stages

They continue developing until they're about 40 years old, being considered children up until the age of 30, and finally becoming adults around the age of 50. Anyone over the age of 250 is often viewed as an elder.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have four nostrils; two rows, one above the other. These are originally a holdover from their Jordsmi past, though they have proved useful in their new habitats. The higher pair are usually slightly smaller and closer together. Each of the four nostrils can be controlled and closed independently of each other. This allows them to completely shut off airflow when they are swimming. Their nose and top lip are fused, and connect to two feelers or tentacles, which hang down to their chests. The feelers are prehensile and flexible.   They also possess eyes adapted specifically for the dark waters, with large pupils and thin blue iris'. Other light colours such as grey or green also exist, but they are less common. They have lost the hypersensitivity in their ears and feet that the Jordsmi retain, though they have developed hyper-flexibility in their muscles and spine (in part due to the Habi), and are thus extremely good swimmers. The Habi have also grown a number of "whiskers" on the Aguhabi's face; two from each eyebrow and one from each cheek. These whiskers are actually able to sense electrical signals when in the water, including those given off by biological signatures.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Habi, which has fused around an Agu's upper chest and neck and flows down their spine, links in with their nervous system. This link reaches the eyes of the Agu, and gives them a piercing vision when in water, having altered their optical nerves and retina as well as giving the eyes a clear protective film. This symbiosis has also given the Agu gashes down the centre of the chest and up to the shoulders, which act as gills that allow breathing when under water. The Habi is "fed" by the Agu's blood and nutrients as if it was the same creature.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Mostly within the Co-Principality of Simar and Sima, with a notable number in Khasruvgard, though they can be found in other cities or mines, particularly around the Sima Caldera.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Rithnar is their most prominent language, although with an Agu dialect. There are also creoles with Orkun and Hamātuā, as well as a number of regional dialects both for Sima and the separated areas of the Crorveil Rift.   Their language is unique, and it lends itself towards runic magic, and they are the only society to widely use it, alongside the Jordsmi.
Scientific Name
Altus Jorsmii Simaius
300-350 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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