
Hedona walked ethereal among us. She passed through the buildings like she was air. I think she must have seen me stare in awe, because she held out her hand.   "Touch me," she said with a voice that danced like poured wine.   I did as she said, and her hand was as firm as rock. I realized that it was we who were like air to her.
— A drunk partygoer
  A deity, also known as a god, is a supreme being with a divine nature. Deities primarily exist in the material world as suns, but in the past they walked the realm alongside their followers. There are many tales and stories of dieties manifesting or travel the world through an avatar, but no solid evidence of either definitively happening. A deity can bestow a full or half investment of magic onto their followers, and they may be invoked or channelled by their followers.   All deities were created by Ae. There are currently twelve deities, but it is believed that there may once have been hundreds.

Dangers of a Divine Nature

  The word Deity comes from dei- or di, an ancient word in the Alltongue meaning something along the lines of celestial, radiant, and/or to shine.   In their purest form, the deities of the realm appear like suns far up in the sky. Their presence is felt as the warm radiance of day. The night is not a time abandoned by the Gods, but a time defined by their mercy.   This presence has risks, known well to anyone who has tried to stare at a sun. Looking directly at a deity can sear holes into someones vision, and at worst permanently blind them.
Threefold are thy birthright blessings.   Thou shall know the face of Gods   Thou shall lead thy people and bear their burdens as thine own   Thy people shall give thee tribute  
— The Divine Rights
  When the Gods walked the realm alongside men during the early Written Era, they wore veils or otherwise shrouded themselves in magic to protect their followers. It was not enough. The radiance bled into the earth they walked, and warped the earth around them.   What turned out to be the most toxic, however, was their ichor. Ichor runs in the veins of Gods the same way blood runs in the veins of mortals. Ichor kills everything it touches. Even today, many barren regions are believed to have been the sites of ancient battles fought by the Gods.  

Known Deities



Abundtia is the Goddess of Agriculture and the Outdoors. She's usually depicted as a halfling.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, she is considered the Patron of the Heartlands.  


Aurum is the God of Craft and Invention. He is usually depicted as a dwarf.  


Castellan is the God of Kings and Justice. He is usually depicted as dwarven.   The High Queen of the Castellan Kingdoms is considered his manifestation on earth.  


Hedona is the Goddess of Entertainment. She is usually depicted as human.


Lucia is the Goddess of the Hearth and Home. She is usually depicted as a halfling.  


Mashant is the God of Travel and Commerce. He is usually depicted as a human.  


Polonia is the Goddess of Thresholds and Limits. She is usually depicted as a halfling.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, she is the Patron deity of Pologo.  


Reia is the Goddess of Warfare and Strategy. She is usally depicted as human.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, she is the Patron of Easarch.


Scur is the God of the Military and Labour. He is usually depicted as dwarven.  


Valor is the God(ess) of the Dead and the Dying. They are usually depicted with their twin, Vinca. They are usually depicted as Elven.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, they are the Patron deity of Valoren.  


Vilmaris is the Godess of Oceans and Wilderness. She is usually depicted as an elf.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, she is the Patron of Wesarch.  


Vinca is the Godess of Medicine and Alchemy. She is usually depicted with her twin, Valor. She is usually depicted as an elf.   In the Castellan Kingdoms, she is the Patron of Vincen.




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Dec 18, 2021 23:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that all the gods are usually depicted as certain races - it makes me think certain people might have other headcanons for their gods. I love that you've included your own etymology of 'deity' too. :D

Dec 19, 2021 10:39 by Annie Stein

Thank you! I want to add more to this as I go. The etymology is based on the reconstructed indo-european roots of the word Dyēus, where Dyeu- means the brightness of the day, from dei-/di- meaning to shine/to be bright, I can take credit for the research, but not the emytology itself ^^

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 10, 2022 17:34

I'm a big fan of the starting quote. Reminded me of Pratchett, but beyond that: it strikes as true.   Are there religions or folktales depicting other "gods" that aren't deities?

Jan 10, 2022 19:56 by Annie Stein

Thank you! I vaguely remember reading the same concept in, I think, Sofie's World.   There's definitely a plethora of "gods". Spirits are often worshipped, though more so in the past. Spirits, however, do not bleed ichor and can generally safely make themselves seen. The Theocracy worships the God Lich, who is assumed to not be deity but is certainly a far more powerful lich than any other. We'll need to cut him and see if he bleeds before we make a call on the ichor.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!